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939 Search results for ‘CAR’

"I want to learn to write my name" | Dreaming of school in Lebanon

Fatima, 35, mother-of-six fled Aleppo for Lebanon in 2012. Her husband left her shortly after the war had started. Today, more than three years later, she and her children live in a tiny makeshift tent in Jeb Jannine, the western part of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. While she knew life as a refugee would not be easy, Fatima never thought she’d be relying on her children to support the family.
year since Fatima stopped working to take care of her three other

The stress of war on parents | Supporting refugees in Lebanon

Inside a school in Lebanon’s Zahle, 30-year-old Suriya is trying to stop her 4-year-old son, Ahmed, from running around the room. It’s been four years since Suriya fled Damascus with her husband and three children. Even though time has passed, the memories of bombs, killings, and war are fresh in her mind. Bringing up children amidst a crisis is challenging...
and caregivers of children aged

A health group gives new mother the lifeline she needs

Ricarda holds her newborn baby Ramírez. Thanks to … a new mother the lifeline she needs    Ricarda gave birth to her first … Ricarda was able to get vital help and support.

Taking the most vulnerable under their wing

We care for … The group now care for over 30

Growing a happier, healthier future for Delia

Delia is no longer scared of going to bed with an empty

A refugee mother's to-do list

For most mothers, daily life revolves around the items on each day’s to-do list: heading to work, helping with homework, cooking, getting the children to bed. In some ways, daily life for a refugee mother is similar; they do many of the same things for their own families. But doing those things looks entirely different for a mother whose family has been forced from their home by war...
I have to walk and carry Jamal. The doctors at the clinic are nice

World Refugee Day: Africa reels under refugee crisis as World Vision warns that closure of Dadaab camp will trigger new migrants wave

Shutting the world’s largest refugee camp could unleash a new wave of human migration across North Africa and Europe, according to World Vision UK.
care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care

Tribute to MP Jo Cox

World Vision has paid tribute to MP Jo Cox. Charles Badenoch, Vice President, Advocacy and Justice for Children at World Vision International, said: “Jo was a shining advocate for children’s rights the world over, and an inspiration to so many people. Her senseless death is a huge blow and we continue to hold her family in our prayers."
care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care


care for all children.     Championing … care.   The occasion of the first Global … the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of … opportunity to realise their right to family care

Communities tackling hunger | El Nino in Ethiopia

Thirty-two-year-old Shega is worried for her three children. While she lives just a few metres from a concrete water reservoir, she still has to walk for three miles to access water clean enough for her family to drink. For many mothers like her, the drought in Ethiopia is drying up water sources and destroying crops – two issues that are now being addressed through our intervention…
carrots and beetroots. World Vision also

Who knows best what children and communities in poverty need? Try asking them!

Caught up in the ambition to do good, and the rush to deliver programmes under tight timelines, international development NGOs run the risk of failing to listen to the very people they are trying to help. By listening, regularly and carefully, to the children and communities we're supporting, we are finding that we can achieve even greater change…

Mina’s Dream | Child labour in Bangladesh

At just 12 years old, Mina has concerns that far exceed her years. Her hands are scarred and continually sore because of her job breaking bricks, and she only eats two small meals a day. However, one of our projects in Bangladesh is giving her hope that she can follow her dream of becoming a Police Officer.
that far exceed her years. Her hands are scarred and continually sore because of her job … got many scars on my hands from breaking

Parliament SDG reports: World Vision calls for the UK government to put greater focus on needs of the children

World Vision UK has lamented the government’s lack of focus on children’s issues and has called for the UK to produce a strategic cross-government plan that outlines a clear path to achieving the SDGs.

Restoring hope | Getting children to school in Albania

Twelve-year-old Emanuel's transport to school was withdrawn due to lack of funding, and so he had a long trip to class and back every day, even in severely bad weather. He was often ill due to this, until we were able to intervene and make it easier for Emanuel, and hundreds of children like him, to get to school again..
husband are searching for jobs. Lula takes care of the children and housework while her

Keeping girls safe | Water access in times of El Nino

Ethiopia is currently experiencing its worst drought for decades, affecting an estimated 10.2 million people. We have been working to repair and restore existing water supplies so that community members like Letekiros and Kedan can access clean and safe water for their families...
made of stone. They both wore cotton scarfs with embroidered trimmings covering their

How Sonia's studies will change a generation’s future

young adults practical skills in healthcare and training in agricultural farming. Sonia … farming and healthcare. Inspired by what she had


taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80

Women supporting women | Linking empowerment and resilience in Myanmar

How can we minimise the impacts of a natural disaster? WVUK’s Rachel Canclini Kettle travelled to Myanmar to see how our work was helping communities to do just that; through early warning systems, laying cement roads and forming savings groups so that women of the community can support each other with money and resources. Rachel felt lucky to have been able to visit and see the impact our work is having…
village has recently had an Early Childhood Care and Development Centre built

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.