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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

World Vision prepares to respond to 11,000 families likely to be impacted by typhoon Hagupit

As Typhoon Hagupit hits the Philippines, World Vision is on the ground ready to provide relief assistance.
  Operations Director Jennifer MacCann said teams in Leyte and Panay areas have … in the wake of the storm' Ms MacCann said.

Aid promise set to become law

A commitment to spend 0.7% of Britain's gross national income on livesaving overseas aid looks set to become law.
gross national income on livesaving overseas aid looks set to become … we've set an example to other countries that aid matters and Britain has kept its promise to

Typhoon threatens recovery efforts in Philippines

13 months after typhoon Haiyan, survivors are now bracing for another potentially devastating tropical storm.
said Andrew Roseauer.  There is a general

New Report: Fears about child safety are misplaced

New report reveals that while “out there” is still seen as the most dangerous place, children more at risk at home than anywhere
new report by international aid agency World Vision and research company

An Ethiopian graduation service

More than 15 years ago a Lancashire couple were on holiday touring Canada when they heard about World Vision’s work on a local radio station. Inspired by the programme, they became sponsors of Woineshet, a seven-year-old girl growing up in World Vision's rural Adjibar Area Development Programme in Ethiopia. It turned out to be a life changing decision for everyone involved.
That first trip laid the foundations for a partnership that has

Pregnancy in the time of Ebola

As Ebola continues to infect and take lives across Sierra Leone, it is making daily life increasingly difficult. We spoke to Hawa, a 40 year old mum now going through her seventh pregnancy, about her fears and worries.
afraid of how the birth might go during the current … we have reached a point where people are afraid to buy food from us. Sales are very … she said. Hawa’s eldest

Eliminating violence against women and girls

Tuesday 25 November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a day devoted to raising awareness of the scale of violence facing women and girls around the globe. Senior Policy Adviser Erica Hall reflects on why the day is important, how far we have come and why it seems like such an unattainable goal.
she just said

Ethiopia and BandAid 30 years on

Tomorrow marks BandAid's 30 year anniversary of the 'Feed the World' recording. Last month, we arranged a trip for BBC reporter Mike Wooldridge to return to the Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia, the place where he and Michael Buerk traveled with World Vision 30 years ago. The dramatic broadcast and the suffering they brought into the spotlight inspired Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single.
and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single. … believed that they had the answer. Band Aid first released … for Sport Aid in London with a million

Last visit to Namachete

For World Vision Campaigns Coordinator Rohena, managing project closure updates was personal as she was one of many sponsors who had to say goodbye to their sponsored children. However, before she said farewell, she visited Josephy in Malawi to see the changes brought about by 15 years of sponsorship.
before she said farewell she visited Josephy in Malawi to

New Deal: View from Somalia

Ibrahim Eid is a both a farmer and a pastoralist as well as being chairman of his local village in south central Somalia.
projects will do more harm than good' she said. The report

G20 Must Deliver for the Most Vulnerable

G20 leaders must address the abuse and loss of childhood that faces the world’s 168 million child labourers, says World Vision
Global Policy Director Kirsty Nowlan said G20 nations represent 85 per cent of global

One year on, it's only tears of happiness

This Saturday marks the one year anniversary of the day when Typhoon Haiyan hit land in the Philippines and left a trail of death and destruction in its wake. Ahead of the anniversary, Emergency Programme Support Officer Anna visited some of the worst hit areas and saw the amazing rebirth and rebuilding that has taken place in the past year.
income. World Vision was one of the first aid agencies on the ground last … entire village. Everyone who had received aid in the past year wanted to meet us to show

A year since Typhoon Haiyan: Recovery & Resilience

A year since Typhoon Haiyan: More than a million people assisted; a remarkable journey of resilience.
Rosauer said.  

Faith leaders on the frontline of the Ebola crisis

Faith leaders across West Africa are using their unique position within communities to help stop the spread of Ebola.
stigma. Through a consortium with other aid agencies it plans to reach over

Keeping the fighters safe

As healthworkers In Sierra Leone lead the fight against Ebola, they too are often succumbing to the virus. World Vision has already donated and distributed large quantities of protective gear and medical supplies, but as Allieu Bangura, World Vision Sierra Leone’s National Health Advisor, explains, more equipment is urgently needed.

World Vision in unprecedented DEC launch of Ebola Crisis Appeal

World Vision and 12 other leading UK aid agencies have announced today they will launch a historic appeal in a bid to halt the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
World Vision and 12 other leading UK aid agencies have announced today they will … DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed said of the planned …       Providing food aid to affected families

Ebola Crisis Update

Now that Sierra Leone is Ebola Free, we look back at the outbreak and ahead to what still needs to be done.
and families with psychosocial first aid.  4. Livelihoods Sierra … in psychosocial first aid With funding from the Disaster Emergency

BBC crew returns to Ethiopia, 30 years after historic broadcast

World Vision is back in Ethiopia as we mark the 30th anniversary of Michael Buerk & Mike Wooldridge’s harrowing and moving reports.
attention and led to the Live Aid concerts  and the first large scale … said Mrs. Schuler.    World Vision in on the … AIDS.  Currently in

Light shining in the Darkness: an interfaith response to Ebola

Faith leaders in Sierra Leone – both Christian and Muslim – are raising awareness to fight the spread of Ebola.
said Mattia Koi … said one church member. Through the first

On the edge of survival

Last year World Vision reached almost eight million people around the world who were struggling to feed themselves and their children. On World Food Day, 16 October, we are thinking of the people who are still struggling to make sure their children get the food they need to grow up healthy and happy.
she said during a recent visit to the food collection … she said. … of survival due to the growing food crisis. Aid groups have warned that without urgent