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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

Hani's Story

Hani is a beautiful eight-year old little boy. Like many children his age, he went to preschool, learned the alphabet and studied his numbers. That was until the bombs started exploding. Now, like many Syrian children his age, Hani is a refugee and has seen and experienced things that no child should. This is his story.
from place to place and was constantly afraid for the future. All he wanted was the … said Hani. No child should have experienced or … and has been supplying aid to the refugee families and host community

Justin Byworth to stand down as World Vision UK Chief Executive

Justin Byworth, chief executive of World Vision UK, is to step down from his post at the end of this year.
paid tribute to Byworth’s leadership.

Time is running out for Gazan children

The bombs may have stopped falling for now but the war is not over for Gaza’s children.
said Alex … the recent indefinite ceasefire in Gaza aid agencies like World Vision should have the

Finding a different way to celebrate Halloween

This Halloween, join World Vision in turning a night of fear into a night of hope for Syrian children.

South Sudan - World Vision & Other Leading Aid Agencies Warn Famine Imminent

Agencies fear recent improvements will be wiped out as the number of severely hungry people will rise by 1 million in first three months of 2015
including an arms embargo. They said so far the international community’s … in both the quantity and quality of the aid effort.  Tariq Reibl head of Oxfam’s

Displaced families in Iraq find refuge

Four months ago, Basma, 26, was working as a lawyer in a government directorate in Mosul, Iraq. She and her husband had bought property and were building a new house. But in August, they were forced to flee their hometown of Qaraqosh. With the spread of violent conflict, the town of 50,000 saw an exodus of families forced to leave their ancestral home and seek refuge in the Kurdish-controlled region of northern Iraq.

World leaders must act now before Ebola spirals out of control

As UK hosts Ebola conference, World Vision and partners welcome the strong commitment demonstrated by many Governments so far in responding to the crisis
Aid agencies simply do not have the … protection and education. As aid agencies and campaigning

Matthew's First Christmas

Nadene recently travelled to South Sudan and the overwhelmed Malakal Refugee Camp where she was heartbroken to hear the stories of people living there.
basic tents and under tarpaulin provided by aid

South Sudan escapes official famine, but even without a name hunger still kills

South Sudan's food insecurity hasn't worsened to the point of famine, but situation is still very dire.
Sudan Program Director Perry Mansfield said even if there were some crops to harvest in … Mr Mansfield said.  …  Mr Mansfield said it is a race against time to help people

'I want to be a sponsor one day'

Mary is nine years old, and a sponsored child in Armenia. Her mum came to the country as a refugee when she was nine herself, and their family has struggled to make ends meet. Since becoming a sponsored child, Mary's family has received amazing support from World Vision and her sponsor, and Mary's goal is now to sponsor other children like herself one day.
was not afraid. I was surprised. I couldn’t understand what

Time for a Rethink on Conflict and Peace, says World Vision

Today is the International Day of Peace. Now more than ever leaders need to focus on a global strategy for peace
spent on overseas aid

The pursuit of an ideal

This Sunday is International Day of Peace, a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Senior Conflict Adviser Sarah Pickwick reflects that we still have some way to go before ideals become a reality for children around the world.
and how they were afraid because there

Easing the burden for host communities

The conflict in Syria is now in its fourth year, and has already claimed more than 190,000 lives—at least 10,000 confirmed to be children. It has forced approximately nine million people to flee their homes and almost three million to take refuge in neighbouring countries.
and bring food back. World Vision provided aid supplies to the family and installed basic

Iraq Crisis: World Vision Supports Aid Delivery to Displaced Individuals

World Vision has begun distribution of aid supplies facilitated by the Women’s Empowerment Organisation.
World Vision has begun distribution of aid supplies to hundreds of … mum said to World Vision at our distribution centre … Empowerment Organisation to provide aid relief. Initial distributions of

Planning for our children’s future

Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.
malaria and HIV and AIDS. Now as the MDGs come to an end in

One Girl's Trauma

Almost two months after the start of the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict, World Vision talks to Rima, one of the hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza who are now in need of trauma counselling to help them deal with the loss and destruction that they have experienced.
children have received psychological first aid and trauma counselling. World Vision

Update: World Vision's Regional Syria Crisis Response

The conflict in Syria has now been going on for more than three years. Here's an update on our effort in the region thus far.
basic aid

Back to School in India

As children across the UK return to school this week, we reflect on the stories of sponsored children living in countries where something we take for granted is far from certain. World Vision believes that primary education is both a basic right of every child, and the surest way to help a poor community lift itself out of poverty. But in the world’s poorest areas, education is often overlooked.

Children “May Never Recover” from Syrian Conflict

World Vision is urging world leaders not to forget the ongoing suffering of children caused by the Syrian conflict, as refugee numbers surpassed three million today.
aid agency World Vision is urging world leaders … said Wynn

More Cash Needed as Famine Looms in South Sudan

One hundred days after an international donor conference was held to raise money to bring aid to South Sudan, the country urgently requires still more cash as it hovers on the brink of famine.
conference was held to raise money to bring aid to South … clean water and essential supplies. The aid includes running supplementary feeding