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939 Search results for ‘CAR’

The struggle for an education

In southern Lebanon, Syrian school-age children are struggling to get places at school due to overcrowding and a strain on resources. We met Baker, a 5-year-old Syrian refugee who was determined to go to a World Vision run Early Childhood Education Programme, in spite of his disability.
still carrying around today. … So I asked the bus driver to carry Baker up to his … he began to think twice about his future career. … like my children. Seeing how much they need care inspires me to give fully from my

Why we're diving for World Vision

As part of Remember A Charity In Your Will week, four plucky ladies from our Supporter Care team will be jumping out of a plane to keep company with Brian Phillips - one of our Ambassadors, who will be writing his will mid-air. Our brave women are themselves raising money for children in South Sudan, and as the jump approaches next week, we find out what's motivating them to take the plunge.
four plucky ladies from our Supporter Care team will be jumping out of a plane to keep … for such a wonderful cause. The Supporter Care team are really supportive and many of them


taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80

Visiting progress and inching closer to the end of Ebola in Sierra Leone

As Sierra Leone inches closer to the end of the recent Ebola outbreak that has claimed almost 4,000 lives, WVUK's Celebrity Media Specialist, Siân Merrylees, recently visited our projects there to see for herself how World Vision has helped.
to handing out gloves and goggles to healthcare

South Sudan: Deal Just Start of Long Road to Peace

World Vision and other agencies say new peace deal is only the beginning of a long journey towards peace and reconciliation.
Country Director for CARE in South Sudan … homes and villages destroyed. CARE calls on all parties to the conflict to

Talking with a former child soldier in CAR

Public Affairs and Government Relations Officer Sarah has been working on the SDGs for the past year. This summer she visited the conflict torn Central African Republic, and met a former child soldier named Francis. Francis' experiences symbolise the main failings of the MDGs, and what we need to do better over the next 15 years.
blood had been shed. The conflict in CAR has been marked by widespread human rights … in the armed group. Most aid programmes in CAR are funded only for short periods at a time.

Staying hopeful in the heat

World Vision's Therese Boulos recently visited the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, to see how Syrian families were coping in the heatwave that is currently sweeping the region. She met seven-year-old Rasha and her family who were trying to stay positive in spite of the food and electricity shortages.
have no electricity to watch their favorite cartoon show from back in Syria

World Humanitarian Day: Massive challenges ahead as over 78 million people across 37 countries require humanitarian assistance

On World Humanitarian Day, we pay tribute to staff on the ground as our humanitarian aid workers share their thoughts.
to the vital work that humanitarians carry out around the … consuming only dry food snacks that I had carried with

The Communicator as Humanitarian

In her time at World Vision, Cecil Laguardia has worked in some of the most disaster-prone regions of the world. Here, she reflects on the unique requirements of her job and how she draws inspiration from the people she works with.
too swamped to know where to place their care. So what have I learnt during my time

Meeting with Alice and Alfred | FGM and teen pregnancy during Ebola

World Vision's Zena John met with Alice and Alfred during the 2014 London Girls Summit. Alice and Alfred are teenagers from a district in the southern province of Sierra Leone where World Vision has worked for years, and they are passionate about seeing real change in their community.
successfully carrying out … these young people carry the hopes of an entire generation. … such as food since their parents or other caregivers can no longer provide for

A girl named hope

A decade of conflict in the Eastern DRC, has killed millions and devastated the lives of many through violence, disease and poverty. Living through this uncertainty, a young girl called Esperance is working with local communities to combat sexual and gender based violence.
and fighting for what you believe in can be scary. I am living in an uncertain environment

The joy of being a sponsor

Buddha Gurung travels to Albania to meet the little girl, Liza, who he sponsors with World Vision UK
care and prayers from someone who lives miles

We will smile again - a child's blog from Gaza

Ten year old Rania lost her father when conflict exploded in the Gaza strip last summer. However, in the year that’s elapsed she’s joined one of World Vision’s 20 Child Friendly Spaces, where children affected by the crisis can receive psycho-social support. Rania is now looking forward to a better future.
that the Red Cross would take us in their cars to a safer place. People started gathering … I could hear people screaming. It was very scary and I felt like the attack continued for

Close to a million children in Iraq refugee camps face severe water shortages as sandstorms and heatwave hit the Middle East

World Vision has today called for greater funding and support for families displaced across Iraq as temperatures continue to rise.


Read our blogs from August 2015
taking care of her and her … work or care for his … to run the house and care for … they take care of their children. They ensure their … and she has enough time to care for her father and sister. With the 80

Bringing hope through faith

In the Central African Republic over half of the population has been affected by the conflict that has torn through the country since 2012. World Vision has been working with faith leaders to help unite communities and keep a tentative peace.
healthcare and education. In the Central African

Ebola One Year on: Community partnerships draw West Africa closer to victory against deadly outbreak, says World Vision

One year since the worst Ebola outbreak was declared across West Africa, World Vision has hailed its collaborative work with Sierra Leone communities as being instrumental in averting the catastrophic spread of the virus.
health care professionals and 950 community health


Two years after she trekked through the Himalayas on holiday, Emergency Programme Officer Lara returned to Nepal as part of World Vision's earthquake response. She was afraid to see the smiles wiped from the faces, but instead found remarkable levels of grace and resilience.
all through the small villages beautifully carved in the heart of the mountains.

A love letter to Nepal

World Vision Communicator Crislyn Felisilda always wanted to travel to Nepal, but never dreamed it would be as part of the global response to an earthquake. Torn between scenes of destruction and beauty, it was the resilience and spirit of the people that made a lasting impression.
season has now arrived. The tremors scarred the entire region with landslides. The … often tugging along a donkey or mule to carry their doko … which will carry our relief supplies back through the

Nepal Earthquake three months on: New report raises concerns over children’s psychological health

New World Vision joint report raises concerns over children’s psychological health.
  Carina Wint | Media Specialist | World Vision UK … carinadwint |