What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria
Tuesday 11, Mar, 2014Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.
No Fairy Tale: Can the Children of Syria Ever Find a Happy Ending?
Thursday 20, Mar, 2014Lara Ghaoui from World Vision Lebanon has been present since the outbreak of fighting in Syria 3 years ago. She shares all that she's seen along the way and asks 'When will this end?'
Three Years On: Is There Any Hope for the Children of Syria?
Thursday 13, Mar, 2014World Vision communicator Meg Sattler reflects on three years of conflict and an overwhelming feeling that nobody cares. But we know that people do, and she tells us "A global effort for peace is not impossible."
Priceless Coloured Paper: Why Child-Friendly Spaces Are Vital For Recovery
Tuesday 18, Mar, 2014Once the immediate aftermath of a major emergency like Typhoon Haiyan has past, there is still a huge amount of work to be done, not least in getting the people affected back on their feet. World Vision's child-friendly spaces help children like Harvy to find ways to express themselves and discuss their fears in a safe and supportive environment.
"The moment of meeting was very special"
Tuesday 25, Mar, 2014This week's blog is a sponsor visit story 'with a twist' as Artist Ambassador Paul Ewing reflects on visiting his sponsored child, Chanthorn, in Cambodia. We're very grateful for Paul and all the time and energy he spends as an artist ambassador, and thank him for sharing his story.
A Thank You From A Family Four Hours Away
Thursday 27, Mar, 2014World Vision UK's Head of Public Affairs, Gavin, shares simple message from the crowded camps of Syrian refugees in Jordan: they are truly grateful for your support.
World Vision supports United Nations campaign to end recruitment of child soldiers by 2016
Thursday 06, Mar, 2014The United Nations campaign, Children Not Soldiers, is galvanising support to end and prevent national security forces using children as soldiers by the year 2016.