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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

A refugee mother's to-do list

For most mothers, daily life revolves around the items on each day’s to-do list: heading to work, helping with homework, cooking, getting the children to bed. In some ways, daily life for a refugee mother is similar; they do many of the same things for their own families. But doing those things looks entirely different for a mother whose family has been forced from their home by war...
run by one of the aid groups working here and it helps children to

World Refugee Day: Africa reels under refugee crisis as World Vision warns that closure of Dadaab camp will trigger new migrants wave

Shutting the world’s largest refugee camp could unleash a new wave of human migration across North Africa and Europe, according to World Vision UK.
reliance on expensive and unsustainable aid

Every drop counts | Clean water in Malawi

11-year-old Priscilla had to walk miles across hot terrain every day to collect water for herself and her grandmother, often encountering threats such as hyenas. Since we renovated the borehole in Priscilla's community, she no longer has to make the dangerous journey, and she can focus on achieving her dream of becoming a teacher.
making the journey on her own. Since her maiden walk when she was just … she said glumly. In all … said that as soon as World Vision … said Mbewe.

Tribute to MP Jo Cox

World Vision has paid tribute to MP Jo Cox. Charles Badenoch, Vice President, Advocacy and Justice for Children at World Vision International, said: “Jo was a shining advocate for children’s rights the world over, and an inspiration to so many people. Her senseless death is a huge blow and we continue to hold her family in our prayers."
        World Vision has paid tribute to MP Jo Cox and extends condolences

Communities tackling hunger | El Nino in Ethiopia

Thirty-two-year-old Shega is worried for her three children. While she lives just a few metres from a concrete water reservoir, she still has to walk for three miles to access water clean enough for her family to drink. For many mothers like her, the drought in Ethiopia is drying up water sources and destroying crops – two issues that are now being addressed through our intervention…
Shega said. … said Hundeya. The group has enabled mothers … she said. Other mothers in Hundeya’s group also … said

Parliament SDG reports: World Vision calls for the UK government to put greater focus on needs of the children

World Vision UK has lamented the government’s lack of focus on children’s issues and has called for the UK to produce a strategic cross-government plan that outlines a clear path to achieving the SDGs.

Keeping girls safe | Water access in times of El Nino

Ethiopia is currently experiencing its worst drought for decades, affecting an estimated 10.2 million people. We have been working to repair and restore existing water supplies so that community members like Letekiros and Kedan can access clean and safe water for their families...
braided hair. They looked beautiful and pristine. … said Letekiros. World Vision renovated the … Letekiros said proudly. Life may not be easy for

Women supporting women | Linking empowerment and resilience in Myanmar

How can we minimise the impacts of a natural disaster? WVUK’s Rachel Canclini Kettle travelled to Myanmar to see how our work was helping communities to do just that; through early warning systems, laying cement roads and forming savings groups so that women of the community can support each other with money and resources. Rachel felt lucky to have been able to visit and see the impact our work is having…
goods. The interest when the loan is repaid is then pooled in a community … pride was evident not only in what they said but in their smiles and stature.

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.
the aid agency World Vision was pleased with the … largest donor governments and 15 major aid organisations was a significant achievement … of innovation for improved effectiveness of aid

Bringing hope to children like Vung

a mother I am afraid when winter comes my children will get wet

Htet's dreams are shining again

was so afraid that I would not be able to continue my

On her own | Post Ebola story in Sierra Leone

In pre-Ebola Sierra Leone, Maria lived with her parents, two sisters and little brother. She had a good life and was happy. Her memories of family days echo the happy, sunny, carefree days many of us associate with childhood.
too. I am alone and I am hungry often. I said goodbye to them and wished them good luck.

Innovative technology and tools the key to revolutionising humanitarian responses

A coordinated approach is urgently needed when it comes to technologies, tools and models in humanitarian innovation, says World Vision.
platform for beneficiary registration and aid distributions. The aid agency established … giving aid recipients new dignity and control.  The … Mr. Jenkins said.

Grand Bargain helps move humanitarian system away from one-system-fits-all approach

The humanitarian system must move away from a centralised, one-system-fits-all approach.
to bring significant improvements in the way aid is collectively mobilised and delivered. … to bring significant improvements in the way aid is collectively mobilised and

Hope for a better future for Benny

I am very fit and I liked what the officer said about trainees getting an

Bringing hope to children like Puja

and so the committee paid for one to be built. After Puja and her

Ups and downs | Helping Ebola orphans in an uncertain future

Ten-year-old Musu lost both of her parents and her little brother to Ebola. Shortly after, Musu and her sister Maria began showing symptoms of the virus. The sisters received treatment and moved in with their uncle, where they have daily chores to help him get by. The girls are still adjusting to their lives without their family, and faced stigma upon returning to school.
was thinking about my own death and I was afraid to die. That’s when I had my … braids my hair and tells me that it is very

“Sustainable Development Goals impossible to attain without funding revolution,” warns World Vision UK

Aid agency World Vision UK warns that an increasingly fragile and unstable world could put the global sustainable development goals at risk unless a new funding approach is established.
Aid agency World Vision UK warns that an … the aid agency believes that three specific reforms

Drought in Mozambique | Protecting children from El Nino’s affects

Travelling through Western Mozambique, it immediately becomes obvious what the problem is. Large bridges pass over riverbeds that are completely devoid of water. Most of the fields were planted with maize, but the crops are yellow and withered. It is clear that the drought brought about by this year's El Niño phenomenon is having a big impact on this country. Bert Smit visits our Chioco Area Development Programme in Mozambique, a community that is supported by child sponsors from the UK…

Reaction: Anti-corruption summit pays little attention to concerns of civil society

International children’s charity World Vision UK has welcomed the anti-corruption summit’s commitments but questioned its focus.
financial disclosures although for us in the aid sector we feel the course of discussions had