Funding must translate rapidly into action for Syrian refugees

World Vision UK has welcomed the pledge of more than US$10bn for the Syria Crisis as a significant stride forward to treat the ‘symptoms of the Syria Crisis’.

But the aid agency warned that the money must now translate into action for millions of children who have fled the crisis – and efforts must be stepped up to tackle the cause of the conflict itself, and to secure peace for the generation of children affected by five years of fighting.

Gavin Crowden, Head of Policy and Programmes at World Vision UK, said:

“This is a strong financial commitment which is a significant stride forward after half a decade of under-funding.

“We’re seeing a tipping point in countries neighbouring Syria, where conditions for children are now so dire that families have had enough. They’re making life-threatening journeys to Europe for survival, security and, frankly, some dignity.

“Sadly, with a patchwork of EU policies, it rarely works out that way.

“Britain is leading the way financially but has only allowed in 1,000 of the 20,000 refugees it announced – and we need urgent clarity on how many unaccompanied children will be given sanctuary.”

World Vision joins DEC appeal to raise urgent funds for Indonesia tsunami survivors

The members of the DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) launched the joint fundraising appeal today to raise vital funds for the survivors of the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami.

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: World Vision UK launches appeal

World Vision UK has launched an emergency appeal to help people suffering in the aftermath of the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami.

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: Recovery may take more than 2 years

World Vision experts say it will take years for communities in and around the Indonesian city of Palu to recover.

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: World Vision response teams arrive in Palu

World Vision emergency response teams have arrived in Palu, to urgently support rescue workers searching for survivors two days after a powerful earthquake hit Indonesia and triggered a tsunami.