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311 Search results for ‘Girls’

Living with the threat of Ebola

Zainab is a 12-year old secondary school student in eastern Sierra Leone. Although she and her family have so far remained healthy and safe from Ebola, the disease currently ravaging the country has infected her life in other ways.

Leading her peers into the future

World Vision works in Myanmar and many other countries around the world on education and other crucial projects. For International Day of the Girl this Saturday we are celebrating girls like Pan, whose efforts are changing their communities and the futures of the girls and boys living there for the better.
of the Girl this Saturday we are celebrating girls like … their communities and the futures of the girls and boys living there for the better.

Back to School in India

As children across the UK return to school this week, we reflect on the stories of sponsored children living in countries where something we take for granted is far from certain. World Vision believes that primary education is both a basic right of every child, and the surest way to help a poor community lift itself out of poverty. But in the world’s poorest areas, education is often overlooked.

How Local Advocacy Can Form A Global Agenda: Reflections From The Girl Summit Youth Delegates

Alice and Alfred flew in from Sierra Leone to take part in the Girl Summit to tackle the issues of FGM and early marriage. One month on from their visit, they both take time to reflect on the change they are helping enable from a local to a global level.
responsibility as reasons for allowing their girls to go through FGM. I have also noticed … FGM is a pathway that prepares girls into adulthood and subsequently marriage. It

Knowing when you have to hide

As the conflict in Gaza continues, Alex Snary, Director of World Vision’s Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza office, prepares to address children’s emotional trauma once again.
girls the other

Girl Summit 2014: World Vision leads drive to end FGM and child marriage

Speaking at UK's first Girl Summit, WVUK CEO Justin Byworth shares solutions to end FGM & Early Marriage.
committed to scale up its work to protect girls from the fear of child marriage and FGM.  … we will put the voices of girls and boys at the heart of our

Girl Summit: Children Free From Fear of FGM and Early Marriage

Ahead of next week's Girl Summit our Child Rights Programme Advisor, Tracy Shields shares why she's raising not just her voice and our voice, but the voices of the children living in fear of FGM and early marriage.
We need this summit because 1 in 3 girls around the world are married as children. We … this summit because up to 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone

Charity says UK can learn from success stories in Africa, following today’s launch of Parliamentary FGM report

World Vision UK welcomes today's parliamentary report “Female genital mutilation: the case for a national action plan”.
have helped drastically reduce the number of girls forced to undergo

Ride to the Rock: Ian’s Odyssey

Earlier this month, Ian rode 2,117 miles in 8 days with 8 fellow bikers from the UK to Gibraltar and back again to raise money for World Vision. Read his diaries from the trip and learn why he put u pwith the heat, the pain and the gorgeous views...
money for a World Vision project to educate girls in Zimbabwe. A sponsor for several … to help enable girls in Zimbabwe get an education. During a … enabling education for girls. I wonder what gems of knowledge and what

Youth Delegates: "Sexual Violence Should Not Be A Taboo Issue"

World Vision Youth Delegates Babra, Espe and Suad share their stories to help end sexual violence in conflict.
many girls are not going to

Angela's Story: "Enough is enough."

At this week’s Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict we’ll be promoting the voice of one survivor whose road to London is one of both heartbreaking pain and heart-warming recovery.
the LRA were going to keep only pretty girls and release the … But the rebel soldiers saw through the girls’ desperate disguises and Angela was one of

Time To Act: Ending Sexual Violence In Conflict

On the eve of the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, our senior child rights policy advisor, Erica, shares her personal experiences that highlight just how important the summit is for everyone involved.
I have met girls in … many of these girls think he should exist. I have listened to girls in eastern DRC tell me they do not go to

World Vision Cup unites youth against violence

World Vision will be hosting its own World Cup that will bring nearly 200 youth from 13 countries together to play football, ahead of the world-renowned FIFA World Cup.
Brazil. Though these boys and girls will be rivals on the


of girls

World Vision UK welcomes first prosecution under the Female Genital Mutilation Act

The Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed that Dr Dhanuson Dharmasena and Hasan Mohamed will appear before magistrates at Westminster Magistrates Court in April. They will be charged relating to a medical procedure performed in a London hospital in 2012.
girls are deemed at risk of suffering FGM even … to support alternative rites of passage for girls designed by the … build a network to look out for and protect girls at risk of FGM. Britain can learn from this

What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria

Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.
in the infectious energy of 40 teenage girls at the youth centre World Vision supports in … Girls from

World Vision supports United Nations campaign to end recruitment of child soldiers by 2016

The United Nations campaign, Children Not Soldiers, is galvanising support to end and prevent national security forces using children as soldiers by the year 2016.
by the year 2016.  Thousands of girls and boys have been recruited to work in

World Vision welcomes Asda and P&G’s Safe Drinking Water Programme

Global humanitarian charity World Vision today welcomes British supermarket Asda and consumer goods company P&G’s effort to bring 75 million days’ worth of clean drinking water to communities in the developing world.
the number of girls able to attend school