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Prayer Requests

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis lacus odio. Fusce non odio ac mi molestie pulvinar id faucibus nisl. Nulla non ultrices nunc. Curabitur diam nulla, luctus luctus commodo ac, mollis ac erat. Sed vel scelerisque nisl. Etiam eu velit enim, eu pulvinar velit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent vitae nunc at augue tincidunt consectetur eget et turpis. Sed libero metus, suscipit venenatis mattis nec, pretium posuere eros. Morbi elementum justo vel orci faucibus cursus. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel dui ante.

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Who we are

World Vision believes that by working together with children, their communities, and our supporters and partners, the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children can be transformed. As a Christian organisation, we aspire to reflect God’s unconditional love in all we do.

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In 2017 donations from the UK
transformed the lives of more than

3m children

World Vision UK total expenditure

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goes directly to charitable activities
is invested in fundraising