Pray for Zambia

World Vision is committed to partnering with the people of Zambia to improve their lives today and to help deliver sustainable solutions for the future of their children, families and communities.

Zambia hero -Keembe 32

Please pray for our work with the poorest children in Zambia.

Pray for Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega, both 14 years old, were orphaned when they were small and left to the care of their elderly grandmother.

“Life has not been easy for my twin sister and I,” admits Alpha. “We are always thinking of where our next meal will come from and how our school fees will be paid,” he says.

“We only manage to have one meal in a day and sometimes even go to bed on empty stomachs because our grandmother cannot manage to provide enough food - she is aging and frail.”

To try and ease the burden on their grandmother Alpha and Omega both do odd jobs and gardening so that they can afford to eat. Their grandmother grows and sells peanuts but often this isn’t enough.

“Despite her sickness, our grandmother tries to work very hard to pay our tuition fees,” says Omega.

Both children have been sent home from school because of unpaid fees, forcing them to stay at home until they can pay. “I feel very bad and hurt when my sister and I are chased from school because we miss out on some important things that our friends are taught in our absence,” reveals Alpha.

“I pray that my sister and I should successfully complete school and lead better lives,” says Omega. “My sister wants to become a nurse. I want to be a teacher so that other children become better people too.”

Despite life being challenging, Omega has faith in God and trusts that his prayers and the prayers of others for his family will be answered.

“I feel happy to know that people are praying for me and my family because God answers prayer and all will be well.”

Pray for Alpha and Omega, that their grandmother’s health would improve and that both children would be able to finish school and begin training for their future careers. Pray that God would bless their faithfulness and that as they grow they would follow his path for their lives.

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Pray for Keembe

Alice, aged 6 years, has been suffering from paralysis since she was 2 years old. She is unable to walk, hold things properly and can’t talk. This situation has made her everyday life so difficult, even more since her mother died.

Alice lives with her father. The family have very little and are extremely poor.

Please pray for healing and comfort for Alice. Pray that her father looks after her well and she know the comfort and love of God.

Modester is 12 years old. She is suffering with sickle cell anaemia since birth. She is frequently admitted to hospital and this has impacted on her education and led to poor performance at school.

Modester’s father passed away when she was born and she lives with her mother. Please pray for healing for Modester.

Lweendo, aged 10, has had heart enlargement problems since birth and his family is struggling to raise funds for his continuous medical attention treatment. Please pray for healing for Lweendo and for his family to be able to earn enough money to keep up with his medical care.

The children of Keembe thank God for the special gift of reading and teaching books which was received after a sponsor visit. The reading and teaching books were distributed to schools within the Keembe Community. The books have brought much joy to the children in these schools. We send special thanks and blessings to the sponsors who made this possible.

We thank God for our child sponsors and other donors who partner with us to support and care for children and their families. We ask God to bless them and we thank them for changing fear into hope.

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