Pray for Senegal

World Vision is committed to partnering with the people of Senegal to improve their lives today and to help deliver sustainable solutions for the future of their children, families and communities.

Please pray for our work with the poorest children in Senegal.

Pray for Basa

The community of Basa has seen a delay in the rainy season this year. With climate change, we are seeing the rainy season coming later every year. This has a severe impact on the livelihoods of all the people in our community as there are not enough crops to harvest which leads to a severe shortage of food.

Please pray for God’s divine intervention, so the community can have enough timely rainfall to be able to plant and harvest enough crops to feed the communities.

We thank God for our child sponsors and other donors who partner with us to support and care for children and their families. We ask God to bless them and we thank them for changing fear into hope.


Pray for Loul

Rose is 7 years old and has problems with her speech and communication. The doctors haven’t been able to find out what is wrong. Her parents can’t afford the fees for the primary school in their village. This means Rose is isolated at home and feels lonely.

Please pray that God restores Rose’s voice so that she can feel comfortable with her peers and do well at school.

Pierre is 16 years old and cannot hear or speak. His parents used to send him to a special school but they couldn’t continue due to lack of finances. They also could not afford to continue with any of his medical treatment because of lack of funds.Please Pray that God will heal and support Pierre so he’s able to continue his studies and resume his medical treatment.

We thank God for our child sponsors and other donors who partner with us to support and care for children and their families. We ask God to bless them and we thank them for changing fear into hope.


Pray for Mbella

Adama is 15 years old and suffers from hydrocephalus. He cannot go to school or play with friends. He has to be helped with all his basic everyday needs.

Adama’s parents are subsistence farmers and struggle to provide for their family. We recently bought a wheelchair for Adama to help him get around, so he is not so isolated.

Ndeye is 10 years old and has sickle cell anaemia. He is at school but finds life challenging because of his illness. Ndeye’s parents are also poor peasant farmers. We’re providing medical support for Ndeye.

Both Adama and Ndeye’s diseases are chronic and incurable. Please pray they will know God’s peace, hope and comfort. Pray that they are able to access the right kind of medical help, to live a full life. Pray that their families will know the best way to support and care for both Adama and Ndeye.

We thank God for our child sponsors and other donors who partner with us to support and care for children and their families. We ask God to bless them and we thank them for changing fear into hope.

Pray for Patiana

Pray for Souba, 17 years old, and Sadio, 16 years old, who both suffer from epilepsy. They both have regular epileptic fits and cannot attend school.

Their families have tried really hard to find the means to provide medical treatment for them but they just can’t afford it. Please pray for the parents of Souba and Sadio so they may have the means to can provide for their children. Pray for healing for Souba and Sadio so they may continue their studies and lead a full life.

We thank God for our child sponsors and other donors who partner with us to support and care for children and their families. We ask God to bless them and we thank them for changing fear into hope.

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