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45 Search results for ‘Campaigns’

From struggle to strength

We spoke to 17 year old Srey, a courageous young girl who was forced to work within the sex industry when her family fell upon hard times. Thanks to World Vision's intervention Srey has managed to turn her life around.

World Vision warns of worsening refugee crisis ahead of Burundi elections

World Vision has today called for more funding and international support for the refugee crisis in Tanzania ahead of the Burundi elections tomorrow.
has also been providing healthcare awareness campaigns on communicable diseases to villages who

The privilege of sharing the start of an adventure

While visiting Zambia, our HR Coordinator, Gill, also met the farmers who will be taking advantage of the orange maize seeds you've given their community to help them Grow Hope.

Fight against female genital mutilation an uphill challenge

For girls like 13 year old Naipanoi, the illegal practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a constant fear - often leading to early marriages, school dropouts and health risks. As part of Action 2015, World Vision is campaigning to end violence against children in all its forms. Alongside work in the community, World Vision has recently built a rescue centre - offering shelter, temporary accommodation and a chance for girls to continue their education.
campaigns led by World Vision are now bearing fruit in … campaigns on the dangers of the practice have been

Let’s Make 2015 a Year of Action for Children

Today marks the launch of Action 2015, a campaign to bring the world together to create the post Millennium Development Goals. World Vision is working to help children around the world achieve their full potential and make sure that they are well represented in the new sustainable development framework. External Relations Manager Geeta writes that her New Year's resolution is to raise her voice and let our leaders know they have the gift to make 2015 a year of action for children. They must act.

Last visit to Namachete

For World Vision Campaigns Coordinator Rohena, managing project closure updates was personal as she was one of many sponsors who had to say goodbye to their sponsored children. However, before she said farewell, she visited Josephy in Malawi to see the changes brought about by 15 years of sponsorship.
For World Vision Campaigns Coordinator … Marketing Campaigns Coordinator It was an early morning start

Meditations on a pumpkin

As World Vision’s A Night of Hope campaign draws to a close tomorrow evening Brand Marketing Manager Rowena Luis takes time to reflect.

Finding a different way to celebrate Halloween

This Halloween, join World Vision in turning a night of fear into a night of hope for Syrian children.

Report: Stop at Nothing: Post-2015 Goals for Children

The biggest lesson of the Millennium Development Goals was that ending global poverty depends on reaching the most vulnerable children.

Planning for our children’s future

Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.

Sponsorship Made My Life Better

Like many children in central Mozambique, Pedrito was born into a poor family and grew up in a mud hut covered by hay with his five brothers, mother and step-father. Thanks to sponsorship, he has been able to pursue his education, and is now in his second year of a technical mechanics course.
the reason why when the awareness raising campaigns started. We learned that it was because we

World Vision helps fight TB in Somaliland

World Vision has partnered with the World Health Organisation (WHO), Somaliland government, and other agencies to establish the first specialised treatment centre for multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis in Hargeisa, Somaliland.
World Vision is conducting awareness campaigns to reach more

Public urged to voice their outrage and demand action to prevent a lost generation in Syria

Children cannot afford another year of bloodshed, suffering and missed education, warn aid agencies

South Sudan Crisis Update

As the conflict continues, we remember the children and their families affected by this situation.

Syria Crisis Update

Syria country information - find out the latest World Vision UK news for Syria, including the latest on the Syria crisis

Lake Chad Basin Update

campaigns in four communities

Why We Need to Close the Gap

World Vision's Global Campaigns Advisor, Ben Grierson-Hill, explains why he's so invested in this year's #ClosetheGap campaign and why the Millennium Development Goals are too important to ignore.
Senior Global Campaigns

Two Letters, Hundreds of Responses, One Big IF

Saturday 8th June saw the BIG IF in Hyde Park, where we shared two letters from sponsored children living the day-to-day reality of not having enough to eat.

IF campaign hails ‘major breakthrough’ in fight against malnutrition

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Hyde Park for Saturday's Big IF London rally.

This is Our Moment

Campaigns Officer Laura Simmonds explains why the culmination of the Enough Food IF campaign over 10 days in June is vital for everyone to get behind.