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232 Search results for ‘Syria’

DEC announces Syria Crisis Appeal

The Disasters Emergency Committee is launching an appeal for people affected by the conflict in Syria. The announcement follows a dramatic deterioration in the humanitarian situation since the beginning of the year.
for people affected by the conflict in Syria. The announcement follows a dramatic … Lebanon who have fled the fighting in Syria. There are now over three million people

Fundraise for World Vision

Syria The war in Syria was just an obstacle in the academic path of … group of Syrian refugee children who strongly believe that

Our Ambassador Program

Find out more about volunteering with World Vision. Share your passion. Inspire others to help the world’s most vulnerable children.
Geoff's raising money for our work with Syrian refugee children. His fundraising

Emergency Response

About this Christian charity, with a history timeline. World Vision work to bring hope to millions as a sign of God's unconditional love.

Parents marry off daughters in attempt to protect them, says new study

New research, released today by World Vision, shines a new light on the link between conflict, disasters and early child marriage.
during conflict such as Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo for

Children bear brunt of Syria fighting as refugee numbers top one million

As the number of refugees fleeing Syria tops one million, children are bearing the brunt as the situation worsens, warns World Vision. Almost two years since the start of conflict in Syria, and the numbers of refugees fleeing the country has reached one million, much sooner than anyone predicted.
As the number of refugees fleeing Syria tops one … of those million refugees who fled Syria are children … daughter due to the conflict in Syria. The war forced her to flee to Lebanon where

Children battling pneumonia as Syrian refugees face harsh winter

Families who fled fighting in Syria are facing tough conditions in neighbouring Lebanon, as storms and freezing temperatures continue to grip the country.
Families who fled fighting in Syria are facing tough conditions in neighbouring … announced today. I saw the plight of Syrian refugees for myself just before

Three weeks on a park bench and a harsh winter ahead – Yasmin’s story

World Vision UK Communications Officer, Vikki Meakin writes about the work World Vision are doing to help Syrian refugees left cold and homeless in Lebanon.
to see how World Vision is helping the Syrian refugees arriving in their thousands across … her mum and her dad when life in Syria got too dangerous. Yasmin’s

Children are bearing the brunt of the Syria crisis say World Vision

In Bekaa valley, 11-year-old Taghrid lives with 16 other people in a cold, ramshackle, tent-like construction. Her family has been here for four months, after fleeing from Syria.
after fleeing from Syria. Until they were forced to … drive from the Syrian border. World Vision staff who are helping

Middle East reflections

World Vision CEO Justin Byworth reflects on his time in the Middle East and the complexities of the region’s relationships, which are all too often under intense pressure.
spaces there.  My mind is drawn back to the Syrian refugees I met in … that they want to avoid again at all costs.  Syria’s opposition fighting the Bashir

Lebanese Generosity: “They are our family, not just our neighbours,”

Justin Byworth, World Vision UK CEO, travelled to Lebanon to see first hand the almost unbearable pressure the country is under with the influx of Syrian refugees.
of refugees in Lebanon across the Syrian border as families flee into a world they … road is a place where tens of thousands of Syrian refugees first encounter the welcome of

“We told her the bombing was balloons popping” – A Mother’s Heartbreak in Lebanon

Our CEO, Justin Byworth, is in Lebanon trying to understand what life is like for the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria.
of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria. In his first missive from … common among the Syrian refugees flocking to the city. By … Syrian refugees who have fled to Lebanon since the