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838 Search results for ‘Aid’

Only lasting ceasefire will end carnage in Ghouta, warns World Vision

Aid agency World Vision is backing calls for an immediate ceasefire to halt escalating violence in Eastern Ghouta, Syria.
Aid agency World Vision is backing calls for an … cessation in fighting to allow vital aid deliveries to reach the critically sick and

Statement on inaccurate Haiti reports

The earthquake in Haiti was a tragedy for the hundreds of thousands of children and their families who lost everything.
hemisphere. It was a challenging time for aid workers who witnessed their loss and … world for children is possible. Like other aid discussions with our partners in delivering aid to the world’s most vulnerable children.

Mosul's Injured Children

Eleven-year old Omar is from western Mosul. He remembers the day ISIL arrived at his school and started teaching them about bombs, guns and killing people. Three years later, he’s been living with his family in eastern Mosul in a rented apartment. Their house in western Mosul was destroyed and Omar and his siblings were severely injured in an explosion. Omar lost his leg and his brother Ahmed has brain damage from a piece of shrapnel that lodged in his skull.
We asked people to donate blood but they said they were too skinny. ISIL soldiers came … and asked if we were escaping. I lied and said I was taking my children to the hospital. If

Syria crisis: Chlorine attacks and airstrikes displace many in Idlib

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is worsening following reports of suspected chlorine attacks in the city of Idlib this week.

Hundreds of child soldiers released from armed groups in South Sudan

More than 250 child soldiers associated with South Sudan’s numerous fighting groups will be released today following the successful intervention of World Vision and other aid agencies.
intervention of World Vision and other aid agencies. Case workers with World Vision’s … Loha said. The children will be received by World … he said. According to

World Vision condemns violence in the DRC

World Vision responds to the latest developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

As Ethiopia faces catastrophic drought, more girls are forced into early marriages

Alarming levels of food shortages caused by prolonged droughts in Ethiopia are forcing more girls into early marriages, international aid agency World Vision has revealed.
international aid agency World Vision has revealed. Drought

Thousands of Syrian refugees face winter hunger in Lebanon as funding lines freeze

International children’s charity, World Vision, has scaled up efforts to support Syrian families camped out in Lebanon as winter takes hold in the refugee settlements.
per cent of the funding requested in 2017 by aid agencies to cover the needs of vulnerable

World Vision UK warns the UK government against cutting aid

International children’s charity World Vision today warns that the UK government is at risk of cutting aid from the children who need it most around the world.
that the UK government is at risk of cutting aid from the children who need it most around … announced that Britain will no longer give aid money … and said its focus

The power of porridge

Joyce, a mother of 8, sits in her small grass-thatched kitchen, preparing a fire so that she can cook a nutritious meal for her 2-year-old daughter Loveness who is playing games with her friends and sisters outside.
said Joyce.

World Vision condemns eviction of displaced people in Somalia

International children’s charity World Vision has denounced a government offensive against internally displaced people on the outskirts of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
Mogadishu. Aid workers and witnesses reportedly saw armed

A time to demonstrate love for others

What motivates you to give? Do you most appreciate receiving? The true spirit of Christmas is "not getting, but giving". It is the perfect time to celebrate the love of God and family; forgetting self and finding time for others.
are close to our heart. It is sometimes said the birth of Christ has become

"What an amazing day!" The Paterson family meets their sponsored child

When we realised that we were going to be spending the summer in Uganda, it made sense to organise a trip to visit the child we sponsor there (through the charity World Vision).  We sponsor a child for each of our children and this one is C2's special buddy.  We were hoping that this visit would inspire some more dedicated letter writing and appreciation of what we were actually achieving in sending the sponsorship money each month.  The day did not disappoint!
appeared when C3 said it was his

World Vision denounces any forced return of refugees to Myanmar

International children’s charity World Vision has joined calls condemning any forced return of refugees who have fled violence in Myanmar.
said Bartlett.

Meghan Markle’s Charity Work

World Vision UK is eternally grateful to Meghan Markle’s charity work as a global ambassador for our brand. Read more about the future princess here.
helped to provide humanitarian aid for vulnerable children. When you sponsor a

“The war made us come here.”

After fleeing conflict in South Sudan and making the harrowing journey to Uganda, Sarah and her sisters finally feel safe. World Vision found the children a foster mother and child protection staff ensure they have enough to eat.
constantly afraid of attack … Anna tells me. The aid agency found the children a foster mother to

Burundi: One million children at risk of contracting malaria by Christmas

Up to a million more children are likely to contract malaria before Christmas in Burundi, World Vision warns today.
said Dr. Hatsindimana … Dr. Jean said. In the last three … school. I just went outside the class and laid in the grass until my parents came to take

World Vision responds to the departure of Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe

Following the resignation of President Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe yesterday, Emmanuel Isch, World Vision Zimbabwe National Director, said: “The mood in the country is one of joy, celebration and hope."

#UniversalChildrensDay: Kids' voices must be at the heart of efforts to end violence

Now, more than ever, is the time for leaders to start taking the most vulnerable children in the world more seriously, says international children's charity World Vision.
aid agency World Vision says now more than ever

Ending Child Marriage

Hi there. My name is Fatou. I’m 17 and I’ve just received my A levels!! I live in a the western part of Senegal. Thanks to one of my teachers in school, M. Senghor, I have been working with and supporting World Vision for about 4 years now. I am a peer educator in their child protection programme and also am lucky enough to be one of the YOUNG LEADERS group, a young activist group of 16 countries created by World Vision International.
as it is said. Being exposed several times to