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51 Search results for ‘Armenia’


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Bangladesh


child sponsorship work in Armenia began in 1988 after a devastating … Armenia sits between the Black and Caspian Seas on … zinc and bauxite. About 98 percent of Armenia’s population is ethnic Armenian. Most people


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Albania


child sponsorship work in Armenia began in 1988 after a devastating … Armenia sits between the Black and Caspian Seas on … zinc and bauxite. About 98 percent of Armenia’s population is ethnic Armenian. Most people


The latest prayers of children and communities we work with in Armenia.
Armenia Prayers ARMENIA PRAYER REQUESTS Pray for Armenia World … committed to partnering with the people of Armenia to improve their lives today and to help

Our Ambassador Program

Find out more about volunteering with World Vision. Share your passion. Inspire others to help the world’s most vulnerable children.
Ambassador in Worthing. Sponsoring Garik in Armenia has been an immensely positive experience

Child Protection

Find out more on World Vision's child protection work. We protect children from disease, hunger & conflict, so they are free to enjoy childhood.
Armenia and

Middle East reflections

World Vision CEO Justin Byworth reflects on his time in the Middle East and the complexities of the region’s relationships, which are all too often under intense pressure.
Christian and Muslim alike.  Armenians scattered throughout the region by

“We told her the bombing was balloons popping” – A Mother’s Heartbreak in Lebanon

Our CEO, Justin Byworth, is in Lebanon trying to understand what life is like for the thousands of refugees fleeing from the conflict in Syria.
Armenian and … Lusin and Racha have been welcomed in by the Armenian community in this

Inspiring Armenian Projects

We left Sisian today, on a rutted road littered with herds of sheep and cattle, not a beautiful smooth dual carriageway in sight! After visiting my sponsored children yesterday I am now going to look at some of the income generating projects I am helping to support. I really believe that funding projects which enable people to help themselves is the best way of helping vulnerable families to climb out of the situations which they find themselves in.
such opportunities. Reflections From  Armenia What has really impressed me while … enthusiasm to make such big difference. Armenia has a very high level of

Visiting my Sponsored Children in Armenia

This is my third time in Armenia and its beauty never ceases to impress me. I have never been here at this time of year and its lush green landscapes, high mountains and bright blue skies provide a stunning backdrop to our three and a half hour journey to Sisian. I am really excited about seeing my sponsored children Aram and Nareh. I have met them before, but I’m keen to meet their families again and see the difference in their lives since I was last here.
This is my third time in Armenia and its beauty never ceases to impress me. I … going to be in Armenia for a few more … the temperature drops later in the year. Armenia has extreme temperatures from November to