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101 Search results for ‘Ethiopia’

“Today I’m saying goodbye to the agony of diarrhoea”

For Amanuel, 12, from Ethiopia, clean water means everything. Since World Vision installed a new water pipe in his village, he hasn’t stopped telling everyone how happy he is.
of people in Ethiopia have access to safe water. … Sponsor a child in Ethiopia 
With improved access to clean water …
 World Vision began working in Ethiopia in the 1970’s. In the past six years alone

5 reasons to sponsor a child

How to achieve all New Year's resolutions in one simple move. Feel great, help others, form positive relationships and sponsor a child today.
in Ethiopia

From homelessness to a family house and renewed hope

Ethiopia. When Asresach’s father was

Farming families struggle to survive in drought-stricken Ethiopia

Belaynesh helps her family whenever she can, often in the burning heat of the afternoon. With neither a good roof nor mosquito nets, malaria is the second biggest threat the family is facing after the failed harvest. While Ethiopia sits in the grip of El Nino, the 13-year-old is a sponsored child, and over the years, the support of her sponsor has helped make up for the rain in other ways...
Worke. World Vision has been working in Ethiopia since the … suffering the consequences of drought. In Ethiopia You can find out more about our work in Ethiopia

"Before the programme, we were ashamed" | Building girl's confidence in Ethiopia

People may think of Ethiopia as one of the poorest countries in the world. A country that has, in a generation, experienced widespread famine, conflict, drought and disease. While these are still very real issues in Ethiopia, this may not be the Ethiopia that one would see today - and it’s certainly not the Ethiopia that Catherine Greenhalgh saw when she travelled there in May of this year…
World Vision UK People may think of Ethiopia as one of the poorest countries in the … this may not be the Ethiopia that one would see today … certainly not the Ethiopia that I saw when I travelled there in May of

Four Lessons from Ethiopia

Tim Bousfield travels with a group from Hitchin Church to visit and say a final farewell to the children they have sponsored for years in Addis ADP in Ethiopia
experience of visiting the Lideta project in Ethiopia a week in a World Vision project in the Ethiopian capital with some remarkable individuals … of many of the beautiful people of Ethiopia.

Communities tackling hunger | El Nino in Ethiopia

Thirty-two-year-old Shega is worried for her three children. While she lives just a few metres from a concrete water reservoir, she still has to walk for three miles to access water clean enough for her family to drink. For many mothers like her, the drought in Ethiopia is drying up water sources and destroying crops – two issues that are now being addressed through our intervention…
the drought in Ethiopia is drying up water sources and destroying … to the survival of their families. Ethiopia is currently experiencing its worst drought

Who knows best what children and communities in poverty need? Try asking them!

Caught up in the ambition to do good, and the rush to deliver programmes under tight timelines, international development NGOs run the risk of failing to listen to the very people they are trying to help. By listening, regularly and carefully, to the children and communities we're supporting, we are finding that we can achieve even greater change…
put by one of our colleagues at World Vision Ethiopia. We’ve recently had the opportunity to share

Keeping girls safe | Water access in times of El Nino

Ethiopia is currently experiencing its worst drought for decades, affecting an estimated 10.2 million people. We have been working to repair and restore existing water supplies so that community members like Letekiros and Kedan can access clean and safe water for their families...
a district in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. Beside Letekiros is Kedan. She is … decide what name she will give her baby. Ethiopia is currently experiencing its worst drought

Reading buddies for change: Education in Ethiopia

Giduma lives in Ethiopia with his family. He is the oldest son, and he has two brothers and two sisters. He is in Year 8 at school and is ranked first in his class. Giduma is one of the ‘reading buddies’ in his community that have been helping other children with their school work.
Giduma lives in Ethiopia with his family. He is the oldest … began working in Ethiopia in the early

Fragility & Resilience

World Vision works with communities to help them help themselves by becoming more resilient to natural & man-made disasters.
Involving Children in Ethiopia While working in Ethiopia we identified a … Students in Ethiopia listening to presentations about the


World Vision is committed to being fully transparent & responsible to the children & communities served especially where advocacy is concerned.
to the communities we work with. Ethiopia DOWNLOAD THE CASE STUDY … Ethiopia Download the case study … Omo and Segen Area People zones of southern Ethiopia. The project aimed to improve maternal and

Pancakes around the world

While not every country celebrates Shrove Tuesday, pancakes and flatbreads form a staple diet in many of the countries we work in. Whether it's lunchtime pancakes in the Philippines enjoyed by Kenneth and his friends, or 'injera' flatbread eaten by siblings Dawit and Fikeraddis in Ethiopia, we're taking a look at how this simple treat is eaten around the world.
13. Ethiopia In … a flatbread and the national dish of Ethiopia. Yeshi first gathers fuel for the

Climate change negotiation moves us in the right direction but more work must continue, World Vision warns

World Vision's Chris Armitage addresses a COP21 session on Agriculture
Regeneration Mitigates Affects of Drought In Ethiopia here To learn more about our work on

Healing the broken heart of a child

Fourteen-year-old Meftuha was born with a hearing impairment meaning she couldn't communicate a word unless she used her version of sign language that she had developed over time. Despite this, the existing communication barrier she had with her family where she lives in Ethiopia made her feel very sad and lonely. This was, until World Vision provided her local school with the means to support disabled children and their families.
World Vision helped her local school in Ethiopia begin classes that included children with … out more about our sponsorship programmes in Ethiopia here.

Meeting Gizachew in Ethiopia

Jason Suttie, a World Vision UK sponsor, visits his sponsored child Gizachew in Ethiopia.
previously have access to. The Ethiopia of today is full of … the images of the great Ethiopian famine are the ones I most associate with … been increasingly interested in visiting Ethiopia mostly from seeing photos and hearing

Missing home

Mike and his siblings are among an estimated 550,000 people who have fled South Sudan to escape fighting. He told us about his memories from home and how his new situation is affecting his future.
Ethiopia and Uganda to seek safety. Help

Turning bad luck into blessings

In Ethiopia, widowed mother of six, Bizunesh adopted a tiny abandoned baby who needed a home. She describes the maternal instincts that moved her to care for little Etsubdink and how she received invaluable support form World Vision.
to the church in her small town in central Ethiopia. At the end of the