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625 Search results for ‘Education’

Sponsorship helps Emmanuel pursue his dreams

Single mum Bahati works hard to keep her family, but even earning enough to eat each day is often a struggle. Her seven-year-old son Emmanuel loves school, but his Mum worries that the struggle to pay his school fees will mean he ends up in a similar situation to his older brother Oliver – 17 years old and still in primary school. Sponsorship with World Vision is giving Bahati hope that her sons will achieve their dreams.
his 17 year old brother Oliver can get an education. To meet these pressing

The importance of a letter

Siân Merrylees, who works for World Vision, recently had the opportunity to travel to Cambodia to see the positive difference that sponsorship was making to children there. What she found was both moving and inspiring.
to value education and fought to keep many kids in school. All

Planting the seeds of an education

Eleven year old Chok and his family are among the many people displaced by conflict in South Sudan. Thanks to World Vision, a seed distribution programme is helping Chok's father Jumar grow the food he needs to enable his children to go to school.
an education

World Vision condemns the abduction of 89 boys in South Sudan

World Vision condemns the abduction in South Sudan and joins the UN to call for immediate release and return to their families.
donors to fully fund child protection and education

A grandmother's love

World Vision’s Girl's Holistic Development Project has been helping to improve the health and wellbeing of girls in Senegal. Through an education focused on female elders - who are often responsible for carrying out FGM/C, attitudes towards the practice are now changing and new maternal relationships based on trust and guidance are now being developed.
and she is now involved in the education of girls in the local … and education for children. We are also campaigning to end

Former child soldier back to playing football with his friends

For former child soldiers like Naung, being enlisted in the army took him away from his family, friends and education. But with World Vision's help, he and others like him, can return to their former lives with hope. Here, he tells us his story.

Fight against female genital mutilation an uphill challenge

For girls like 13 year old Naipanoi, the illegal practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a constant fear - often leading to early marriages, school dropouts and health risks. As part of Action 2015, World Vision is campaigning to end violence against children in all its forms. Alongside work in the community, World Vision has recently built a rescue centre - offering shelter, temporary accommodation and a chance for girls to continue their education.
on education is brutal as well. Within the region the … reduced the number of girls getting an education. Girls’ enrolment in schools has … in school because I want to complete my education and become a

Serving up an education

When his father passed away, Morsalin began work at just eleven years old, making it difficult for him to receive an education. But with the help of World Vision, he's been able to attend lessons and gain skills.
to make a living when I realised that only education could change our … education centre that Morsalin … education can save … working in Bangladesh to improve access to education and to create economic opportunities for the

One of the lucky ones

When Ebola came to her community, six year-old Safiatu lost most of her family to the disease. When she and her Aunty Theresa also showed symptoms, health workers were quick to respond and together they made a full recovery. However, after their trauma was over, they had a fresh challenge of returning to their community with the stigma of an Ebola survivor. This is their story.
millions of students who have been out of education since schools closed last summer. Thank you

World Vision intensifies disaster response efforts in Mozambique

World Vision is calling for urgent aid assistance as flood situation in Mozambique rapidly deteriorates.

Growing crops for shoes

For Selemani and his children, making ends meet was a constant struggle. But with the help of World Vision, he's gained the agricultural skills to ensure that he can put food on the table and his family can afford shoes and school fees. Thanks to sponsors funding the project, children like Selemani's son Bakari can look forward to a healthier, brighter future.
Vision has helped our community with health education. Diseases have reduced and women are making

Action 2015: Children must not be forgotten

World Vision UK has today urged world leaders to consider the plight of vulnerable children in conflict areas.
put her life on the line for the right to education. Malala

New start for earthquake survivors

Five years ago today a massive earthquake struck Haiti and displaced more than 1.5 million people. Ahead of the anniversary Haiti, Jean-Wickens Merone visits Adeline and her three children, one of the families that World Vision helped to find a fresh start.

Tsunami 10 years on: From devastation to hope

10 years on, the wave of generosity from people in the UK and around the world has helped rebuild the region.
provided educational support for more than

Return to South Sudan

Two decades on from her first foreign assignment covering war and hunger in South Sudan, UK Media Manager Sarah Wilson returns and finds that depressingly little has changed.
able to complete his secondary school education in Kenya and eventually gain a college … but also of seeing their children receive an education that will sustain them throughout their

New Report: Child protection neglected by donors in South Sudan

World Vision called upon international donors to prioritise the needs of children in South Sudan.
South Sudan Education Cluster … fund protection and education programs

An Ethiopian graduation service

More than 15 years ago a Lancashire couple were on holiday touring Canada when they heard about World Vision’s work on a local radio station. Inspired by the programme, they became sponsors of Woineshet, a seven-year-old girl growing up in World Vision's rural Adjibar Area Development Programme in Ethiopia. It turned out to be a life changing decision for everyone involved.
Thomas encouraged me to work hard on my education and listen to my … in her area and she worked hard in her education to achieve this success. She also worked

Ethiopia and BandAid 30 years on

Tomorrow marks BandAid's 30 year anniversary of the 'Feed the World' recording. Last month, we arranged a trip for BBC reporter Mike Wooldridge to return to the Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia, the place where he and Michael Buerk traveled with World Vision 30 years ago. The dramatic broadcast and the suffering they brought into the spotlight inspired Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single.

Celebrating 25 years of child rights

This year both Madeleine, World Vision UK's Child Rights Policy Officer, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, turn 25. In today's blog Madeleine reflects on the differences brought by 25 years of child rights, and where there is still room for continued growth.
any special treatment and to gain a decent education. They wanted to have the same opportunities

"Where are the rights you promised us?"

‘Where are the rights you promised us?’ ask children in report marking 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
and lack of access to healthcare and education.   … to thank them for their efforts to improve education. But most