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939 Search results for ‘CAR’

Seeing the fruits of sponsorship in Uganda

Seeing gorillas, hippos and elephants in their natural habitat was special, but for Lady Louisa Gordon Lennox and her family, the high point of a recent safari in Uganda was meeting Teopista, the teenager they sponsor through World Vision UK.
the people walking and the women carrying things on their heads and the children

How bicycles have rescued girls in Zimbabwe

Our Saramine Mukute was excited to be visiting Zimbabwe. Not just because she grew up in such a beautiful country, but because of the challenge that lay ahead of her - she was going to see how World Vision is helping thousands of girls in rural Zimbabwe access education and it involved a bicycle ride…
brought home to me why these bicycles were carefully designed with the rural terrain in

Bikes, chickens, and menstrual pads | Educating girls in Zimbabwe

Bikes, chickens, and menstrual pads - just a few of the things improving life in Sanzukwi ADP in Zimbabwe. When sponsor Claire Bardsley visited, she saw signs of drought and hardship, but also signs of encouragement and hope...
World Vision selects sponsored children carefully and their support is concentrated … tactic. We take Mbalanthle back in the car with … 30 degree heat. Having a lift home in the car must be such a relief. In the

A burden no more | Preventing child marriage in Bangladesh

After overcoming epilepsy and avoiding an arranged marriage when she was just 14, Sonia is determined to work for World Vision one day. Now 22, Sonia credits the NGO with supporting her and her family while she was young. This is her story...
helped her get a diagnosis and receive the care she needed. Today the condition no longer … as a way to make sure their daughters are cared for. Deeply entrenched cultural practices

Farming families struggle to survive in drought-stricken Ethiopia

Belaynesh helps her family whenever she can, often in the burning heat of the afternoon. With neither a good roof nor mosquito nets, malaria is the second biggest threat the family is facing after the failed harvest. While Ethiopia sits in the grip of El Nino, the 13-year-old is a sponsored child, and over the years, the support of her sponsor has helped make up for the rain in other ways...
now have four cows and one bull and I take care of them … shifted from being a crop farmer to taking care of animals. … I often spend a few hours taking care of our little herd and in the

Five Voices | Perspectives from South Sudan

Yesterday, on July 9, Juba’s hot and dusty roads were filled with people from across the country commemorating five years since South Sudan declared its independence. We took some time beforehand to speak to children and parents about how the last few years have shaped the country and the lives of its people...
able to find my family anymore. I was scared and cried. I didn’t know what had

"In South Sudan, we help keep children alive" | Life in a camp in South Sudan

South Sudan marks its 5th anniversary of independence today, on 9 July. However, the young nation faces many challenges and fresh fighting erupted in and around the capital in the past days. Children continue to suffer the most, as many have lost family members over the years and have fled their homes.
while some stay at home to take care of babies. There aren’t many

South Sudan’s independence anniversary marred by fresh fighting

World Vision staff are hunkered down in the Juba headquarters following an outbreak of armed fighting within the capital. At one stage shooting took place in the streets outside the World Vision compound.
water and medical care to children and families most in need. … refugees arrive daily. These families often carry no more than a change of

"My children used to have to work" | Saving in the time of Ebola

10-year-old Fatmata was terrified when Ebola came to her village. Not only did it personally affect her, but the impact of closed schools and lost livelihoods were felt all across Sierra Leone. However, thanks to a mixture of radio lessons and savings groups, education was made to be accessible and affordable, in spite of the situation…
scared to go back. I needed a new

How one sheep can turn family life around

is our great achievement. We take care of the sheep together and now we have three

How Emanuel can achieve dreams

bags that sponsors have given to them to carry their school supplies and help with their … received school bags from their sponsors to carry their school supplies.  Thank you for

A truly life changing experience - meeting Akash

Pam Agius, a World Vision child sponsor, recently came back from a group trip to India where she met her sponsored child, Akash. Here she shares about the special experience she had.

"Regina has been alone since the death of her parents" | Coping with stigma in Sierra Leone

11-year-old Regina sits in front of her small mud house, wearing a colourful yellow dress that stands out against the grey backdrop. She leans against the wall next to her grandmother, who is balancing a little boy on her lap, but who can barely walk anymore. It has been just over a year since her parents died and Regina remembers that time as if it were yesterday…
both her parents were quick to care for them. It wasn’t long before both her


care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care

Four Lessons from Ethiopia

Tim Bousfield travels with a group from Hitchin Church to visit and say a final farewell to the children they have sponsored for years in Addis ADP in Ethiopia
care to apply. They certainly weren’t objects … step back on the boat and head home. When Oscar Wilde suggested that … as their carers. With 800 of them knocking out 500 eggs a

The rise & fall of Ebola | Reflections on our World Vision garden

Award-winning garden designer John Warland created the World Vision garden that recently won a silver-gilt award at this years’ Chelsea Flower Show. A long-term child sponsor of Ronald in Bolivia, this year John wanted to create a garden that reflected the positive impact of World Vision's work. Ahead of Hampton Court RHS Show this summer, he explains the concepts that bring the garden together…
daisies remind us of the naïve beauty and carefree days of our childhood … the wilderness. Remembering these simple carefree pleasures remind us how many children

"Things were very different before" | Visiting a savings group in Sierra Leone

After three days following the local women’s savings group in Jaiama Bongor, Sierra Leone, Kate Shaw was eager to speak to a family to find out the difference their mother’s new investments had made for them. After a morning at the farm and processing cassava last week, she drove down a few streets to speak to one mother and daughter, Mariama and 12-year-old Mabel...
has been part of the motivation for this career choice. In the osusu … is taking care of this family. Mariama

The impact of Ebola on change and protection

As an advocate for change in her country, 17-year-old Alice felt the impact of the Ebola crisis twice; not only did it affect her family and peers on a personal level, it also slowed the rate of change and support she could give to vulnerable girls in her community. She describes how upsetting it was to see girls as young as 14 falling pregnant, and how we can still work together to support those in need…

"Now, they need shoes, we buy shoes" | Visiting a savings group in Sierra Leone

Last week I travelled with blogger Annie to Sierra Leone to visit one of our child sponsorship projects there and hear from the community about the effects Ebola has had on their lives. One of the most inspiring stories to come from the epidemic was that of a local women’s savings group who had banded together to make sure their families did not go hungry during the crisis...
carefully … woman tells us she has three kids to take care … so she is waiting for the share out to take care of her children and pay their school fees


Read our blogs from July
taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80