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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

World Vision among top ten UK charities to work for

World Vision UK has been hailed as a top charity by its workforce, climbing to ninth place in the Sunday Times’ prestigious ‘Best 100 Not-for-Profit Organisations’ list.

Meeting Adrian in Bolivia

Joanne Blair, with her sister Linda, travelled accross Bolivia to meet her sponsored child, Adrian, in the mountainous community of Tacopaya where World Vision UK are working.
meal with a whole guinea pig laid out like a spatchcock chicken on top of

Aid agencies urgently responding to unprecedented conflict at UN Protection of Civilians site

Tens of thousands of South Sudanese are living in dire conditions and extreme fear after destruction of most of a UN Protection of Civilian (POC)
and the injury of scores of others. Aid agency World Vision is warning that some … and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in … World Vision has been distributing food aid to thousands of

Lost along the way

Goran Stupar spent last week in Serbia speaking to refugees about the things they've lost since fleeing Syria. Broken, discarded shoes by roadsides, clothing washed up on beaches, alongside bags packed full with personal items, however belongings lost along the way pale in comparison to the memories they’ve left behind.
He said there were almost 50 people and 20 children … aid to refugees arriving in

Syria Bombing Damages A’zaz Hospital | World Vision UK

A World Vision-supported hospital in northern Syria has been damaged by a missile near miss. Read more on the Syria crisis from charity World Vision.
said the incident highlights blatant disregard … she said. … have been displaced in the Aleppo region. Aid systems in border camps and … said Angela

World Vision made them feel safe again

Media Specialist Carina Wint travelled to the Children of War centre in Gulu, Northern Uganda, to see how World Vision is helping children like nine-year-old Moses find safety and catch up on the years they have lost…

Waiting to start a new life

Syrian refugee and father, Fahad, discusses the treacherous couple of years he and his family have endured since fleeing their home. Sleeping at a roadside with his wife and 5 children, all Fahad wishes for is safety and a place for his family to call home.
where Fahad says he paid which is more than can be said for other refugee children in Adasevci

Saying no

In primary school, Kenyan activist Betty Lolgisoi watched as one by one her friends went through female genital mutilation (FGM). In her village it was something that every girl went through as a rite of passage. However, after attending a World Vision training about the dangers of FGM, Betty’s mum encouraged her to stand up and say no. Despite the stigmatisation Betty and her family experienced, she held fast, and today works with World Vision to encourage other girls to avoid the practice too.
went through it as well. But since I said my younger sisters have said no as well. I first heard about World … I joined World Vision with other girls who said no to

A Snapshot of Cambodia

Trudi Cotton recently joined our first World Vision group sponsor trip to Cambodia to meet her sponsored child, Lin, and see the projects she supports. She shares a few of her favourite photos with us here.
other. I gave her dad a solar torch and he said he would use it so the girls could read in

Funding must translate rapidly into action for Syrian refugees

World Vision UK has welcomed the pledge of more than US$10bn for the Syria Crisis as a significant stride forward to treat the ‘symptoms of the Syria Crisis’.
But the aid agency warned that the money must now

Children’s lives at stake unless Syria Crisis donors ‘shift up a gear’

World leaders gathering in London today must make a realistic and robust funding pledge.
charity World Vision said. … said Fran … millions of Syrians blocked from receiving aid and refugees languishing in neighbouring

Serbia: Sadness starts in the South

Our Head of Policy Gavin Crowden spent last week in Serbia, walking with refugees and hearing their stories. What he found were parents who had fled a depleted Syria, desperately searching for a 'home' that often exists amongst relatives abroad, and a future for their children.
their lives it is almost normal. One family said they decided to leave only after their third

Cautious welcome for Government's child refugee announcement

Britain's decision to take more unaccompanied child refugees from Syria is honourable but we need more.

Webcam abuse case is ‘tip of the iceberg’, warns World Vision

Online abuse of vulnerable children overseas is on the rise because of the growing use of webcams, World Vision UK has warned following the sentencing of an offender at the Old Bailey today.
guilty to 18 offences. The court heard he paid thousands of pounds for live internet images … Senior Child Rights Advisor at aid agency World Vision

Overcoming obstacles: a unique visit to Albania

Sue Lavender, a World Vision UK child sponsor, talks about overcoming the challenges associated with being deaf and blind, and going on a fantastic adventure to visit her sponsored child, Olsi and his family in Albania.
trouble hearing everything that was being said as everyone seemed to be talking at once. It

The days of feeling unsafe are over now

12-year-old Ndawona and her five siblings were left sleeping in a mud hut covered with dry grass. The poor condition of their shelter meant that it leaked every time it rained, forcing them to stand up in the middle of the nigh. Thanks to a local Health Committee trained by World Vision, the future is now looking brighter for the young family.
nights we slept afraid’ … from danger. Most nights we slept afraid that someone would come in and do us

Water is life

For father-of-four Ali, fleeing the conflict in Syria was only the start of his families’ hardship. Reaching the relative safety of a refugee camp in Lebanon, it was the difficulty in obtaining safe water that was not only a daily struggle, but also a real health risk. But thanks to a World Vision ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’ programme, the availability of clean water is helping to keep Ali’s family and the wider community healthy.
so I said that it was

Sierra Leone is "better equipped" to handle Ebola, says World Vision

World Vision’s response teams and ambulance fleet are on standby after Sierra Leone officials confirmed new Ebola case.
confirmed a new death from Ebola. The aid agency is on heightened alert as a new Ebola … said Mr. Fonnie. He

Children’s lives at risk unless EU and member states act now

Hundreds of thousands more children could die unless EU countries offer better protection to refugees entering Europe, World Vision warns today. The global children's charity says urgent action is needed, as agencies meet in Italy to recommend concrete actions to help governments address the European refugee crisis.