Disasters Emergency Committee appeal raises more than £7m for Gaza

The DEC Gaza Crisis Appeal has reached a total of more than £7m just four days since it was launched.


With £7million already raised and more donations expected over the next few weeks, the DEC’s 13 member agencies will be able to scale up their humanitarian response for hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza, while a renewed ceasefire holds. This includes support for the reconstruction of essential infrastructure destroyed in the conflict, such as power supplies, water and sewage systems.

DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed said:

“The UK public has been extremely generous and donations are coming in steadily. But the scale of the devastation in Gaza is immense and we need people to keep giving so our member agencies can deliver the huge humanitarian relief effort needed to help meet the basic needs of hundreds of thousands of people.

“Aid workers in Gaza are telling us that lives have been torn apart.  People urgently need food, water, shelter and medical treatment and help to rebuild essential infrastructure like water and sewage systems.

“Now that the ceasefire is holding, aid agencies are redoubling their efforts to get aid through.

“Inevitably as other high profile events in the world draw the cameras elsewhere, media interest has decreased in the Gaza crisis, but the need is still very much there and we urge people to give what they can.”

Aid delivered in the past 48 hours includes:

  • World Vision is helping over 10,000 people at the moment, including 1,000 food parcels and 300 hygiene kits. They are also moving to larger scale food distributions, starting with hygiene kits in the UN schools, increased medical support for hospital including 7,000 gallons of fuels for two hospitals. It is also opening ten child friendly centres with psychological first aid support staff with capacity for 1,000 every two weeks.
  • Save the Children has helped more than 19,000 people, including 13,000 children, with food, drinking water and psychosocial support.
  • ActionAid is reaching more than 3,000 people with food vouchers and providing fuel for generators to help 900 people whose homes have been destroyed.
  • Oxfam is delivering safe water to up to 200,000 people per day and have distributed food vouchers to 52,000 people.
  • Islamic Relief is providing water to 35,000 people, food to 14,000 people and medical care to 13 hospitals.
  • CAFOD partners are reaching 99,000 people with water, sanitation and hygiene kits.
  • British Red Cross partners have reached over 60,000 people with medical and first aid services, and distributed vital relief items including mattresses and blankets to over 8,000 families.

The DEC launched its Gaza Crisis Appeal on Friday 8 August with support from all major UK broadcasters. The appeal has been boosted by substantial support from the Department for International Development, which matched the first £2m donated by the public pound-for-pound.  

What your money will buy:

  • £25 can buy 150 bandages
  • £50 can feed five families for a day
  • £100 can provide an emergency shelter kit and blankets for one family

Stay up to date with developments in Gaza, the emergency response and the fundraising efforts with the DEC on twitter: twitter.com/decappeal or on Facebook via facebook.com/DisastersEmergencyCommittee

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