Statement in response to the announcement of new DFID Minister
Aid charity World Vision UK today called upon Priti Patel to make a 'no cuts' pledge on Britain's foreign aid budget. The charity urged the new Secretary of State for International Development to preserve Britain's commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of GDP on overseas aid.
Rob Henderson, Public Affairs Officer for World Vision UK, said: “People question what impact a Whitehall department has on children’s lives thousands of miles away. The answer is 'massive'. The UK punches above its weight - championing children abused by war, ending child marriage and restoring dignity to children in the world’s toughest places. Our influence on the world stage makes this country a force to be reckoned with.
“Priti Patel must honour our progressive track recordon a range of projects - like promoting peace through inter-faith work and halting the spread of Ebola.She must continue Britain’s 0.7 per cent overseas aid promise, spending generously and wisely to give a brighter future for millions of children across the world.”