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159 Search results for ‘WASH’

The Seed - Keembe 2018 update

The Seed - Keembe 2018 update
washing bedding and clothes used to be much

The Seed - Patna 2018 update

The Seed - Patna 2018 update
have learned to wash their hands after using the toilet.  

The Seed - Mbella 2018 update

The Seed - Mbella 2018 update
The community have learned the importance of washing their hands after using the toilet and

The Seed - Kilimatinde 2018 update

The Seed - Kilimatinde 2018 update
wash her uniform and collect firewood for the

The Seed - Sirba 2018 update

The Seed - Sirba 2018 update
 and now make sure that they wash their hands after they use the toilets. … grateful for the hand washing equipment which is helping us stay clean 

The Seed - Patiana 2017 update

The Seed - Patiana 2017 update
got a hand washing kit in … and our teacher taught us how washing prevents diseases. Now I wash my hands

The Seed - Keembe 2017 update

The Seed - Keembe 2017 update
as learning important skills such as handwashing.

The Seed - Bhojpur 2017 update

The Seed - Bhojpur 2017 update
animals and crops were washed away. People lived on rooftops to escape 

Transforming Lives in Lufwanyama

Frederick and his family. He shows the hand washing technique he … important to have toilets and wash our hands

Thousands of Filipino children traumatised by fighting in Marawi

International children’s charity World Vision, has warned that thousands of children have been left shell-shocked and traumatised by continuous fighting in the Phillipines city of Marawi.
places to wash and even toilets.

Farmers in Kenya’s ‘bread basket’ region grapple with armyworm invasion

As millions of Kenyan farmers seek to recover from the double crisis of severe drought and floods triggered by an El Niño weather phenomenon, they now face a new threat: the fall armyworm.
or washing their plants with laundry

Thousands of children at risk as cases of cholera spike across Horn of Africa

Thousands of children are at risk of cholera and other diseases following heavy rains in the Horn of Africa, humanitarian organisation World Vision warns today.
water and be knowledgeable of effective handwashing practices to stop transmission of

Other Past Emergencies Update

Help World Vision to respond quickly to disasters, as soon as they strike.
been raising awareness of the correct hand washing techniques which are important to protect … fell in. All of my peanut seed was also washed away. We have nothing left to sleep

Water of life

One-year-old Aicha is one of 1.4 million vulnerable children in the forgotten Lake Chad Basin crisis, who need safe water. Aichatou, 30, is Aicha’s mother. She was forced to flee her village with her seven children due to Boko Haram attacks. They’re staying in a settlement along with others forced from their homes: “My village is near a river and if you stand by its shore, you can see the town of Damasak. On the days of the attacks, you could see bullets and rockets flying towards our village from Damasak. After several attacks, our village became a very insecure place, so my husband decided that we should leave.
do the washing … and with the remaining water wash the children and drink. In the … wash the children and to rest. My baby’s health

Case study: Borehole brings hope to schoolchildren

As experts in water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies, we're drilling and restoring boreholes, building emergency latrines, distributing soap, hand wash kits and organising hygiene sessions with children. We’ve drilled two boreholes in Chad and two in Niger and water testing is currently underway. A further borehole in Niger is being repaired.
hand wash kits and organising hygiene sessions with … drink as much water as he needs. And he can wash his hands before and after eating.

Keeping children in school – and fed in South Sudan!

Over 800 children currently attend Rumathoi school, located in the Northern South Sudan and while they are quite during their first few classes, they get all the more excited about lunch break. World Vision makes sure children like Thor are fed here every week.
after washing their

Tools for school - vital materials for children affected by Child Labour in Afghanistan

Growing up with a father addicted to drugs, Negina, 12, from Afghanistan, was forced to work alongside her mother from sunrise to sunset to provide for her five younger siblings.
on the street to shelling pistachios or washing clothes for neighbours. At the … She also continues to help her mother wash clothes and shell pistachio nuts after

A $4 meal for a taste of home

For Mayssa, a Syrian mother displaced by conflict, the $4 dollars she rations for each meal is enough to give her three children a little taste of home. What would you be able to make with $4?
I wash the rice. In a separate

What Our Kids Need: Blogger Stories

At the start of the year we asked to bloggers write about what their children last needed and what this meant to them. We were delighted with the inspirational posts that came back.

The power of a sewing machine

Roji, in Bangladesh, turned her family’s life around when she enrolled herself in tailoring training and became the main source of income for her family. Her children are now well fed, clothed and in full time education working towards a positive future.