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270 Search results for ‘Poverty’

Brighter Future

Brighter future appeal
BETTER LIVELIHOODS TO BREAK THE CYCLE OF POVERTY Across the … trapped in a cycle of poverty. They want nothing more than building a … employment Empower families to overcome poverty  

The Seed - Kayezi 2017 update

The Seed - Kayezi 2017 update
her dreams of going to school and escaping poverty fading.

Humanitarian Heroes

Today on World Humanitarian Day, let us celebrate the inspiring stories of our humanitarian heroes.
way to emancipate families from the jaws of poverty is to educate … Grazing pastures are poor. Incidences of poverty are high and most of the households are

Nepal’s President supports campaign to end child marriage

Nepal’s President launches World Vision campaign to end child marriage
a future. It pushes girls into a cycle of poverty. It takes a world to eliminate child

Christian Engagement

Children around the world are being denied their God-given potential. Stand with them; share compassion, end poverty and bless a generation.

Rising above poverty in Honduras

Hector Ramirez built his own micro-enterprise to pull himself and his family out of poverty. After receiving training and support from World Vision, Hector started a family business growing and selling coffee. His coffee is now sold in three communities in Honduras and will soon expand into a further two.
to pull himself and his family out of poverty. After receiving training and support from … was 17 I began to question the overwhelming poverty my family lived in and began looking for

World Vision joins NGOs in support of 0.7% UK foreign aid commitments

The UK’s leading NGOs are calling on all major political parties to honour the nation’s legal promise to spend 0.7% of gross national income on aid, and extend the UKs leadership in promoting stability, fairness and prosperity around the world.
seen the number of people living in extreme poverty in the world

East Africa Crisis Appeal

Right now, millions of children are facing desperate hunger, disease and lack of clean water in various regions of East Africa. Without food and clean water, children’s lives are in extreme danger. We urgently need your help.

Sharmin’s story: educating girls to overcome poverty

17-year-old Sharmin, from Bangladesh, dropped out of school after completing grade 4 to support her family, selling food on the roadside with her mother. This reality is all too often faced by children in Bangladesh, where 3.2 million children aged 5-17 are engaged in child labour*. Child labour is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity as well as being harmful to physical and mental development.
that there is no way to overcome poverty other than educating

Lake Chad Basin's forgotten children: Urgent action required to save lives as conflict drives hunger and exploitation

World Vision is urging international donors attending the Oslo Humanitarian Conference on Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region to take swift and sustained action to help end the suffering of millions of vulnerable children and mitigate economic and social devastation in the Lake Chad Basin.

"No more living in darkness" Stopping child marriage through education in Bangladesh

When Meghla joined our child rights information sessions she gained the knowledge and confidence to speak up to her family and express her unhappiness with marrying young. Fortunately, her wedding was cancelled and Meghla is continuing her education.
where the consequences of poverty weigh heavily on girls. Meghla was left

World Vision Gaza statement

Today, Mohammad El Halabi, World Vision staff member, pled not guilty to all charges made against him.
work on important issues of injustice and poverty affecting billions of children around the … families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all

The difference chickens can make

17 years ago when Bee was just a baby he lost his father, and his mum, Esnart was struggling to feed the family. Fast-forward to today and the family is thriving; they often help to support other families in need in their community. Change all began with the arrival of some chickens from World Vision’s Must Have Gifts catalogue.

World Vision works with app developers so that you can play a part in the fight against poverty

We are partnering with game development studio David and Goliath Games to pioneer a new approach to mobile gaming that empowers gamers to help fight poverty simply by having fun.
to play their part in the fight against poverty. We are partnering with game development … gaming that empowers gamers to help fight poverty simply by having fun.

Haiti Hurricane Update

The path of category 4 Hurricane Matthew, the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade, ripped through Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Cuba in early October. It destroyed both property and lives - particularly throughout Haiti. The hurricane brought heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds to a country already suffering from immense poverty and weak infrastructure and still dealing with the legacy of 2010's earthquake. As of 14 October, 1.4 million people are in urgent need of support. The estimated death toll fluctuated significantly in the first few days as many areas couldn't be reached. More than 1000 people are now confirmed to have died.

Celebrity Supporters

We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.
to eradicate poverty by 2015. In

Savings turning into food | Empowering women in Mozambique

A World Vision-supported savings group in Gaza province, southern Mozambique, is helping mothers like Esperança put food on the table for their children and grandchildren. Here, the majority of parents are struggling to feed their children due to the effects of drought that has devastated crops and left a trail of hunger in its wake…

Truck with 3D image of child refugees brings stark reality of crisis to London

A truck bearing a 3D image of asylum-seeking children, will this morning (Monday 19 September 2016), drive across London to highlight the strife and challenges that child refugees are facing around the world.
poverty or persecution. The pace of change is too

Sponsorship brings hope in Armenia

Twin brothers, Hakob and Davit, have both suffered from cerebral palsy since early childhood in Armenia. Unable to go to school due to their condition, the boys live with their mother Julieta and their two elder brothers in desperate living conditions. Their sponsors in the UK have helped them access essential resources and kept the family hopeful for a brighter future.

The joy and importance of education: Literacy Boost in India

On World Literacy Day, we're looking at our Literacy Boost programme in India that's giving children like Sakhi a helping hand at school...