‘Real concern’ over reports that aid legislation may be dropped from Queen’s Speech

Tuesday 07, May, 2013

Aid agency World Vision UK is voicing concerns over reports that a government commitment to meet a 43-year old promise on foreign aid may not be enshrined in law.

Somalia conference in London focuses on protecting women and children

Wednesday 08, May, 2013

Efforts to tackle sexual violence have been highlighted at a major international conference on Somalia’s future.

Queen’s Speech 2013: World Vision UK’s reaction

Wednesday 08, May, 2013

World Vision UK’s reaction to the 2013 Queen’s Speech which has just been delivered, setting out the UK Government’s legislative plans for the next year.

Tax havens 320,000 times wealthier than neighbours

Friday 10, May, 2013

The damaging impact of tax havens on poor countries was thrown into sharp relief by new figures published today ahead of the G7 Finance Ministers’ Meeting showing that Cayman Islanders are on paper 320,000 times wealthier than Nicaraguans.

Families take refuge as tropical storm hits Bangladesh

Thursday 16, May, 2013

More than a thousand people including scores of children have sought refuge in World Vision’s emergency shelters, as stormy weather from Tropical Cyclone Mahasen strikes the Bangladesh coastline.

Children’s voices must be heard as communities prepare for disasters

Wednesday 22, May, 2013

Preparing thoroughly for disasters must be at the heart of future aid work, World Vision has said at an international conference on the issue.