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268 Search results for ‘Nutrition’

Monsoon floods: World Vision warns of spike in child malnutrition

World Vision warns of spike in malnutrition as Bangladesh, India and Nepal grapple with worst monsoon rains in 20 years
the floods will lead to increased child malnutrition rates. Jared … leading to even higher rates of malnutrition which will have serious consequences for

The Seed - Tera 2017 update

The Seed - Tera 2017 update
properly. He suffered from sickness and malnutrition.

The Seed - Sirba 2017 update

The Seed - Sirba 2017 update
properly. He suffered from sickness and malnutrition.

The Seed - Sisian 2018 update

The Seed - Sisian 2018 update
have learned more about child health and nutrition and how to better recognise the signs of

The Seed - Kayezi 2018 update

The Seed - Kayezi 2018 update

The Seed - Khantati 2018 update

The Seed - Khantati 2018 update
attending nutrition and health

The Seed - Basa 2018 update

The Seed - Basa 2018 update
health and nutrition at screening sessions in our village. Our … are no longer affected by malnutrition because we can take care of it at the first

The Seed - Panchbibi 2017 update

The Seed - Panchbibi 2017 update
child was malnourished. In the nutrition

The Seed - Loul 2017 update

The Seed - Loul 2017 update
children used to suffer from malnutrition. Now children have free access to local 

The Seed - Komabangou 2017 update

The Seed - Komabangou 2017 update
properly. He suffered from sickness and malnutrition.

The Seed - Kayezi 2017 update

The Seed - Kayezi 2017 update

The Seed - Isame 2017 update

The Seed - Isame 2017 update
properly. He suffered from sickness and malnutrition.

Humanitarian Heroes

Today on World Humanitarian Day, let us celebrate the inspiring stories of our humanitarian heroes.
Florence Obura is a Health and Nutrition Manager in Somalia.

The most important meal of the day for school children in Malawi

Judith used to find concentrating in class a struggle. Every morning she went to school without eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Her stomach would grumble through the day and her grades suffered. She’s doing a lot better in her classes since she started eating healthily every day.
The care groups teach parents the impact malnutrition has on the development of children. The … thanks to World vision for providing us with nutritional education and skills on how to prepare

Pulling children from the clutches of malnutrition in Somalia

World Vision, together with the World Food Programme, has provided 16,612 children and 5,684 mothers with ready use supplementary foods and a monthly rations of nutrition packs jammed full of protein, vitamins and essential minerals to help malnourished children gain weight and become healthy.
in her arms. This is her first child. Malnutrition threatened to steal this girl away too. … child nutrition project in … seen this malnutrition supplementary foods and a monthly rations of nutrition packs jammed full of

Sleeping into death - the cost of drought in Kenya

Baby Akusi was showing visible signs of wasting when she was brought to the clinic in Turkana County, Kenya. Her mother, Lomukuny, was worried by her orange hair and diarrhoea
Akusi are wasting away. The Global Acute Malnutrition a nutritionist with World Vision. … the World Food Program to help with her malnutrition. Plumpy’nut is a

Farmers in Kenya’s ‘bread basket’ region grapple with armyworm invasion

As millions of Kenyan farmers seek to recover from the double crisis of severe drought and floods triggered by an El Niño weather phenomenon, they now face a new threat: the fall armyworm.

Thousands of children at risk as cases of cholera spike across Horn of Africa

Thousands of children are at risk of cholera and other diseases following heavy rains in the Horn of Africa, humanitarian organisation World Vision warns today.

Food distributions empower women in South Sudan

World Vision has been running food distributions here in Northern Bhar-el-Gazal since February, making sure that thousands of people don’t succumb to starvation. Adele is one of the mothers who receives life-saving aid.

Rising above poverty in Honduras

Hector Ramirez built his own micro-enterprise to pull himself and his family out of poverty. After receiving training and support from World Vision, Hector started a family business growing and selling coffee. His coffee is now sold in three communities in Honduras and will soon expand into a further two.
health and nutrition. Hector and his family continue to