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320 Search results for ‘Humanitarian’

Pregnancy in the time of Ebola

As Ebola continues to infect and take lives across Sierra Leone, it is making daily life increasingly difficult. We spoke to Hawa, a 40 year old mum now going through her seventh pregnancy, about her fears and worries.

Ethiopia and BandAid 30 years on

Tomorrow marks BandAid's 30 year anniversary of the 'Feed the World' recording. Last month, we arranged a trip for BBC reporter Mike Wooldridge to return to the Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia, the place where he and Michael Buerk traveled with World Vision 30 years ago. The dramatic broadcast and the suffering they brought into the spotlight inspired Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single.
one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern … prompting one of the greatest ever humanitarian relief efforts. Michael Wooldridge and … again come together to raise money for a humanitarian emergency. This

Orphaned by Ebola

Aminata is a 12-year-old girl living in southern Sierra Leone. She is one of an estimated 6,000 children who have been orphaned by the deadliest Ebola virus outbreak in history.

32 graves

Bruno Col is currently in Sierra Leone helping respond to the health crisis in the country. He was strongly moved when he attended an Ebola victim’s safe and dignified burial by a World Vision burial team.

One year on, it's only tears of happiness

This Saturday marks the one year anniversary of the day when Typhoon Haiyan hit land in the Philippines and left a trail of death and destruction in its wake. Ahead of the anniversary, Emergency Programme Support Officer Anna visited some of the worst hit areas and saw the amazing rebirth and rebuilding that has taken place in the past year.

Faith leaders on the frontline of the Ebola crisis

Faith leaders across West Africa are using their unique position within communities to help stop the spread of Ebola.
to help stop this medical crisis becoming a humanitarian catastrophe. To make a donation to the

Keeping the fighters safe

As healthworkers In Sierra Leone lead the fight against Ebola, they too are often succumbing to the virus. World Vision has already donated and distributed large quantities of protective gear and medical supplies, but as Allieu Bangura, World Vision Sierra Leone’s National Health Advisor, explains, more equipment is urgently needed.

Meditations on a pumpkin

As World Vision’s A Night of Hope campaign draws to a close tomorrow evening Brand Marketing Manager Rowena Luis takes time to reflect.

World Vision in unprecedented DEC launch of Ebola Crisis Appeal

World Vision and 12 other leading UK aid agencies have announced today they will launch a historic appeal in a bid to halt the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
but threatens to become a humanitarian catastrophe.  The explosive spread of Ebola … history the DEC has launched appeals for humanitarian disasters caused by

BBC crew returns to Ethiopia, 30 years after historic broadcast

World Vision is back in Ethiopia as we mark the 30th anniversary of Michael Buerk & Mike Wooldridge’s harrowing and moving reports.
Live Aid concerts  and the first large scale humanitarian relief effort.  Thirty years

Sara's Story

Sara grew up safe and secure in a middle class family in Damascus. As the fighting escalated, Sara and her family experienced the worst of human nature as homes were bombed, women kidnapped, and the air of her once quiet neighbourhood became filled with the sounds of guns and people dying. And then the violence finally reached her family.

Time is running out for Gazan children

The bombs may have stopped falling for now but the war is not over for Gaza’s children.
the blockade to ensure there is unrestricted humanitarian access. The most recent fighting was the

South Sudan - World Vision & Other Leading Aid Agencies Warn Famine Imminent

Agencies fear recent improvements will be wiped out as the number of severely hungry people will rise by 1 million in first three months of 2015
by the vagaries of the weather and though humanitarian aid is vital it cannot fix a political … appeals for humanitarian work in South Sudan and the refugee crisis

World leaders must act now before Ebola spirals out of control

As UK hosts Ebola conference, World Vision and partners welcome the strong commitment demonstrated by many Governments so far in responding to the crisis
humanitarian agencies and community groups to slow

South Sudan escapes official famine, but even without a name hunger still kills

South Sudan's food insecurity hasn't worsened to the point of famine, but situation is still very dire.
years.  The IPC report credited ongoing humanitarian assistance with averting a worse situation. … but continued fighting jeopardises humanitarian access and can make delivery of aid to those

Easing the burden for host communities

The conflict in Syria is now in its fourth year, and has already claimed more than 190,000 lives—at least 10,000 confirmed to be children. It has forced approximately nine million people to flee their homes and almost three million to take refuge in neighbouring countries.

Ripples, and the beat of a butterfly's wings

Gavin Crowden, World Vision’s head of Policy and Public Affairs answers the question ‘What’s the point of Party Conferences anyway?’
be talking about our humanitarian efforts to support Syria’s children and the

Children “May Never Recover” from Syrian Conflict

World Vision is urging world leaders not to forget the ongoing suffering of children caused by the Syrian conflict, as refugee numbers surpassed three million today.
biggest humanitarian emergency of our … needs to be given to host countries and humanitarian actors. We’re going to be dealing with this

More Cash Needed as Famine Looms in South Sudan

One hundred days after an international donor conference was held to raise money to bring aid to South Sudan, the country urgently requires still more cash as it hovers on the brink of famine.
Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian

World Vision Welcomes the Announcement of the Gaza Ceasefire

World Vision calls for ceasefire to hold to address the urgent needs of children and to provide urgent aid delivery.
truce gives us a corridor to provide humanitarian aid and support rebuilding … these last escalations elevated the humanitarian concerns to a catastrophic level. Today most