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261 Search results for ‘Emergencies’

First Steps In Ethiopia

The Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia was one of the worst-affected areas of the 1984 famine. Today it's green, beautiful and lush with crops. World Vision never would have started our work in Ethiopia, however, were it not for this one man.
Head of Humanitarian Emergencies for World Vision

Urgent help needed for South Sudan to avert catastrophe

The dire conditions of hungry children in South Sudan will get unimaginably worse unless urgent measures are taken to reverse a rapidly deteriorating situation, a new report warns today. Governments meet in Oslo tomorrow to discuss pledging funds to avert a humanitarian catastrophe.

Festivals & Partnerships

World Vision is proud to be exhibiting at various festivals and exhibitions. Please do come and visit our stand to find out more!
are excited to be talking about Children in Emergencies this

Organic Farming: A Lifeline Not A Luxury

This week we mark 6 months since the world's strongest recorded typhoon made landfall in the Philippines, Leoniza highlights some of the lesser-known impacts of disasters and talks to one family for whom organic farming is more than just a shelf in the supermarket: it's a lifeline.

Azraq refugee camp opens amidst growing humanitarian needs of Syrian crisis

A new refugee camp has opened in Jordan, designed to provide 100,000 people with long-term care and shelter. Over the last year World Vision has worked alongside the United Nations and other aid agencies to develop a purpose built camp that can offer immediate, but also lasting, refuge.

"Now I can play again": What Winter Coats Mean To The Children of Syria

Two Syrian siblings share their joy at receiving the simplest of gifts - a pair of winter coats - and the difference it has made to their lives. It's stories like this that really show us how much your support matters.

"The Flood Is Like A Thief": How World Vision Is Helping Solomon Islanders

28-year-old mother Rebecca tell a World Vision volunteer about escaping the flash floods that have affected more than 52,000 people and how they will be getting their lives back on track.

UK Government unveils life-saving funding for 'under the radar' crises

International Development Secretary Justine Greening will today announce the UK Department for International Development (DFID) support for two key Start Network programmes: the Start Fund and Start Build.
Response to small scale emergencies that often receive little … as part of its Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme. In

A Thank You From A Family Four Hours Away

World Vision UK's Head of Public Affairs, Gavin, shares simple message from the crowded camps of Syrian refugees in Jordan: they are truly grateful for your support.

Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza

You helped us raise over £290,000 for the Gaza Crisis Appeal.
to enable us to be better prepared when new emergencies

No Fairy Tale: Can the Children of Syria Ever Find a Happy Ending?

Lara Ghaoui from World Vision Lebanon has been present since the outbreak of fighting in Syria 3 years ago. She shares all that she's seen along the way and asks 'When will this end?'

Priceless Coloured Paper: Why Child-Friendly Spaces Are Vital For Recovery

Once the immediate aftermath of a major emergency like Typhoon Haiyan has past, there is still a huge amount of work to be done, not least in getting the people affected back on their feet. World Vision's child-friendly spaces help children like Harvy to find ways to express themselves and discuss their fears in a safe and supportive environment.

Three Years On: Is There Any Hope for the Children of Syria?

World Vision communicator Meg Sattler reflects on three years of conflict and an overwhelming feeling that nobody cares. But we know that people do, and she tells us "A global effort for peace is not impossible."

What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria

Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.

The big day arrives to see my sponsored child in Cambodia

Stories from our supporters, who manage to visit their sponsored child, always help to provide a flavour of what life is like in an ADP. In today's blog we are privileged to see photos and read the personal reflections from Linda's trip, where she met her sponsored child, Tora, in Cambodia.
community was to the Health Centre. No emergencies or births that

Public urged to voice their outrage and demand action to prevent a lost generation in Syria

Children cannot afford another year of bloodshed, suffering and missed education, warn aid agencies

Children bear brunt of South Sudan conflict as fighting flares

South Sudan’s brutal conflict is exacting a severe toll on children in the country, with more than half of those displaced being adolescents.