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311 Search results for ‘Girls’

Vanuatu Cyclone Pam Update

An update on Cyclone Pam which swept through the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu flattening almost everything in its path and leaving thousands of children and families struggling for survival 13 March 2015.
of the increased vulnerability of women and girls to abuse after a disaster and ways of … issues regarding the protection of women and girls after a disaster. In


a common concern for parents of girls in

Runa stands up from the ruins

19-year-old Runa was on her roof hanging laundry when the earthquake struck last weekend, but thankfully she and her family all survived. Their home, and everything in it, however, were not so lucky.

Hearing girl’s voices in northern Kenya

As the African continent marked the Day of the African Child last summer, Lucy Murunga was privileged to join thousands of children from northern Kenya in their celebrations.
what steps they could take to protect girls in the … harsh reality and reminder of the repression girls still experience in this region. … undergo a certain tradition. Time and again girls have to flee from their homes in order to


View all the posts from World Vision UK's charity blog in May 2015.
a common concern for parents of girls in

Why I care about Action 2015

Sue Tinney, World Vision child sponsor and World Vision Ambassador, blogs about her experiences at the Action/2015 summit in London and how the Sustainable Development Goals can help children like her sponsored child Laurent in Senegal.

Mothers in crisis

Conflict in Syria and Iraq has caused huge levels of displacement as the crisis in both countries continues. With millions of children caught in a state of flux, without schooling and security, it often falls on their mothers to try and provide stability as best they can. We met two such women, Ghada and Enstar, who are doing their best to keep their family safe.
with at least half of them being women and girls. The impact of the war on them is … and girls have become the most vulnerable group

World Vision reveals alarming rates of malnutrition among mothers in South Sudan

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, World Vision reveals that in the country that has the highest rate of maternal mortality.
the situation of women and girls is dire … when these girls become

Protecting girls from violence

Violence against women and girls is all too prevalent in the world. It crosses cultures, economic status and ethnicity.
all names have been changed Protecting girls and women from violence The vast majority … Violence against women and girls is all too prevalent in the world. It

A grandmother's love

World Vision’s Girl's Holistic Development Project has been helping to improve the health and wellbeing of girls in Senegal. Through an education focused on female elders - who are often responsible for carrying out FGM/C, attitudes towards the practice are now changing and new maternal relationships based on trust and guidance are now being developed.
and girls like Dialan are now benefitting from the … has been helping to improve the lives of girls in the area. The project works to unite … not contribute to the development of young girls. In the past daughters would not dare allow

Fight against female genital mutilation an uphill challenge

For girls like 13 year old Naipanoi, the illegal practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a constant fear - often leading to early marriages, school dropouts and health risks. As part of Action 2015, World Vision is campaigning to end violence against children in all its forms. Alongside work in the community, World Vision has recently built a rescue centre - offering shelter, temporary accommodation and a chance for girls to continue their education.
is serving as a rescue centre for girls fleeing from female genital … the school offers temporary shelter to the girls while arrangements are made to apprehend

Letter from Tim Pilkington: Happy New Year

World Vision UK Acting Chief Exec Tim Pilkington shares why 2015 is an unique year ahead.

A decade on - the Boxing Day tsunami

A decade ago today, a massive undersea earthquake triggered a tsunami that affected 12 countries and took the lives of more than 230,000 people. In response to the disaster World Vision launched its largest ever relief operation across five countries simultaneously. Ten years on, we’ve gathered a collection of stories from staff and survivors to tell you the tale of destruction, loss, and rebuilding.
water towered above them and captured the girls.

Happiness on Christmas Day

17 year-old-Chenda is rebuilding her life after suffering from years of sexual exploitation, and has been staying at World Vision Cambodia’s Trauma Recovery Centre for more than a year. This year is Chenda’s second Christmas celebration at the centre.
says Chenda. Girls stay at the centre for up to two … the girls have organised a small show for their … a small birthday cake with candles for the girls to enjoy. Chenda happily eats dinner

Eliminating violence against women and girls

Tuesday 25 November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a day devoted to raising awareness of the scale of violence facing women and girls around the globe. Senior Policy Adviser Erica Hall reflects on why the day is important, how far we have come and why it seems like such an unattainable goal.
of the scale of violence facing women and girls around the globe. Senior Policy Adviser … 60 million girls are sexually assaulted … school Over 60 million girls worldwide are child brides   But

Celebrating 25 years of child rights

This year both Madeleine, World Vision UK's Child Rights Policy Officer, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, turn 25. In today's blog Madeleine reflects on the differences brought by 25 years of child rights, and where there is still room for continued growth.
approximately 15 million girls will still be married before they turn 18.

Last visit to Namachete

For World Vision Campaigns Coordinator Rohena, managing project closure updates was personal as she was one of many sponsors who had to say goodbye to their sponsored children. However, before she said farewell, she visited Josephy in Malawi to see the changes brought about by 15 years of sponsorship.
head teacher he proudly told us that forty girls and boys in the community have been able to

Still learning despite Ebola

Thanks to the Ministry of Education and World Vision, children across Sierra Leone are still able to learn despite lockdowns and quarantines. Radio lessons are broadcasting on 28 local stations across the country so that children like Rugi can keep up with their studies.
day boys and girls. How are

Ebola Crisis Update

Now that Sierra Leone is Ebola Free, we look back at the outbreak and ahead to what still needs to be done.
girls and boys aged 7 to 18 from nine districts

Ebola's children

Across Sierra Leone, the Ebola epidemic is affecting children in a number of ways. Children have been orphaned, some have contracted the virus, sadly some children have died from the disease. Children who have so far managed to escape direct contact with the virus have been victims of pervasive fear and no longer play with one another. Large public gatherings of any kind have been banned to help stop the spread of the disease, but this is hurting incomes and educations, and will soon begin to affect nutrition as well. In today’s blog, we tell the story of four children - Hawa, Salay, Marie and Christian – and how Ebola has affected each of them.
the girls are eager to learn. Both Salay and Marie are