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50 Search results for ‘East Africa’

World Vision UK joins the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal to end famine in East Africa

World Vision UK joins multi-agency fundraising appeal to help millions on the brink of starvation in East Africa.
of people on the brink of starvation in East Africa. More than 16 million people in … 22 million people across East Africa are in crisis and need humanitarian

First faces of famine in Somalia

Muhammad is severely malnourished. You can see something is wrong the moment you meet him. But it’s quickly confirmed by the World Vision doctors who have set up a mobile heath unit in Muhammad’s community. His weight and arm measurements are dangerously low and he is immediately put on an emergency nutrition program.
more on how you can help support our work in East Africa. By Marion

World Vision UK launches East Africa Crisis appeal

World Vision UK is today launching the East Africa Crisis appeal to help meet the needs of 2.2 million of the most vulnerable children and families in the region.
You can donate to the East Africa Hunger Appeal … across the World Vision partnership. The East Africa Hunger Crisis appeal will help meet the … hunger crisis in East Africa is unprecedented in its scope and size. With

East Africa Crisis Appeal

Right now, millions of children are facing desperate hunger, disease and lack of clean water in various regions of East Africa. Without food and clean water, children’s lives are in extreme danger. We urgently need your help.
EAST AFRICA CRISIS APPEAL East Africa is experiencing one of the worst droughts in … to help children and families in the East Africa region.

Urgent action needed to save hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children from famine in South Sudan

As a state of famine is declared in parts of South Sudan, international children’s charity World Vision warns that aid urgently needs to reach hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children at risk of starvation.
declaration in South Sudan comes as the East Africa region faces drought with warnings too that

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

The number of young women and girls in danger of facing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya is steadily falling as a coalition of government authorities, NGOs and local communities have set up safe houses while attempting to change traditional cultural practices.
experts say the prevalence of FGM in the East African country vary widely across

Somalia: Looming famine exacerbates TB epidemic as 5 million face starvation

International children’s charity World Vision has today issued a stark warning that hundreds of thousands of children in Somalia are facing a health crisis and starvation as a result of the continued drought and conflict.
Famine was last declared in parts of the East African country in

Farming families struggle to survive in drought-stricken Ethiopia

Belaynesh helps her family whenever she can, often in the burning heat of the afternoon. With neither a good roof nor mosquito nets, malaria is the second biggest threat the family is facing after the failed harvest. While Ethiopia sits in the grip of El Nino, the 13-year-old is a sponsored child, and over the years, the support of her sponsor has helped make up for the rain in other ways...

"Before the programme, we were ashamed" | Building girl's confidence in Ethiopia

People may think of Ethiopia as one of the poorest countries in the world. A country that has, in a generation, experienced widespread famine, conflict, drought and disease. While these are still very real issues in Ethiopia, this may not be the Ethiopia that one would see today - and it’s certainly not the Ethiopia that Catherine Greenhalgh saw when she travelled there in May of this year…
year. As the Grants Portfolio Manager for East Africa at World Vision

South Sudan: World Vision calls for protection of children as tens of thousands displaced by intense fighting

The fighting that erupted in South Sudan over the past five days has displaced an estimated 36,000 people, many of them are children.
the East Africa hub for regional international humanitarian

World Refugee Day: Africa reels under refugee crisis as World Vision warns that closure of Dadaab camp will trigger new migrants wave

Shutting the world’s largest refugee camp could unleash a new wave of human migration across North Africa and Europe, according to World Vision UK.
East African countries such as the Democratic Republic … home to mainly Somali refugees. The East African

South Sudan urged to hold onto peace or risk losing another generation to war

As South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar returns to country’s capital Juba for the first time since a civil war erupted more than two years ago, World Vision has warned that the country risks losing another generation of children to war, unless the country holds onto the latest opportunity to have peace.

World Vision warns of worsening refugee crisis ahead of Burundi elections

World Vision has today called for more funding and international support for the refugee crisis in Tanzania ahead of the Burundi elections tomorrow.
refugees have already fled the East African country since political unrest began in

Southern African Floods: World Vision begins response efforts

World Vision responds as over 600,000 people are affected and threats of waterborne diseases loom.
is the worst affected of the three southeast African countries hit by heavy

An Ethiopian graduation service

More than 15 years ago a Lancashire couple were on holiday touring Canada when they heard about World Vision’s work on a local radio station. Inspired by the programme, they became sponsors of Woineshet, a seven-year-old girl growing up in World Vision's rural Adjibar Area Development Programme in Ethiopia. It turned out to be a life changing decision for everyone involved.
family in East Africa.

Ethiopia - Antsokia Valley now a success story

Fifty-five year old Desta Beletew beams with happiness. Nine years ago his family only planted teff, an Ethiopian plant from which the popular injera bread is made. He is now a successful farmer after embracing World Vision’s clarion call to take up new agricultural practices.
East Africa

South Sudan Crisis Update

As the conflict continues, we remember the children and their families affected by this situation.
You can read more about the hunger ravaging East Africa on our East Africa Update Page. In April … For more details on this please see our East Africa Update page.

El Nino Update

In 2016, the recurring El Niño phenomenon is expected to have its strongest effect for 50 years. The 2015-2016 El Niño may have passed peak season, but its influence will continue to be felt through weather systems across the world and throughout the year.
see our East Africa Crisis Update page for more details. Give

Sponsor a child in Uganda

Sponsor a child in Uganda and stop them from going hungry, without access to education & healthcare. Sponsorship also helps raise awareness of HIV.
Uganda sits on the equator in East Africa and the vast majority of Ugandans work in

Sponsor a child in East Africa

save a childhood today. Sponsor a child in East Africa and change their life for good For just 85p … the recent droughts and food crisis across East Africa. Families living in World