Children Speak about Monsoons and High Hopes in India
Friday 27, Jul, 2012Steve Richards, World Vision UK Children's Communications Specialist, shares stories from the children of India about monsoon season.
Indian Sponsored Children proclaim “Education is our Right!”
Thursday 26, Jul, 2012Steve Richards, World Vision UK's Children's Communication Specialist, is in India hearing stories from the children of their desire - no, their RIGHT - to education.
Building safety nets to catch children before they fall
Wednesday 25, Jul, 2012Ann Graham shares a personal story of why the West Africa Crisis is so important for us all to take note of and give help to, through the story of one mother's success.
Meeting My Sponsored Child in Sierra Leone
Tuesday 24, Jul, 2012Mia grew up in Sierra Leone, but now lives in London. In this blog she talks about the emotional experience of returning to her homeland to visit her sponsored child.
Lost Childhood
Monday 23, Jul, 2012What is it like to be a child without a childhood? Sent away from home to beg, pulled out of school to support family or too hungry to play – what does it mean to lose your childhood?
Guest blog: “I know it’s my problem too”
Friday 20, Jul, 2012Merry Raymond, one of our #ShareNiger bloggers and here she shares how her experience with the campaign helped her realise that we can all play our parts, no matter how small.
Bolivia, Stories From the Children
Thursday 12, Jul, 2012Steve Richards, World Vision UK's Children's Communication Specialist shares some favourite stories and songs from the children he's recently been working with in Bolivia.
Life on the border – one year on
Thursday 12, Jul, 2012Amanda Koech, a Communications Officer for World Vision Somalia, describes the scene at a border town in the south-west of the country – and asks how the situation has changed one year after a food crisis was declared in East Africa.
The Reason Your Sponsor Letters Can Take a While to Arrive…
Tuesday 10, Jul, 2012Ever wondered why the letters from your sponsored children can take a while to arrive? Well I’ve just spent the last two weeks in Bolivia and have seen firsthand the terrifying roads, high mountains and wide rivers sponsor’s letters have to traverse before they arrive. So next time you hold one of those letters, please take a moment to appreciate the journey it took!
An amazing last day with World Vision in South Africa
Monday 09, Jul, 2012Well, here we are, our last day at Kodumela! We have talked water, fed children a wonderful meal, seen the good that World Vision’s facilitating does, been sang to by old and young, and met a wonderful little boy in red.
Meeting the Sponsored Children Who Grew Up Alongside My Children
Thursday 05, Jul, 2012Today was a long and emotional day, but in the best possible way. Today my family and I met the two South African sponsored children who have been a part of our family for many years. It was such a wonderful experience and one that I really wanted to share with other sponsors.
Hungry Children Eat Locusts to Survive in West Africa Food Crisis
Wednesday 04, Jul, 2012West Africa is currently in the grip of a desperate food crisis. With dying crops, poor rainfall and families still recovering from recent food shortages, the next harvest is still months away. Now, to make matters worse, the already struggling region has been hit by a devastating locust invasion.