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35 Search results for ‘El Nino’

Communities tackling hunger | El Nino in Ethiopia

Thirty-two-year-old Shega is worried for her three children. While she lives just a few metres from a concrete water reservoir, she still has to walk for three miles to access water clean enough for her family to drink. For many mothers like her, the drought in Ethiopia is drying up water sources and destroying crops – two issues that are now being addressed through our intervention…

Keeping girls safe | Water access in times of El Nino

Ethiopia is currently experiencing its worst drought for decades, affecting an estimated 10.2 million people. We have been working to repair and restore existing water supplies so that community members like Letekiros and Kedan can access clean and safe water for their families...

"A positive step forward," says World Vision post-World Humanitarian Summit

World Vision was pleased with the level of participation and commitments to its core priorities.
South Sudan and El Nino

Drought in Mozambique | Protecting children from El Nino’s affects

Travelling through Western Mozambique, it immediately becomes obvious what the problem is. Large bridges pass over riverbeds that are completely devoid of water. Most of the fields were planted with maize, but the crops are yellow and withered. It is clear that the drought brought about by this year's El Niño phenomenon is having a big impact on this country. Bert Smit visits our Chioco Area Development Programme in Mozambique, a community that is supported by child sponsors from the UK…
help. World Vision has recently launched our El Nino crisis

“I didn’t want to marry” | El Nino and child marriage in Mozambique

When El Nino brought drought to 14-year-old Inês’ village in southern Mozambique, her mother found it increasingly difficult to provide for all three of her daughters. Where once she’d dreamed of becoming a teacher, Inês found herself married off to an older man…
World Vision Mozambique When El Nino brought drought to … looking at the affect of El Nino found a steep rise in school dropouts. … home at a time when the climatic effects of El Nino were worsening in her village. The drought

Coming full circle | Hope in a time of hunger in Malawi

Like many children in Malawi, Leonard and his family are feeling the effects of drought and hunger. At just 13-years-old, he’s missed school to help his family grow and cultivate the food they need to survive, despite harsh conditions. “I cannot leave my mother to do all this work alone,” he says. Since World Vision began delivering food aid in his area, he hasn’t missed a day of school...
ravaged by droughts as a result of the El Nino phenomenon. In East and Southern Africa some

South Sudan urged to hold onto peace or risk losing another generation to war

As South Sudan’s opposition leader Riek Machar returns to country’s capital Juba for the first time since a civil war erupted more than two years ago, World Vision has warned that the country risks losing another generation of children to war, unless the country holds onto the latest opportunity to have peace.

Willing the Rains: Zimbabwe affected by drought and climate change

Sibonisiwe is a mother from the Gwanda district of Zimbabwe. Affected by the relentless drought that has been brought on by climate change and El Nino, Sibonisiwe cannot harvest crops and has little drinking water. She tells us that she is often left feeling exhausted and dizzy as she tries to take care of her young family and her sick husband.
by the relentless drought made worse by El Nino. Sibonisiwe tells us that community members … assistance. Brought on by the El Nino

Children most at risk as Zimbabwe says 4 million need food aid due to drought

World Vision has called for more funding to address food shortages across Southern Africa as the government of Zimbabwe announced that more than a third of the country's population need food aid as people struggle with the worst drought for two decades.
with the worst drought for two decades. An El Nino 15 years due partly to drought caused by the El Nino phenomenon. According to

Preparing for the worst

World Vision’s Bert Smit travels to Malawi to visit the Area Development Programme that has been supported by World Vision UK sponsors since 1997. Speaking with community members, many express concerns at the erratic rainfall due to El Nino, leaving them with crops that will not grow. Discussing solutions to the problem, such as drought-resistant seeds, Bert speaks with the community to see how they can better prepare themselves.
World Vision. I am eager to ask them about El Nino and the empty fields I’ve seen during the

#COP21: World Vision warns of global hunger as charity participates at two key discussions

World Vision warns of a “looming silent crisis” due to the El Niño effect coupled with the impact climate change.
deeply worried that this El Nino and increasing extreme climate events are

Our children and climate change

In early December, World Leaders descend on Paris for CoP21 - a global summit on climate change, where they hope to agree on a new path towards tackling its effects on some of the world's poorest people. Resilience Manager Maggie Ibrahim, explains the new direction World Vision wants to see...

Other Emergencies Update

Help World Vision to respond quickly to disasters, as soon as they strike.
is suffering from the effects of El Nino

El Nino Update

In 2016, the recurring El Niño phenomenon is expected to have its strongest effect for 50 years. The 2015-2016 El Niño may have passed peak season, but its influence will continue to be felt through weather systems across the world and throughout the year.
household resilience in the face of the El Nino drought and significantly reduced its … food and nutrition secure during the El Nino phenomenon. In Malawi According to