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73 Search results for ‘Famine’

Urgent action needed to save hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children from famine in South Sudan

As a state of famine is declared in parts of South Sudan, international children’s charity World Vision warns that aid urgently needs to reach hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children at risk of starvation.
insecure in South Sudan As a state of famine is declared in parts of South … children at risk of starvation. Famines are only declared when the food security

World Vision’s emergency teams on standby as fierce cyclone hits Mozambique and threatens floods across Southern Africa

World Vision, has warned that tropical cyclone Dineo which hit the shores of Mozambique on Wednesday evening will further exacerbate the food crisis situation across Southern Africa.

Somalia: Looming famine exacerbates TB epidemic as 5 million face starvation

International children’s charity World Vision has today issued a stark warning that hundreds of thousands of children in Somalia are facing a health crisis and starvation as a result of the continued drought and conflict.
in Somalia risks sliding into yet another famine unless we act urgently and swiftly. World … continued fighting in parts of the country. Famine was last declared in parts of the East

Catholic priest transforms church into refugee sanctuary, as World Vision scales up support for South Sudan

Catholic priest transforms church into refugee sanctuary, as World Vision scales up support for South Sudan
parts of the country are on the brink of famine. World Vision research shows that the

Farming families struggle to survive in drought-stricken Ethiopia

Belaynesh helps her family whenever she can, often in the burning heat of the afternoon. With neither a good roof nor mosquito nets, malaria is the second biggest threat the family is facing after the failed harvest. While Ethiopia sits in the grip of El Nino, the 13-year-old is a sponsored child, and over the years, the support of her sponsor has helped make up for the rain in other ways...
response programmes during the 1984 famine.

"Before the programme, we were ashamed" | Building girl's confidence in Ethiopia

People may think of Ethiopia as one of the poorest countries in the world. A country that has, in a generation, experienced widespread famine, conflict, drought and disease. While these are still very real issues in Ethiopia, this may not be the Ethiopia that one would see today - and it’s certainly not the Ethiopia that Catherine Greenhalgh saw when she travelled there in May of this year…

Fragility & Resilience

World Vision works with communities to help them help themselves by becoming more resilient to natural & man-made disasters.

Tackling Child Marriage on International Children’s Day

Rob Henderson reflects on a stark reality for millions of girls and boys across the world who fall prey to early marriage, some having children while just children themselves. He looks at the role of World Vision workshops, that are helping children like 16-year-old Nilanjona escape from early marriage so that she can stay in education and makes choices for herself…
natural or manmade disasters such as famine or war. Places that we see on our television

Meeting Gizachew in Ethiopia

Jason Suttie, a World Vision UK sponsor, visits his sponsored child Gizachew in Ethiopia.
the images of the great Ethiopian famine are the ones I most associate with the idea

Somali lifeline under threat

World Vision and aid agencies express concern at closure of Money Remittance Providers in Kenya.
Just three years on from a devastating famine that killed

Return to South Sudan

Two decades on from her first foreign assignment covering war and hunger in South Sudan, UK Media Manager Sarah Wilson returns and finds that depressingly little has changed.

What do children in South Sudan eat for breakfast?

Next Monday marks one year since the fighting in South Sudan resumed. The worst fighting came on Boxing Day, when families fled the cosy aftermath of Christmas celebrations for makeshift refugee camps. Intermittent fighting and displacement have disrupted the planting and harvesting cycle, and as fields lie fallow and farmers are scared away, the spectre of hunger looms. Inspired by the recent New York Times piece What Kids Around the World Eat for Breakfast, we asked, what do children in South Sudan eat for breakfast?

Ethiopia and BandAid 30 years on

Tomorrow marks BandAid's 30 year anniversary of the 'Feed the World' recording. Last month, we arranged a trip for BBC reporter Mike Wooldridge to return to the Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia, the place where he and Michael Buerk traveled with World Vision 30 years ago. The dramatic broadcast and the suffering they brought into the spotlight inspired Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single.
it lights up a biblical famine which Bob Geldof once visited to see the famine for himself. A group of

World Vision in unprecedented DEC launch of Ebola Crisis Appeal

World Vision and 12 other leading UK aid agencies have announced today they will launch a historic appeal in a bid to halt the spread of Ebola in West Africa.

Ethiopia - Antsokia Valley now a success story

Fifty-five year old Desta Beletew beams with happiness. Nine years ago his family only planted teff, an Ethiopian plant from which the popular injera bread is made. He is now a successful farmer after embracing World Vision’s clarion call to take up new agricultural practices.
is old enough to have experienced the 1984 famine

BBC crew returns to Ethiopia, 30 years after historic broadcast

World Vision is back in Ethiopia as we mark the 30th anniversary of Michael Buerk & Mike Wooldridge’s harrowing and moving reports.
one million people were affected by the famine in Ethiopia.  … For older people who went through the famine three decades … says Adebe who was 20 years old during the famine.

On the edge of survival

Last year World Vision reached almost eight million people around the world who were struggling to feed themselves and their children. On World Food Day, 16 October, we are thinking of the people who are still struggling to make sure their children get the food they need to grow up healthy and happy.
food insecure by the end of the year or face famine. Driven to collections Mother of five … the clock with other aid groups to prevent famine. World Vision is responding to the needs of

South Sudan - World Vision & Other Leading Aid Agencies Warn Famine Imminent

Agencies fear recent improvements will be wiped out as the number of severely hungry people will rise by 1 million in first three months of 2015
could fall into famine early next year if the … famine comes to South Sudan it will come through … community really wants to avert a famine then it has to make bold diplomatic efforts

South Sudan escapes official famine, but even without a name hunger still kills

South Sudan's food insecurity hasn't worsened to the point of famine, but situation is still very dire.
hardest by recent conflict and floods. But famine is a … reached famine A famine is declared when at least 20 per cent of … of whom died before famine was even declared than

Ripples, and the beat of a butterfly's wings

Gavin Crowden, World Vision’s head of Policy and Public Affairs answers the question ‘What’s the point of Party Conferences anyway?’
highlighting the lessons from the Ethiopian famine 30 years on. And we’ll be explaining what