Making up for lost time

Thursday 01, Oct, 2015

In refugee camps in Lebanon, people are desperate for some kind of normality to return. From children missing out on an education, to shopkeepers attempting to ply their trade - everybody is conscious of lost time as they wait for peace to come to Syria.

Mothers coming together

Tuesday 06, Oct, 2015

As we approach six-months since the earthquake that shook Nepal, Media Specialist Carina Wint has spent a week in one of the hardest hit regions near Kathmandu, seeing how our work in the area has inspired a group of mothers to start their own centre - caring for orphaned and trafficked children.

From struggle to strength

Friday 09, Oct, 2015

We spoke to 17 year old Srey, a courageous young girl who was forced to work within the sex industry when her family fell upon hard times. Thanks to World Vision's intervention Srey has managed to turn her life around.

When rain turns to snow

Tuesday 13, Oct, 2015

In the parks of Belgrade, Serbia, many refugees have pitched tents as they wait to continue their journey into Europe. We spoke to four-year-old Nagisa who has recently arrived with her family. With her father frantically trying to keep their clothes and belongings dry, there are fears that conditions will become worse as winter approaches.

My tent, my home

Thursday 15, Oct, 2015

Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is one of millions of children affected by the Syrian conflict that began in 2011. Separated from his parents and seeking refuge in Lebanon, Ahmed works many hours a day in order to ensure his well-being until his parents are able to cross the borders from Syria and find him.

An angel of the dump

Saturday 17, Oct, 2015

Eight-year-old Tania is one of an estimated 6.6 million children in Bangladesh who work to support their families. But thanks to intervention from a World Vision backed Learning Centre, children like Tania are finding a beacon of hope amidst the rubbish dumps of Dhaka.

World turned upside down

Thursday 22, Oct, 2015

Six-year-old Abishek was severely affected by the Nepal earthquake that devastated his home district of Sindupalchowk back in April of this year. Hundreds of schools were damaged beyond repair and many children, including Abishek, were out of education for the months that followed.

Amanda Redman's trip to Nepal

Tuesday 20, Oct, 2015

Helicopter wrangler and boom operator? All part of the job when you're determined to get media coverage on the plight of Nepalese people, six months after the earthquake. Siân Merrylees, celebrity media specialist, explains…

The difference shelter makes

Saturday 24, Oct, 2015

Nine-year-old Sujita is still terrified when she remembers the two major tremors that shook her home in Nepal, forcing her family to sleep outside in the open. But thanks to World Vision distributions in her area, Sujita and her family can at least sleep safely under proper shelter while they wait for normality to return.

Water of Life

Thursday 29, Oct, 2015

Harriet has had to overcome many challenges throughout her life due to the lack of clean drinking water. Living in Zambia, she has had limited access to water for drinking and bathing until recently, when World Vision drilled a water borehole that has become a lifeline for Harriet and her local community.

Our pumpkin carriage tour | Carve a Heart 2015

Sunday 25, Oct, 2015

Hot on the trail of our Carve a Heart pumpkin carriage, PR Natalie blogs about the journey as she travels around the country this week. She's urging Britons to carve a heart in their pumpkins this year, and turn a night of fear into a night of hope.