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625 Search results for ‘Education’


protection and care services with health and education support in order to promote

Mina’s Dream | Child labour in Bangladesh

At just 12 years old, Mina has concerns that far exceed her years. Her hands are scarred and continually sore because of her job breaking bricks, and she only eats two small meals a day. However, one of our projects in Bangladesh is giving her hope that she can follow her dream of becoming a Police Officer.

Parliament SDG reports: World Vision calls for the UK government to put greater focus on needs of the children

World Vision UK has lamented the government’s lack of focus on children’s issues and has called for the UK to produce a strategic cross-government plan that outlines a clear path to achieving the SDGs.
access to quality education and the promotion of peaceful and inclusive

Restoring hope | Getting children to school in Albania

Twelve-year-old Emanuel's transport to school was withdrawn due to lack of funding, and so he had a long trip to class and back every day, even in severely bad weather. He was often ill due to this, until we were able to intervene and make it easier for Emanuel, and hundreds of children like him, to get to school again..
it difficult for children to reach the education they’re entitled to. Her mother Lula … construction work available. Lula values education highly and sees it as a route out of


a tailoring business. In addition to educational

Hope is growing for children like Janete in Namacurra

no way she would be able to get the further education she needed with the lack of money her family

Women supporting women | Linking empowerment and resilience in Myanmar

How can we minimise the impacts of a natural disaster? WVUK’s Rachel Canclini Kettle travelled to Myanmar to see how our work was helping communities to do just that; through early warning systems, laying cement roads and forming savings groups so that women of the community can support each other with money and resources. Rachel felt lucky to have been able to visit and see the impact our work is having…
education and other essential knowledge for the health … education of their children. Some of the groups are … families because we know about health and education too. We are a part of our own

A brighter future for children like Queen

at her school stopped her from getting the education she needed to achieve her potential. Most … they would become pregnant and have to leave education for good. Thanks to

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.
to its core priorities especially around education in … innovation and partnering.   On education in … through their responses by prioritising education and child protection.  Nina

Growing hope for children's futures in Chioco

needed. Agnes was unable to go into higher education because she had to help on the farm. The

Bringing hope to children like Vung

it was never enough. Her passion is for the education of her children. But as a … got from selling the pigs was used for more education and for health

Htet's dreams are shining again

that I would not be able to continue my education as my mother was sick and we faced a very … Htet can continue her education and achieve her dream of becoming a teacher.

The future is bright for Bipin

that saving money to afford healthcare and education for Bipin and his brothers and sisters was … able to go to school and is getting a decent education. His mum and dad have been able to rent out

On her own | Post Ebola story in Sierra Leone

In pre-Ebola Sierra Leone, Maria lived with her parents, two sisters and little brother. She had a good life and was happy. Her memories of family days echo the happy, sunny, carefree days many of us associate with childhood.
but they need extra emotional and educational support. … encourages me to continue with my education. With

John Warland | RHS Shows

John Warland is a World Vision child sponsor and award winning garden designer. John created the World Vision garden that will be at the Chelsea and Hampton Court RHS Shows this summer.
educations were not too disrupted. This … act as a trusted source of information and education when the containment of the disease was so … education could begin again. In terms of

Bringing hope to children in Sot Nikum

but to stay and get an education and be trained in something useful that can

Bringing hope to children like Nishu

interested in a quality education for their children because they

Bringing hope to children like Puja

like diarrhoea. The problem was there was no education on personal hygiene.   Thanks to