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232 Search results for ‘Syria’

Struggle for children who fled Aleppo ‘just beginning’, warn aid workers

A ‘crisis within a crisis’ is unfolding in the countryside outside Aleppo as thousands who fled the city now face increasingly dire conditions.

Light up Syria’s dark days with a message of hope

Aleppo’s destruction has left Syrian children facing some of their darkest days yet. We also know that Aleppo is only one of many besieged cities in Syria and another 400,000 people may be living in similar, if not worse situations.
share that image and a message of hope for Syria’s children with friends and family on social … We know that Syrians have access to mobile phones and hopefully

Fleeing Aleppo: one family’s story of leaving the war-torn city

The fighting in Aleppo has intensified, but the evacuations of families from Eastern Aleppo has been suspended. Before the suspension, 8,000 families escaped on buses. Many left without any belongings or food. The UN believes at least 2,700 children were among the evacuees. Some left without their parents.
World Vision is working on the ground in Syria and spoke to … this Christmas to show the children of Syria they do not stand alone. … leaders take action to end the violence in Syria

World Vision laments world leaders’ failure to enact UN resolution on Aleppo

International children’s charity, World Vision has lamented the failure by world leaders to agree on a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have paved way for a seven-day truce in Syria's war-torn city of Aleppo.
city of Aleppo. Syrian children forced to flee their homes because … Syria response … food and much needed medical aid. But what Syria’s children really need is an end to this

Bullet-ridden schools lie abandoned in reclaimed cities across Iraq

As the battle to retake Mosul continues, urgent action is needed to allow children to resume their education.
behind Syria and Yemen. At least

Aleppo: 100,000 children in Aleppo need urgent aid

World Vision is preparing to distribute much-needed medical supplies in eastern Aleppo, as the city endures another round of heavy fighting. Thousands have fled, with a quarter of a million in need of urgent help.
orphaned by the conflict in Syria World Vision is preparing to distribute

Children re-create war scenes in their first art class since fleeing Mosul

Since 17 October thousands of children have been displaced in northern Iraq as a result of military operations to retake the city of Mosul from ISIL.
and fresh water. Find out more about our Syria Crisis response

Mosul Children Arrive at Camps Terrified | World Vision UK

World Vision staff say that children are arriving at camps too petrified to speak after fleeing the conflict in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Find out more here.

A night of hope - the fundraiser’s guide to #carveaheart

Fundraising Specialist Charlotte Tipping shares her fundraising ideas as she gets ready to #carveaheart on 31 October and raise money for children living in fear in countries like Syria and South Sudan.
working in Lebanon as a Syrian refugee has especially touched me. He’s

Carrying the burden | Syrian refugee seeks safety in Lebanon; now trapped in child labour

Khalid fled the Syrian conflict, only to become trapped in child labour in Lebanon. How can you help Syria’s child refugees feel safe again?
in Lebanon both with refugees from the Syrian

Game of Thrones star and World Vision supporter surprises Syrian refugee in Germany

Game of Thrones star Liam Cunningham on Tuesday paid a surprise visit to Hussam, a teenage Syrian refugee, now living in Germany.
a teenage Syrian … initially fled Syria for Jordan after his school was struck by … Irish actor says his preconceptions about Syria’s 5 million refugees has been

Mental health, at home and abroad

As humanitarian emergencies continue to unfold around the world, children are increasingly exposed to violence and other experiences that leave them in desperate need of psychological first aid.

Celebrity Supporters

We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.
Parliament marking six years of conflict in Syria. About

World Vision calls the attack a turning point in the war and says ceasefire has achieved nothing

World Vision has expressed shock at an airstrike that hit an aid convoy in Syria, reportedly leaving 12 dead. The UN says 18 trucks were hit on their way to deliver aid to 78,000 people.
Deputy Director of World Vision's Syria for agencies delivering aid inside Syria. With a fragile ceasefire deal holding just … to reach as many displaced Syrian children as possible. You can make a

Remembering the faces behind the numbers | UN Refugee Summit September 2016

Today, as the UN discusses refugees and migrants and President Obama hosts world leaders for a discussion of the refugee crisis, humanitarian policy advisor Johan Eldebo writes about some of the children we work with whose lives have been completely transformed by these issues.
Jouri is a Syrian refugee living in Bekaa … Bekaa Valley. They had fled their homes in Syria as fighting erupted in their town. They left … Five and a half years since the conflict in Syria first

Truck with 3D image of child refugees brings stark reality of crisis to London

A truck bearing a 3D image of asylum-seeking children, will this morning (Monday 19 September 2016), drive across London to highlight the strife and challenges that child refugees are facing around the world.
The piece depicts refugee children from Syria pressed against a wire fence in the hope … about the plight and the suffering of Syrian children and their struggle for freedom and

A little red love heart on the front door

10-year-old Rama fled Syria with her mother and two sisters when a neighbours house was bombed near Aleppo. Now living in a centre for women and children in Turkey, Rama remembers the things she misses about Syria, her dreams and her wishes for the future...
Syria Crisis Response Rama’s face lit up when … told me about her school in Syria. … fled Syria four months ago after a bomb hit their … Syrian households.

Hope in the eyes of Syrian refugee children | Education in Emergencies

From Mexico to Colombia, China to the UK, Humanitarian Information Officer Soraya has years of experience working in education, and on a recent trip to Jordan spent time meeting parents, teachers, and programmers about our work helping get Syrian Refugee children back into school
I was acutely aware of my proximity to the Syrian border and all that was happening just a … drive away. Reading about the conflict in Syria is upsetting

Iconic image represents 'grim reality' of Syria Crisis

World Vision reacts to the heartbreaking image of five-year-old Omran being pulled from rubble in Aleppo.
But this is the grim reality of the Syrian crisis for its children. When we see