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625 Search results for ‘Education’

Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza

You helped us raise over £290,000 for the Gaza Crisis Appeal.
Young people participated in vocational education and an internship program we created to help … to their safety and be better protected Education Language and maths teachers participated


nutrition education and HIV and AIDS awareness. Geography


improving education and providing … hygiene kits to refugee families. Education To prevent Syrian child refugees becoming … we are providing educational support and helping children join


education and gender … for children to safely learn informally. Education We have encouraged parents to send their

DR Congo

school attendance and campaigning for girls' education. Learning environments have also been


after the stress of the 2010 earthquake. Education We have made scholarships available and


access to and increasing the demand for education Caring for and protecting vulnerable … education and protection for children and livelihood … prevention advice for those at risk. Education In a mostly agrarian society where

No Fairy Tale: Can the Children of Syria Ever Find a Happy Ending?

Lara Ghaoui from World Vision Lebanon has been present since the outbreak of fighting in Syria 3 years ago. She shares all that she's seen along the way and asks 'When will this end?'
pleased by her answer. I told myself that if education is still perceived as an imminent need in

What Does A Lost Generation Mean For The Children Of Syria

Our CEO Justin Byworth reflects on the people he met and the stories he heard while visiting Lebanon in the lead up to the 3rd anniversary of the Syria crisis. He explains why we must stand with the children of Syria and take action to help bring peace.
and complete their education. This is what the … like Isaa and Alaa have the protection and education they deserve. The transforming potential … want educational

"I Could Make Six Bracelets In A Day": The Life Of A Child Worker

Sonali started making jewellery at the age of five in order to support her family. Today's blog from our colleague in India shows us how your support helped share Saonali's journey from working crafting jewellery to going to school.
children are denied an education and forced to work as child labourers. In … education seemed like an unnecessary investment for … volunteers explained the importance of education. They told me that if I don’t educate my

Public urged to voice their outrage and demand action to prevent a lost generation in Syria

Children cannot afford another year of bloodshed, suffering and missed education, warn aid agencies
and without increased investment in their education and …       More investment in the education and psychological protection of all children

Grateful For Safety, But Desperate To Learn

Nasrella fled Syria with his family more than half a year ago and has lost touch with not only his father, but his friends, too. All he really wants, though, is the chance to continue his education.
teachers need to have an education before they can teach others. Instead of

Life Alongside World Vision

Rosmery grew up in a Bolivian ADP and now, thanks to help from World Vision, is studying at university in Italy on a full scholarship. In this post she tells us what life is like growing up in a community supported by World Vision sponsors.
to be able to do this. So I am now studying Educational Development

Our visit to our sponsored child, Chrestina in South Africa

It's wonderful to hear stories and see pictures of our ADPs whenever our Child Sponsors actually go to visit their Sponsored Child and family! We're grateful for Garry's kind words: "World Vision is clearly doing a great deal for this community - and others like it all over the world. It was a real pleasure, and a day we’ll never forget, to see the work first-hand." We hope you enjoy reading more about Garry and Nina's experience, meeting Chrestina in South Afirca.
many photographs to remember the day by. Education We went to three

What is an ADP?

You may know that sponsoring a child supports their whole community. You may know that your child lives in one of our Area Development Programmes. But what exactly is an ADP and how does your support help?
education and child protection. 3. The last phase … the children enjoy their yummy lunch. Education In … the government is responsible for providing education for children above the age of five but it is

Your Chance To Learn From A Sponsored Child

After being awarded a scholarship to move from her native Bolivia to study in Italy, former sponsored child Rosmery has agreed to take your questions on life, education and World Vision's sponsorship. Read on to find out how to get involved.
have made over the years to improve the education system she

A Wonderful Wedding Gift: Helping Communities In Honduras

Child sponsors Chris and Anthony used their wedding to ask people to support our work in Honduras, where they sponsor 12-year-old Nubia. This winter, they went over to see how she - and the communities their guests helped - are getting on.

Sowing The Seeds Of A Solution: Why Progress To Peace In Syria Is Essential

With the Geneva peace talks searching for a peaceful solution to the Syria conflict this week, Johan Eldebo outlines his experience of just why sowing the seeds of a solution is so vital for the children of Syria.
have been forced to trade a house and an education for a tented camp and hard labour. Others

New Violence Revives Bitter Memories of South Sudan

When war broke out in Sudan in 1983, newborn Abraham's family were forced to flee the country for nearly a decade. Now, as fresh violence breaks out across South Sudan, he fears the same fate may be forced on his children.
get an education and parental care that I offer in a peaceful

South Sudan Crisis Update

As the conflict continues, we remember the children and their families affected by this situation.
public services such as health care and education. … 1.17 million children have lost access to education due to the conflict and an estimated 1 … by conflict  enrolling children in primary education and constructing temporary classrooms for