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625 Search results for ‘Education’

‘Terrifying landmark’ as number of Syrian refugees passes two million

Aid agency World Vision continues to step up its efforts in Syria and neighbouring countries, as the number of refugees fleeing the conflict reaches a landmark two million.
let alone an education.

A letter to Muna, for our birthday

After meeting baby Muna while visiting our work in Jordan, the poignancy of their shared birthdays lead World Vision International's Meg to write an open letter about how inadequately she can answer the questions the crisis raises.

London 2012 inspires family to help World Vision

A family of nine from the Rugby area has raised more than £6,000 for charity by cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats.
ensuring children have a chance of a proper education.

'Step into Africa' at South Bank

Hettie, a very passionate young lady who works on World Vision's experiential initiative, 'Step into Africa' shares her thoughts on the exhibit.
an education for young and old and of course the chance

Fastest Paralympian on the planet donates prize money to help disabled children in SE Asia

Ahead of this month’s IPC Athletics World Championships, the world’s fastest Paralympian has handed over some of his prize winnings to a project in Myanmar that helps disabled children in the South-East Asian country achieve their sporting dreams.
Its other work includes providing access to education and healthcare for people who may have

What do healthcare and education look like in Uganda?

Two of our wonderful sponsors, Chris and Jon, recently visited Uganda and they have written a couple of blogs to share their experiences with you. In their first blog today, Chris tells us about a health clinic she had special interest in as a retired nurse and then Jon tells us about the impact World Vision has had (and is having) on two primary schools in the area.
explained that the aim was to improve education opportunities for the children in these … will help every child get the best education opportunities possible and fulfil their

Buddying up for an Albanian visit

World Vision child sponsor, Chris, shares her story from Albania about our first ever combined sponsor visit where she met her sponsored child, Elvana, and saw some of the inspiring work World Vision have been doing.
They all had ambitions to go onto further education and study a variety of courses from

Our message has been heard, now it's time to do the work

Our colleague from the DRC, Aimee Manimani, shares what your support and the IF campaign has achieved and why the race to end hunger isn’t over yet.
to go to school so that they can get an education. I met one of World Vision’s key

Miriam's Paradise: a small tent in Lebanon

For World Refugee Day our colleague, Joy Toose, from World Vision Australia - currently seconded to Lebanon - shares the moving story of Miriam and her 3 grandchildren living on the kindness of strangers.
healthcare and education as he grows up. She pointed to the sore … as well as safe spaces and educational opportunities for children. The needs

Small Farmers and the Fair Distribution of Land

Angel, a farmer from Honduras, tells us what it's like to try to survive without enough land to grow enough food for his family. The G8 can change this IF they want to.

Sponsor A Girl

Sponsor a girl change a life forever. Girls face unique challenges to overcome. Become a child sponsor and join us in making a difference.
East Asia. Giving Girls the Right to an Education Girls are less likely to receive an … and boys. Give girls the right to an education Girls are less likely to receive an

Sponsor A Boy

Sponsor a boy with World Vision and change a life of a child forever. Become a child sponsor and make a real difference to a child in need.
the right to an education not … the right to an education not … healthcare and an education. And because of our

Sponsor a child in Bolivia

Sponsor a child in Bolivia and help end child malnourishment. Your support will also support local farmers in the child’s community.
healthcare and education for children and communities. … has funded orphanages and provided educational … a good education or even healthy food. Malnutrition and

Sponsor a child in Honduras

Sponsor a child in Honduras to provide food, clean water and medicine. Assist in improving their education by training new schoolteachers.
healthcare and education for children and communities. … of children stay in education after primary level … only one will stay in education after primary level.

Sponsor a child in Bangladesh

Many families in Bangladesh depend on their children to help earn money for the family. Sponsor a child in Bangladesh and allow them to go to school.
healthcare and education for children and communities. … and education they need

Sponsor a child in India

Sponsor a child in India and help provide nutrition and education. Many families in India go without food due to floods.
healthcare and an education. … healthcare and an education. At a … healthcare and an education. Child sponsorship in

Sponsor a child in Uganda

Sponsor a child in Uganda and stop them from going hungry, without access to education & healthcare. Sponsorship also helps raise awareness of HIV.
healthcare and education for children and communities.

Two Letters, Hundreds of Responses, One Big IF

Saturday 8th June saw the BIG IF in Hyde Park, where we shared two letters from sponsored children living the day-to-day reality of not having enough to eat.
education and a job that will enable you to give back

Sponsor a child in Tanzania

Sponsor a child in Tanzania and help provide vital access to much needed nutrition, education & healthcare, including raising HIV awareness.
healthcare and education for children and communities.

Sponsor a child in Sierra Leone

Sponsor a child in Sierra Leone, where food shortages often lead to health problems. Your help will provide access to clean water, healthcare and education
healthcare and education for children and communities. … improving access to education and the quality of … child protection and education