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74 Search results for ‘Child Marriage’

Leaving nobody behind

This weekend, world leaders meet at the UN in New York to agree to a new set of global goals that charities and governments together will focus on over the next fifteen years. WVUK Social Media Manager Kate Shaw shares three stories on the subject of early/forced marriage - an area that wasn't fully tackled in the last set of goals but that she hopes will be at the top of the table this time around.
The UN and child marriage Neither Upama and … should ever happen. Child marriage is fairly widely accepted as something that … child marriage has also fallen through the gaps of the

Engaging youth for change

Ahead of the DFID summit on the Sustainable Development Goals this weekend, Child Rights Policy Officer Madeleine Askham explains how workshops helping youth to recognise barriers that are holding them back, can become key drivers that challenge inequality and lack of opportunity.

Action 2015 | Fighting for an end to child marriage

Senior Child Rights Programme Adviser Tracy Shields reflects on the tragedy of child marriage prior to her visit to Malawi - where 50% of girls under 18 fall prey to the practice. However, a worldwide remedy may come in the form of the Sustainable Development Goals and the pledge to 'eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage' by 2030.
work will be looking at the issue of child marriage. You … Malawi has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Half of all girls there are

Nepal Earthquake three months on: New report raises concerns over children’s psychological health

New World Vision joint report raises concerns over children’s psychological health.

Hearing girl’s voices in northern Kenya

As the African continent marked the Day of the African Child last summer, Lucy Murunga was privileged to join thousands of children from northern Kenya in their celebrations.

Let’s Make 2015 a Year of Action for Children

Today marks the launch of Action 2015, a campaign to bring the world together to create the post Millennium Development Goals. World Vision is working to help children around the world achieve their full potential and make sure that they are well represented in the new sustainable development framework. External Relations Manager Geeta writes that her New Year's resolution is to raise her voice and let our leaders know they have the gift to make 2015 a year of action for children. They must act.
and end child marriage and child labour Help communities learn

Letter from Tim Pilkington: Happy New Year

World Vision UK Acting Chief Exec Tim Pilkington shares why 2015 is an unique year ahead.
and to end the scourge of child marriage and child labour. We will fight for

Eliminating violence against women and girls

Tuesday 25 November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a day devoted to raising awareness of the scale of violence facing women and girls around the globe. Senior Policy Adviser Erica Hall reflects on why the day is important, how far we have come and why it seems like such an unattainable goal.
to New York with me last year to speak about child marriage in her community. As part of a strong Girl

"Where are the rights you promised us?"

‘Where are the rights you promised us?’ ask children in report marking 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

BBC crew returns to Ethiopia, 30 years after historic broadcast

World Vision is back in Ethiopia as we mark the 30th anniversary of Michael Buerk & Mike Wooldridge’s harrowing and moving reports.
child marriage

Living with the threat of Ebola

Zainab is a 12-year old secondary school student in eastern Sierra Leone. Although she and her family have so far remained healthy and safe from Ebola, the disease currently ravaging the country has infected her life in other ways.

Ripples, and the beat of a butterfly's wings

Gavin Crowden, World Vision’s head of Policy and Public Affairs answers the question ‘What’s the point of Party Conferences anyway?’
ending child marriage in Sierra

Planning for our children’s future

Geeta Bandi-Philips, World Vision UK's External Relations Manager reflects on the Post 2015 policy debates, and how World Vision can help shape the conversation to achieve the best future possible for the world's children.
and end child marriage and child labour. Communities learn about

How Local Advocacy Can Form A Global Agenda: Reflections From The Girl Summit Youth Delegates

Alice and Alfred flew in from Sierra Leone to take part in the Girl Summit to tackle the issues of FGM and early marriage. One month on from their visit, they both take time to reflect on the change they are helping enable from a local to a global level.
young people to stop the practice of FGM and child marriage from happening to those who are at risk of … child marriage and other forms of abuse to ensure that our

Girl Summit 2014: Recap, Reflection & Conclusion

As the Girl Summit draws to a close, our Child Rights Programme Advisor Tracy Shields completes Part II of her summit reflection.
and child marriage in a generation. Personal Level On a … done in their communities to stop FGM and child marriage. At the very start of their … say that we are committed to ending FGM and child marriage in a generation.  I am proud that we have

Girl Summit 2014: World Vision leads drive to end FGM and child marriage

Speaking at UK's first Girl Summit, WVUK CEO Justin Byworth shares solutions to end FGM & Early Marriage.
its work to protect girls from the fear of child marriage and FGM.  Speaking at the Girl Summit

Charity says UK can learn from success stories in Africa, following today’s launch of Parliamentary FGM report

World Vision UK welcomes today's parliamentary report “Female genital mutilation: the case for a national action plan”.

Lessons from Africa: Tackling FGM

FGM affects women and girls across the world, even here in the UK. Nell Williams looks at how success in tackling the most difficult of subjects in Ethiopia could be translated to our shores.
in Ethiopia researching the links between child marriage and female genital mutilation

South Sudan Crisis Update

As the conflict continues, we remember the children and their families affected by this situation.
theyre safe. Staff on the ground say child marriage is rampant in Ugandas refugee settlements