Sponsor a child in Bolivia
and change their life for good
In Bolivia's remote communities children can find it hard to get healthcare, sanitation, a good education or even healthy food. Malnutrition and domestic violence are common.
But, through our projects around the globe, every 60 seconds … a family gets water … a hungry child is fed … a family receives the tools to overcome poverty.*
For just 85p a day, your sponsorship can bring all of these things to a Bolivian child, their family and their whole community.
Sponsor a child in Bolivia and save a childhood.
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Yishake's life in Ethiopia
Yishake’s daily needs:
In Lemo, children like Yishake are at risk of all kinds of challenges. Parents often don’t understand why common practices such as child marriage or child labour are harmful to children.
- Children have to walk long distances for water due to a lack of proper water points. Poor hygiene practices and lack of proper sanitation facilities in the area.
- Children struggle to do well at school, and many drop out, because classrooms and facilities are poor.
- Many parents lack knowledge of nutrition, and struggle to provide a balanced diet. Children suffer from malnutrition, leading to stunted growth and poor development.
Your sponsorship can change Yishake's world, and his community, for good.
How Sponsorship Helps
How sponsorship works
When you sponsor a child for £26 a month it brings much needed change to one child… and many more. The benefits you help provide, extend to your child's family, their community and other children in need. This is because we partner, plan and work alongside local community members to help build healthy, sustainable communities for vulnerable children in the world’s hardest places.
What will your donation actually change?
Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too. Depending on the priority needs in your child’s community, as a sponsor you will be improving lives by providing:
Create lasting change
When you sponsor a child, you transform their life by helping to create lasting changes for their entire community
We work with whole communities to understand what they need.
We then work together to plan and deliver the changes that will make life better for them and their children - now and always.
Why choose World Vision?
We are the world’s largest international children’s charity, working to bring real hope to millions of children in the world’s hardest places.
What makes child sponsorship special?
What do I get as a sponsor?
This week
Sign up to My Sponsorship - your online account where you'll find updates, news and videos from your sponsored child and their community. You can even email your child, send them photos or find out what the weather is like where they live!
Next week
Within the first week of signing up, we’ll email you a video of your sponsored child’s community giving you an insight into their daily life.
Within two weeks
You’ll receive a welcome pack with more information, a photo of your sponsored child, and a postcard - so you can easily write to them.
In 12 weeks time
You'll have received your very first letter from your sponsored child. You can write to them anytime by post or online via My Sponsorship. We'll translate and hand-deliver every message and you'll always get a reply.
On your child’s birthday and at Christmas
We’ll send you a card that you can add a message to for you sponsored child. Don’t be surprised if these arrive a couple of months before the big day - it’s just to make sure they get there in time.
Once a year
We’ll send you a progress update every year, including:
- A new photo so you can see how they’ve grown
- An update on how their life is changing
- Details on how your donations have been used in the community that year
- A note or drawing from your sponsored child.
You can visit your child
Visiting your sponsored child is a great way to see for yourself the difference that sponsorship makes. You can experience first-hand the transformation that your generosity can bring to a community living in poverty.
Why sponsor a child in Bolivia?
Bolivia is one of Latin America’s poorest countries particularly in indigenous and rural communities where access to healthcare and sanitation is scarce. Malnutrition, domestic violence and child abuse are widespread.
Child sponsorship in Bolivia: the facts
• 39% of the population live below the poverty line.
• Life expectancy in Bolivia is just 69.
• 7% of people are illiterate.
World Vision has been working in Bolivia since 1975.
Child sponsorship has funded special orphanages and provided educational equipment, community healthcare and sustainable farming practices for better family income and child nutrition.
You can find out more about our child sponsorship work in Bolivia, here.
Please sponsor a child in Bolivia and save a childhood today.
Every 60 seconds … a family gets water … a hungry child is fed … a family receives the tools to overcome poverty.*
*Based on an average of 2.86 million people per year over the last five years (2013-2017) reached with access to clean water. An average household of five individuals results in 571,746 families/ 31.536 million seconds per year resulting in 1.09 families every 60 seconds. The data is published in the World Vision WASH Annual Review.
Based on an average of 4.9 million children receiving food assistance per year over the past four years/ 31.536 million seconds per year resulting in one child per seven seconds. The data is published in the World Vision Food Programmes Master Report and Summary of Annual Figures.
Based on 829,002 new households reached by VisionFund in 2016 it can be stated that one new household is reached every 38 seconds (829,002/ 31.536 million seconds per year), equivalent to 1.6 households every 60 seconds. In addition, World Vision livelihoods programmes have significant reach both within and beyond the VisionFund programme areas. In 2016 these programmes supported 463,800 new and existing savings groups members, in addition to training 106,500 farmers in productive and sustainable farming practices. If the number of non-overlapping VisionFund and World Vision livelihood households reach is considered, the true number being empowered through microfinance loans, savings groups, farmer trainings and other poverty alleviating approaches is likely to be over one million, or equivalent to about two households every 60 seconds.