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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

Statement in response to the announcement of new DFID Minister

World Vision reaction to the new DFID Minister, urging Ms Patel to not abandon the 0.7% aid commitment.
Aid charity World Vision UK today called upon … make a 'no cuts' pledge on Britain's foreign aid budget. The charity urged the new Secretary … to spend 0.7 per cent of GDP on overseas aid. Rob

Tanzania - Unexpected Riches amid the struggle

Nigel and Sue Hodder, lovely World Vision child sponsors, recently visited the Kilimatinde project in Tanzania – a community facing poverty but so rich in character. Nigel shares their experience with us.
able to take out a business loan to be repaid with an agreed rate of interest plus … a whole flock very quickly. It should be said that the family live in a hamlet of 9 or 10

"Before the programme, we were ashamed" | Building girl's confidence in Ethiopia

People may think of Ethiopia as one of the poorest countries in the world. A country that has, in a generation, experienced widespread famine, conflict, drought and disease. While these are still very real issues in Ethiopia, this may not be the Ethiopia that one would see today - and it’s certainly not the Ethiopia that Catherine Greenhalgh saw when she travelled there in May of this year…
said a male member of the girls club in … said a female member of the girls club in … one lovely girl said Not a single student said

South Sudan: World Vision calls for protection of children as tens of thousands displaced by intense fighting

The fighting that erupted in South Sudan over the past five days has displaced an estimated 36,000 people, many of them are children.
displaced as possible with emergency relief aid. Jeremiah … to get out to deliver aid as soon as the security situation is deemed

World Vision joins new drive to end violence against children

World Vision today joins a new partnership to end violence against children across the world, backed by British Government funding to tackle online sexual exploitation.

New PM must continue Britain's proud legacy of global leadership for children

World Vision urges the new Prime Minister to continue the UK's proud legacy of global leadership for children.

Statement in response to the escalating violence in South Sudan

Heavy fighting is rocking the capital, Juba, following a flare-up in escalating violence that coincided with world's newest nation marking its fifth year of independence.
said Young.

"In South Sudan, we help keep children alive" | Life in a camp in South Sudan

South Sudan marks its 5th anniversary of independence today, on 9 July. However, the young nation faces many challenges and fresh fighting erupted in and around the capital in the past days. Children continue to suffer the most, as many have lost family members over the years and have fled their homes.
which poses a challenge to aid deliveries. When the conflict erupted in

South Sudan’s independence anniversary marred by fresh fighting

World Vision staff are hunkered down in the Juba headquarters following an outbreak of armed fighting within the capital. At one stage shooting took place in the streets outside the World Vision compound.
Glinski said. In the past … the UN said there were an estimated of … as a chief cause of the challenges aid agencies are facing. Logistical difficulties

How Theresa’s new found confidence is helping to change her life

no longer worried by her insecurities or afraid of her family situation to hold her back and

"Regina has been alone since the death of her parents" | Coping with stigma in Sierra Leone

11-year-old Regina sits in front of her small mud house, wearing a colourful yellow dress that stands out against the grey backdrop. She leans against the wall next to her grandmother, who is balancing a little boy on her lap, but who can barely walk anymore. It has been just over a year since her parents died and Regina remembers that time as if it were yesterday…
death of her parents. Other children were afraid of her and she didn’t have friends. Her home

World Vision garden wins gold medal at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

World Vision UK’s garden at the prestigious Hampton Court Palace Flower Show (HCPFS) has won the coveted gold medal today.
Warland said. Warland is the designer behind the

World Vision responds to severe flooding in China

World Vision teams in China are distributing relief items to areas battered by continuous rainstorms and severe flooding, as more than 200 rivers in the country reach critical levels.

"Things were very different before" | Visiting a savings group in Sierra Leone

After three days following the local women’s savings group in Jaiama Bongor, Sierra Leone, Kate Shaw was eager to speak to a family to find out the difference their mother’s new investments had made for them. After a morning at the farm and processing cassava last week, she drove down a few streets to speak to one mother and daughter, Mariama and 12-year-old Mabel...
paid still not having paid the … Mabel went for the interview and I paid her school fees for secondary school and … Mariama has paid back both the loans

"Now, they need shoes, we buy shoes" | Visiting a savings group in Sierra Leone

Last week I travelled with blogger Annie to Sierra Leone to visit one of our child sponsorship projects there and hear from the community about the effects Ebola has had on their lives. One of the most inspiring stories to come from the epidemic was that of a local women’s savings group who had banded together to make sure their families did not go hungry during the crisis...
incredible privilege to see the money being paid out. All the women seemed to have been

Child labour and how child sponsorship is helping

Child labour is a fact of life for millions of children around the world. You can help us continue to tackle child labour by sponsoring a child today.

World Vision leads the way in Ebola crisis

World Vision has supported more than 1.5million people whose lives were devastated by the Ebola virus, the charity’s latest Impact Report reveals today.

Reaction to Brexit vote

Responding to news that Britain has voted to leave the European Union, Tim Pilkington, Chief Executive of World Vision UK, said: "Following a divisive campaign, we need to return to a unified and confident government that stays influential on the world stage and continues to push for reforms which benefit children in the world's toughest countries."

Jailing of warlord “victory in battle to end impunity”

The International Criminal Court announced today that Jean-Pierre Bemba, an ex-rebel leader from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has been jailed for 18 years following his convictions for war crimes including sexual violence in the Central African Republic.