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45 Search results for ‘Ebola crisis’

Meeting with Alice and Alfred | FGM and teen pregnancy during Ebola

World Vision's Zena John met with Alice and Alfred during the 2014 London Girls Summit. Alice and Alfred are teenagers from a district in the southern province of Sierra Leone where World Vision has worked for years, and they are passionate about seeing real change in their community.
violence to surge as a result of the Ebola crisis and instability. Some girls have resorted

Ebola One Year on: Community partnerships draw West Africa closer to victory against deadly outbreak, says World Vision

One year since the worst Ebola outbreak was declared across West Africa, World Vision has hailed its collaborative work with Sierra Leone communities as being instrumental in averting the catastrophic spread of the virus.

Ebola - Maseray's Story

After surviving Ebola, Maseray's life was in ruins; her husband and sister had both succumbed to the virus and she didn't know whether she could support her remaining family. That's when she took action - becoming one of the first female burial workers in her district of Sierra Leone.

A view from the summit

Ahead of the G7 summit in Berlin, WV's Rob Henderson reflects on Britain's position in the world and how World Vision had made a real difference in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone.

SMART Consortium Ebola Burial Teams Win Prestigious Bond International Humanitarian Award

World Vision-led SMART (Social Mobilisation and Respectful Burials Through faith-based alliance) consortium has won the prestigious Bond International Humanitarian Award for its efforts in stemming the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone.
please visit our Ebola Crisis Update page

Enduring the stigma - burial workers in Sierra Leone

We spoke to three burial workers in Sierra Leone who have all felt the prejudice held against people who work with Ebola. In spite of this, the drive to give victims a safe and dignified resting place, spurs them on.

Sierra Leone Ebola lockdown: Focus on safer burials and community outreach

World Vision urges authorities to focus on safer burials and community outreach to achieve “zero cases”.

World Vision warns of long road to recovery in Sierra Leone

World Vision warns of long road to recovery as new figures show 8, 000+ children have lost parents to Ebola in Sierra Leone.

Helping to restore dignity

An important step in fighting Ebola is the ability to attend to victims quickly, offering safe burials to prevent further infection. As the only female burial worker in her district, Elizabeth sees a need for more females to help preserve a woman's dignity prior to burial - in a job role usually filled by men.

One of the lucky ones

When Ebola came to her community, six year-old Safiatu lost most of her family to the disease. When she and her Aunty Theresa also showed symptoms, health workers were quick to respond and together they made a full recovery. However, after their trauma was over, they had a fresh challenge of returning to their community with the stigma of an Ebola survivor. This is their story.

What happens when the rice runs out?

For families who have managed to remain unaffected by Ebola in West Africa, another crisis is now looming – hunger.

Life in quarantine

Eleven year old Hindowa lives in southern Sierra Leone. After the death of a close family friend to Ebola, he and his family were put into quarantine for almost an entire month.
to combat Ebola in Sierra Leone through our Ebola Crisis Appeal.

Pregnancy in the time of Ebola

As Ebola continues to infect and take lives across Sierra Leone, it is making daily life increasingly difficult. We spoke to Hawa, a 40 year old mum now going through her seventh pregnancy, about her fears and worries.
to combat Ebola in Sierra Leone through our Ebola Crisis Appeal.

Orphaned by Ebola

Aminata is a 12-year-old girl living in southern Sierra Leone. She is one of an estimated 6,000 children who have been orphaned by the deadliest Ebola virus outbreak in history.

32 graves

Bruno Col is currently in Sierra Leone helping respond to the health crisis in the country. He was strongly moved when he attended an Ebola victim’s safe and dignified burial by a World Vision burial team.

Still learning despite Ebola

Thanks to the Ministry of Education and World Vision, children across Sierra Leone are still able to learn despite lockdowns and quarantines. Radio lessons are broadcasting on 28 local stations across the country so that children like Rugi can keep up with their studies.

Faith leaders on the frontline of the Ebola crisis

Faith leaders across West Africa are using their unique position within communities to help stop the spread of Ebola.
congregations across Britain to support the Ebola Crisis Appeal to help stop this medical crisis … To make a donation to the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal visit

Keeping the fighters safe

As healthworkers In Sierra Leone lead the fight against Ebola, they too are often succumbing to the virus. World Vision has already donated and distributed large quantities of protective gear and medical supplies, but as Allieu Bangura, World Vision Sierra Leone’s National Health Advisor, explains, more equipment is urgently needed.
spread by donating to our Ebola Crisis Appeal

World Vision in unprecedented DEC launch of Ebola Crisis Appeal

World Vision and 12 other leading UK aid agencies have announced today they will launch a historic appeal in a bid to halt the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
60 60 900. The decision to launch the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal reflects the severity of a situation … and NewsNow. To make a donation to the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal visit

Ebola Crisis Update

Now that Sierra Leone is Ebola Free, we look back at the outbreak and ahead to what still needs to be done.
Ebola Crisis Update Our partners World Vision is proud … Children need extra protection following the Ebola crisis. We’ll work with communities and families to