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373 Search results for ‘Conflict’

G7: Last hope for the world's most vulnerable children

Ahead of the G7 summit, World Vision urges PM David Cameron to ensure the world’s most vulnerable children aren’t forgotten.
of atrocities and consequences from civil conflicts and humanitarian … the majority of them are in fragile and conflict affected places.

Keeping hope alive

Can children trapped in a cycle of conflict and uncertainty, many of whom have seen and experienced so much pain, see a glimmer of hope? The conflict in Syria has caused huge instability in neighbouring Iraq, with around 2.5 million people having to leave their homes due to fighting. In a recent visit to the region, we spoke to some of the children who were hoping their lives would someday get back on track.
Can children trapped in a cycle of conflict and uncertainty … The conflict in Syria has caused huge instability in … about the children caught up in Syria's conflict.

World Food Programme

Today thousands of children and their families, just like Deng and his grandmother, line up at one of our food distribution centres waiting to receive life-saving food. With your help we can make sure everyone gets a month’s supply of food.
or where conflict and violence has driven families from their

Seeing real change in Ethiopia

This February, World Vision Policy and Programmes Director David Westwood took a plane with Public Engagement Director Mathew Neville to visit just some of the people who have experienced the changes of sponsorship over the past few decades.
of a million refugees fleeing the ongoing conflict in the neighbouring country. Gambella is hot

‘Political solution is the only option for Syria’, says World Vision

‘Political solution the only option for Syria’, says World Vision, on eve of Syria Donor conference in Kuwait.
in neighboring countries. Families fleeing conflict face growing restrictions while trying to … see some real pressure on all parties to the conflict to end fighting and enter into

Mothers in crisis

Conflict in Syria and Iraq has caused huge levels of displacement as the crisis in both countries continues. With millions of children caught in a state of flux, without schooling and security, it often falls on their mothers to try and provide stability as best they can. We met two such women, Ghada and Enstar, who are doing their best to keep their family safe.
Conflict in Syria and Iraq has caused huge levels of … Syria. With no end in sight to the Syrian conflict Ghada hopes that one day she and her

Meeting Jalel

World Vision’s Rhonda Hirst visited Jalel - a 5 year-old child who saves the food he gets at school so that his family won't go hungry at home. She saw how the conflict in Syria had forced children like Jalel into a difficult and desperate position, but how remedial education classes were throwing him a lifeline and a future.

Aid agencies give UN Security Council a 'fail grade' on Syria

World Vision along with 20 NGOs criticised UNSC powers for failing to alleviate the suffering of civilians in Syria.
of civilians in Syria amid intensifying conflict four years after the start of the crisis. … people killed in the conflict out of a total of at least

Living through trauma: Asil's story

15-year-old Asil grew up in a small town in Syria with his father and younger siblings. One day, however, the family’s quiet life had been swallowed by the rolling conflict that had been taking place in Syria since March 2011. As bombs began to fly, Asil and his family made the first of what would become many moves in search of a safe place to shelter.
children have now been affected by the conflict. They’ve fled their … quiet life was shattered by the conflict that has been taking place in Syria since

Exhausted endurance - Syrian refugees in Lebanon

Rob Henderson first visited Lebanon in 2013 amid rumblings that the country, already playing host to half a million Syrian refugees, was at bursting point. Despite the hard realities of daily life, Rob still managed to find stories of hope. However, when he returned to Lebanon a year later on secondment, that hope was greatly eroded.
was now growing weary after two years of conflict. I’d heard this from World Vision’s … conflict between Syrian refugees and Lebanese … to improving the lives of children living in conflict. Since our Syria appeal was first launched

World Vision reveals alarming rates of malnutrition among mothers in South Sudan

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, World Vision reveals that in the country that has the highest rate of maternal mortality.

Protecting girls from violence

Violence against women and girls is all too prevalent in the world. It crosses cultures, economic status and ethnicity.
risk of violence increases in emergency or conflict situations. Women and children become … violence in conflict We know that violence does not begin with a conflict or an

Every blanket and smile counts

Eleven year-old Lama and her family have survived the latest war on Gaza and, with the help of World Vision's Child Friendly Spaces, she is looking forward to a better, more stable future.

Planting the seeds of an education

Eleven year old Chok and his family are among the many people displaced by conflict in South Sudan. Thanks to World Vision, a seed distribution programme is helping Chok's father Jumar grow the food he needs to enable his children to go to school.
Chok smiles. Fleeing conflict Chok lives in a small town in the northern … 160 children who had been affected by conflict in South Sudan and found that children

World Vision condemns the abduction of 89 boys in South Sudan

World Vision condemns the abduction in South Sudan and joins the UN to call for immediate release and return to their families.

Seeking refuge in Iraq

As fighting continues to spread through Iraq, families are fleeing for the relative safety of Iraqi Kurdistan. World Vision is providing cash assistance to mothers like Ekhbal, who fled her village with a newborn son and three other children.

World Vision reaches ½ million people with aid in South Sudan

World Vision's relief effort include food rations, providing seeds, fishing nets, water, sanitation, hygiene services and more.
today announced that their response to the conflict in South Sudan has reached over ½ million … 1.5 million who have been displaced since conflict erupted in South Sudan in December

Winter is a time of fear for families in Za'atari

As the Middle East prepares for another harsh winter, the situation facing the estimated 11 million Syrians displaced by the crisis becomes even more difficult. The cold is particularly dangerous for young children, and those living in informal tents and sub-standard buildings. Ahead of tomorrow’s Coats for Syria fundraiser, we speak to the parents of 20 month old Nouras about their worries.

Hoping for a sweet start to the new year

We talk to a young Syrian family living in Azraq refugee camp, as they prepare for yet another harsh winter in freezing conditions.

Let’s Make 2015 a Year of Action for Children

Today marks the launch of Action 2015, a campaign to bring the world together to create the post Millennium Development Goals. World Vision is working to help children around the world achieve their full potential and make sure that they are well represented in the new sustainable development framework. External Relations Manager Geeta writes that her New Year's resolution is to raise her voice and let our leaders know they have the gift to make 2015 a year of action for children. They must act.
Address peace and stability in fragile and conflict affected countries End all forms of