Visiting your sponsored child is often a rewarding and life-changing experience – an adventure to remember. However, it’s not one that can be arranged on the spur of the moment.

Because of World Vision’s commitment to child protection, and the often complex arrangements required for travel to remote communities, please give us three months notice to organise a visit to the child you sponsor,

To make it as easy as possible for your face-to-face adventure to begin, there are three main steps to take:


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1. The Application

First complete the Request to Visit form and send it to World Vision at least three months before your trip.

You also need to complete the World Vision UK Policy Declarations form and send to us along with a photo copy of your passport. We will then arrange a visit with your sponsored child (please be aware that political or family circumstances can sometimes prevent visits).

You can email scanned copies of these documents to, or post them to our Milton Keynes office

Download applications forms and documents

Request to visit »

UK policy declarations »

Visit guidelines and World Vision UK »

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2. The Background Check

Because we put the protection and safeguarding of children first, background checks are mandatory.

Everyone over the age of 18 applying for a visit to a sponsored child must provide contact details of a referee. In addition, we will also invite you to attend a brief Child Safeguarding Assessment when we will share our Child Safeguarding Policy and Behavioural Protocols. This is also your opportunity to ask any questions to help you prepare for your trip.

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3. Confirmation

Once your visit to your sponsored child has been approved, we will send you confirmation of the date for your visit.

We will give you the name and phone number of the World Vision escort who will accompany you to help with translation and make your visit an unforgettable experience. You will also receive a detailed itinerary as well as an indication of how much your visit will cost and what is included in the price (such as petrol cost and lunch for your sponsored child and their family). At the same time, your sponsored child's family will be told of your proposed visit; they will be very excited!

Who we are

World Vision believes that by working together with children, their communities, and our supporters and partners, the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children can be transformed. As a Christian organisation, we aspire to reflect God’s unconditional love in all we do.

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In 2017 donations from the UK
transformed the lives of more than

3m children

World Vision UK total expenditure

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goes directly to charitable activities
is invested in fundraising