Lives fractured by the floods: India’s monsoon survivors

Tuesday 19, Sep, 2017

First hand accounts of India's monsoon response

Clinics provide life-saving healthcare for children fleeing ISIL

Sunday 03, Sep, 2017

For thousands of children and adults in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, accessing healthcare is a daily challenge. After years of conflict and severe economic recession, the health sector has almost ground to a halt, with shortages of medical supplies and qualified health workers.

Sponsorship brings Uttam friendship and hope

Thursday 07, Sep, 2017

Our Children’s Communications Officer, Lauren Vail, travelled to India and had the great privilege of meeting Uttam, a World Vision sponsored child.

Sharing seeds, sparking connection

Friday 08, Sep, 2017

We all start off as strangers. It’s random connections or, perhaps, a higher power that brings people together. With some, we connect and build bonds. We nurture family relationships and develop friendships that span years. With others, we are mere ships in the night, passing by – attending the same places and interacting with the same people, but the proverbial fire never ignites.

Bake Off - Ugandan style, with Selasi

Tuesday 26, Sep, 2017

Over 1 million refugees now live in Uganda having fled from the civil war raging in South Sudan. World Vision works with the World Food Programme to provide meals to exhausted refugees who have just made it across the border into northern Uganda, and also helps distribute monthly rations once the refugees are settled.