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1012 Search results for ‘World Vision UK’
Serving up an education
When his father passed away, Morsalin began work at just eleven years old, making it difficult for him to receive an education. But with the help of World Vision, he's been able to attend lessons and gain skills.
View all the posts from World Vision UK's charity blog in February 2015.
One of the lucky ones
When Ebola came to her community, six year-old Safiatu lost most of her family to the disease. When she and her Aunty Theresa also showed symptoms, health workers were quick to respond and together they made a full recovery. However, after their trauma was over, they had a fresh challenge of returning to their community with the stigma of an Ebola survivor. This is their story.
World Vision UK launched our Ebola appeal 3 months
Growing crops for shoes
For Selemani and his children, making ends meet was a constant struggle. But with the help of World Vision, he's gained the agricultural skills to ensure that he can put food on the table and his family can afford shoes and school fees. Thanks to sponsors funding the project, children like Selemani's son Bakari can look forward to a healthier, brighter future.
Winter is a time of fear for families in Za'atari
As the Middle East prepares for another harsh winter, the situation facing the estimated 11 million Syrians displaced by the crisis becomes even more difficult. The cold is particularly dangerous for young children, and those living in informal tents and sub-standard buildings. Ahead of tomorrow’s Coats for Syria fundraiser, we speak to the parents of 20 month old Nouras about their worries.
The difference clean water makes
World Vision worked with the communities living in the western region of Armenia to improve water access in the area. We met the families and children who are benefiting from new taps, pipes and clean running water - without the fear of health risks.
Hoping for a sweet start to the new year
We talk to a young Syrian family living in Azraq refugee camp, as they prepare for yet another harsh winter in freezing conditions.
Let’s Make 2015 a Year of Action for Children
Today marks the launch of Action 2015, a campaign to bring the world together to create the post Millennium Development Goals. World Vision is working to help children around the world achieve their full potential and make sure that they are well represented in the new sustainable development framework. External Relations Manager Geeta writes that her New Year's resolution is to raise her voice and let our leaders know they have the gift to make 2015 a year of action for children. They must act.
World Vision UK External Relations Manager Happy New
Action 2015: Children must not be forgotten
World Vision UK has today urged world leaders to consider the plight of vulnerable children in conflict areas.
World Vision UK has today urged world leaders to consider …
New start for earthquake survivors
Five years ago today a massive earthquake struck Haiti and displaced more than 1.5 million people. Ahead of the anniversary Haiti, Jean-Wickens Merone visits Adeline and her three children, one of the families that World Vision helped to find a fresh start.
Second chances
19 year old Rony used to be a troubled young boy after being abandoned by his parents at birth. But thanks to World Vision's Channels of Hope programme he's turned his life around and has become a role model for his community in Honduras.
What happens when the rice runs out?
For families who have managed to remain unaffected by Ebola in West Africa, another crisis is now looming – hunger.
After a traumatic year, the children of Gaza look to 2015
The children of Gaza have suffered so much this year, but with the help of shelters and child-friendly spaces, they've been trying to piece their lives back together. We spoke to them about their wishes and hopes for the coming year.
Letter from Tim Pilkington: Happy New Year
World Vision UK Acting Chief Exec Tim Pilkington shares why 2015 is an unique year ahead.
A decade on - the Boxing Day tsunami
A decade ago today, a massive undersea earthquake triggered a tsunami that affected 12 countries and took the lives of more than 230,000 people. In response to the disaster World Vision launched its largest ever relief operation across five countries simultaneously. Ten years on, we’ve gathered a collection of stories from staff and survivors to tell you the tale of destruction, loss, and rebuilding.
View all the posts from World Vision UK's charity blog in January 2015.
2015 Blogs
View blog content by month from 2015.
Christmas at my home
Ersjona is nine years old and lives with her family in Lezha, Albania. Like most children around the world, Christmas is a time of magic and celebration so we recently asked Ersjona to write a letter to sponsors in the UK, explaining what Christmas means to her, and how she celebrates with her family.
Life in quarantine
Eleven year old Hindowa lives in southern Sierra Leone. After the death of a close family friend to Ebola, he and his family were put into quarantine for almost an entire month.
Christmas in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, Christmas is celebrated on 7 January, and is a quiet time of sharing and celebrating in groups of friends and family. Ten year old Ermias explains happily, “Holidays mean so much to us. We cannot think of a Christmas without new clothes, celebrations at school, church and home with our families and friends.”