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311 Search results for ‘Girls’

Bangladesh: Riverboat Songs, ADP Visits and Eating with Your Hands

World Vision’s Director of Public Engagement, Mathew Neville shares the emotions of visiting an ADP in Bangladesh that has seen real growth and success.
be reached by boat or motorcycle and two girls came out holding birthday cards that they

India Development Progress Risked by Premature UK Aid Withdrawal

World Vision calls for aid to be phased out over longer period

Photo Blog – Children protecting communities against natural disasters

Today is International Disaster Risk Reduction Day, and here at World Vision we have been teaching children around the world about the importance of knowing what to do when disaster strikes. Here is a snapshot of what children are learning from World Vision, from Mongolia to Haiti and beyond.

Dancing, Mud Huts and Dreams in Malawi

Lisa Blunt, a World Vision Child sponsor, blogs about her recent trip to Malawi and all of the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that came with it.
with other partners to build a hostel for girls so they can attend the school safely and not

Cool Teenagers and Fun Photos in South Africa

In his second blog installment from South Africa, James Butler writes about day two of his trip and visiting his sponsored child’s school.
manage to get a photo of us and the group of girls

A School Visit and a Farewell in Zimbabwe

In her 4th blog World Vision Sponsor Samantha talks about visiting the school that her sponsored children attend.
see the girls

A Wonderful Reunion with my Sponsored Children in Zimbabwe

In her 3rd blog installment Samantha tells us about the highlight of her trip so far…
  It was about 20 minutes in the car to the girls was so good to see her again.  Both of the girls have obviously grown over the last 6 … and give pictures of our family to the girls.  We were also able to give small gifts to

Lopez Lomong: I did not know it at the time – but my childhood had just ended

Lopez Lomong, who was kidnapped from a Sudanese village aged just six, will run the 5,000m for Team USA at the London 2012 Olympics. This is just part of his story.
other soldiers herded boys and girls and teenagers toward the trucks while … are never far away from those other boys and girls

Building safety nets to catch children before they fall

Ann Graham shares a personal story of why the West Africa Crisis is so important for us all to take note of and give help to, through the story of one mother's success.
in a desperate attempt to hydrate her baby girls. It was a pitiful sight. And as I left the … know if those little girls would live and if I am honest I thought the

Guest blog: “I know it’s my problem too”

Merry Raymond, one of our #ShareNiger bloggers and here she shares how her experience with the campaign helped her realise that we can all play our parts, no matter how small.

My 40th Birthday in Senegal

Today was my 40th birthday. I remember my Mum and Dad heading out to dinner to celebrate Mum’s 40th, when I was just 11. They seemed so old! I don’t feel old at all, and funnily enough, I no longer think they are either. Today I shared my birthday with an elderly Village Chief in a remote village in Senegal, a village that his father established in 1957. He reminisced with me about the good old days. And, I met some confident Senegalese children who had a different tale to tell! This is indeed a suitable 40th birthday story…
a little different.  Most aspiring girls here want to be teachers and nurses.  Khady