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373 Search results for ‘Conflict’

Loved By Parents tweetathon: raising money for Congolese children affected by conflict

Parenting website Loved By Parents is running a tweetathon in aid of World Vision’s DR Congo appeal, helping children affected by conflict in the region.
helping children affected by conflict in the region. With the challenge of … do to help. Children suffer during conflict In a matter of … a place wracked by conflict between government and rebel troops. The

“We told her the bombing was balloons popping” – A Mother’s Heartbreak in Lebanon

Our CEO, Justin Byworth, is in Lebanon trying to understand what life is like for the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria.
the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria. In his first missive from … refugees who have fled to Lebanon since the conflict erupted

World Vision welcomes Gaza ceasefire, but warns of looming humanitarian crisis

JERUSALEM – World Vision welcomes the ceasefire between Israelis and Palestinians. We call on all parties to respect the cease fire agreements and to work toward a lasting, just and peaceful resolution to the overall conflict.
just and peaceful resolution to the overall conflict. World Vision is working in Gaza to help … out of Gaza. The enduring impact of past conflicts with Israel has left the people of Gaza

Recruitment of child soldiers in DRC likely to increase as violence mounts, warns World Vision

20 November, Gisenye – Hundreds of thousands of children caught up in erupting violence in eastern DRC are at risk of being forcibly recruited into armed groups, said World Vision.
to ensure all parties to the conflict are respecting their obligations under … manage this situation. All actors to the conflict should immediately halt the use of children

World Vision warns of mounting humanitarian crisis as violence escalates in the DR Congo

Fresh fighting as rebel forces advance from the north towards Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, has prompted 70,000 civilians to move from one camp to another camp located south of Goma. There are now roughly 2.2 million internally displaced people in DRC.
the worst violence of their lives over a conflict that they little understand and cannot

Vulnerable children must be considered as military action proceeds in Mali

BAMAKO, Mali 19 October 2012 -- Any conversations about military intervention in Mali must begin with consideration for the most vulnerable groups, particularly children, who are at risk of getting caught in the crossfire, says World Vision.

Justine Greening Speaks on Future of International Aid at Conservative Conference

Defending aid should not be hard sell for new Development Secretary

UK pledge to tackle sexual violence in armed conflict

A £1million pledge by the UK Government to help the UN tackle sexual violence in conflict must focus on helping child survivors to rebuild their lives, aid agency World Vision said today.
to help the UN tackle sexual violence in conflict must focus on helping child survivors to … Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict. Erica

Lasting peace in DRC only possible if region’s governments step up, says aid agency

Leaders around the world must support peace talks in East Africa, and peacebuilding at the community level, to address the ongoing nightmare facing thousands of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), said international aid agency World Vision.
who was once caught up in the conflict in Northern … not more conflict.

World Vision highlights need for education and protection for children affected by armed conflict

World Vision has helped highlight the importance of education and protection for children affected by armed conflict at a conference hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury earlier this week.
protection for children affected by armed conflict at a conference hosted by the Archbishop of … can be forgotten during the harsh reality of conflict. But education isn’t an optional

Lopez Lomong: he ran for his life, now he’s running in the Olympics

Lopez Lomong, who was kidnapped from a Sudanese village aged just six, will run the 5,000m for Team USA at the London 2012 Olympics. This is just part of his story.

Guest blog: “I know it’s my problem too”

Merry Raymond, one of our #ShareNiger bloggers and here she shares how her experience with the campaign helped her realise that we can all play our parts, no matter how small.
children are having to look for work. Conflict in neighbouring Mali is forcing families to

Life on the border – one year on

Amanda Koech, a Communications Officer for World Vision Somalia, describes the scene at a border town in the south-west of the country – and asks how the situation has changed one year after a food crisis was declared in East Africa.
of 2011 from Southern Somalia as well as conflicts that have continued in most parts.