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101 Search results for ‘Ethiopia’

Seeing real change in Ethiopia

This February, World Vision Policy and Programmes Director David Westwood took a plane with Public Engagement Director Mathew Neville to visit just some of the people who have experienced the changes of sponsorship over the past few decades.
in this morning to Addis Ababa airport in Ethiopia for the start of a week’s lightning tour of … the National Director of World Vision Ethiopia. Margaret is a highly experienced American

Children and youth are key to tackle disaster risk reduction

Perspectives of children and youth must be taken into account to ensure disaster risk reduction talks in Sendai succeed.
Bolivia and Ethiopia the value of working with children to shape … risk reduction programmes. In the slums of Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababawe worked alongside

Christmas in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Christmas is celebrated on 7 January, and is a quiet time of sharing and celebrating in groups of friends and family. Ten year old Ermias explains happily, “Holidays mean so much to us. We cannot think of a Christmas without new clothes, celebrations at school, church and home with our families and friends.”
holidays celebrated amongst Christians in Ethiopia. It is usually celebrated on 7 … fasting period of Advent. The Ethiopian name for the celebration is

Return to South Sudan

Two decades on from her first foreign assignment covering war and hunger in South Sudan, UK Media Manager Sarah Wilson returns and finds that depressingly little has changed.
towards the town. They settled in Ethiopia where he was able to start primary school … or both. After spending time as a refugee in Ethiopia and

An Ethiopian graduation service

More than 15 years ago a Lancashire couple were on holiday touring Canada when they heard about World Vision’s work on a local radio station. Inspired by the programme, they became sponsors of Woineshet, a seven-year-old girl growing up in World Vision's rural Adjibar Area Development Programme in Ethiopia. It turned out to be a life changing decision for everyone involved.
rural Adjibar Area Development Programme in Ethiopia. It turned out to be a life changing … World Vision Ethiopia Communications Officer The graduation hall

Ethiopia and BandAid 30 years on

Tomorrow marks BandAid's 30 year anniversary of the 'Feed the World' recording. Last month, we arranged a trip for BBC reporter Mike Wooldridge to return to the Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia, the place where he and Michael Buerk traveled with World Vision 30 years ago. The dramatic broadcast and the suffering they brought into the spotlight inspired Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to record the original Band Aid single.
on 23 October 1984 about the unfolding Ethiopian … I have travelled back to Ethiopia with half of the … together with members of the World Vision Ethiopia team arrived in Addis Ababa in October to

Ethiopia - Antsokia Valley now a success story

Fifty-five year old Desta Beletew beams with happiness. Nine years ago his family only planted teff, an Ethiopian plant from which the popular injera bread is made. He is now a successful farmer after embracing World Vision’s clarion call to take up new agricultural practices.
an Ethiopian plant from which the popular injera bread

BBC crew returns to Ethiopia, 30 years after historic broadcast

World Vision is back in Ethiopia as we mark the 30th anniversary of Michael Buerk & Mike Wooldridge’s harrowing and moving reports.
harrowing and moving reports about hunger in Ethiopia. The historic broadcasts brought the … people were affected by the famine in Ethiopia.  … National Director in Ethiopia.

Ripples, and the beat of a butterfly's wings

Gavin Crowden, World Vision’s head of Policy and Public Affairs answers the question ‘What’s the point of Party Conferences anyway?’
be highlighting the lessons from the Ethiopian famine 30 years on. And we’ll be explaining

Mud, Mosquitoes and Malakal's Children of War

World Vision UK CEO, Justin Byworth, has recently returned from a trip to see the dramatic, life-threatening impact that the conflict in South Sudan is having on more than half of its population. A few weeks ago he visited Malakal, a sleepy provincial town that has been almost obliterated, where he listened to survivor’s stories.

Girl Summit: Children Free From Fear of FGM and Early Marriage

Ahead of next week's Girl Summit our Child Rights Programme Advisor, Tracy Shields shares why she's raising not just her voice and our voice, but the voices of the children living in fear of FGM and early marriage.

South Sudan: Not the Independence Day Celebration Anyone Hoped For

The situation is South Sudan is worsening. While the country marks the 3rd anniversary of its independence, nearly half the population is in need of urgent assistance. This is not the Independence Day anyone hoped for.

Senseless Acts of Beauty

Award-winning designer John Warland takes us behind the scene at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show and shares his insights!
our trilogy of gardens telling the story of Ethiopia’s recovery from the worst famine in living … since the first aid crates fell to earth in Ethiopia. As the visitor leaves the

Charity says UK can learn from success stories in Africa, following today’s launch of Parliamentary FGM report

World Vision UK welcomes today's parliamentary report “Female genital mutilation: the case for a national action plan”.
eliminating the practice in countries like Ethiopia and Niger

Charlotte's Journey with Grow it, Cook it, Share it

Get started with your Grow it, Cook it and Share it journey with our Fundraising Specialist Charlotte!

Ten Million Trees: World Vision at BBC Gardeners' World Live

The second in a trilogy of blog posts from award-winning garden designer John Warland about the second in a trilogy of gardens depicting the recovery in Ethiopia following the 1984 famine and how World Vision helped it happen.
the story of the remarkable recovery of Ethiopia following the most devastating famine in … has managed to create long term change in Ethiopia over the last 30 years. In Birmingham the

Ten Million Trees: World Vision at BBC Gardeners' World Live

The second in a trilogy of blog posts from award-winning garden designer John Warland about the second in a trilogy of gardens depicting the recovery in Ethiopia following the 1984 famine and how World Vision helped it happen.
our trilogy of gardens telling the story of Ethiopia’s recovery from the worst famine in living … change in Ethiopia over the last 30 years. In Birmingham the

We're off to Wychwood Festival with Hope House

This weekend World Vision will be joining our friends at Wychwood Festival to help them celebrate their 10th birthday. We’ll be bringing a merry troupe of artists, events, experiences and our perpetual orange glow of hope for children who are living in the world’s hardest places.
interactive walk through of life in Ethiopia from the famine in 1984 through to present

How Our Upside-Down Garden Is Turning Perceptions On Their Heads

We’re delighted to be working once again with award-winning garden designer John Warland, who explains the inspiration behind the first of three World Vision gardens: the 'upside-down’ aid crate currently on view at RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
talk about the remarkable transformation in Ethiopia in the 30 years since the famine. … to remember the 30th anniversary of the Ethiopian famine. As they explained the

First Steps In Ethiopia

The Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia was one of the worst-affected areas of the 1984 famine. Today it's green, beautiful and lush with crops. World Vision never would have started our work in Ethiopia, however, were it not for this one man.
The Antsokia Valley in Ethiopia was one of the … So it was in the Antsokia Valley of Ethiopia in … came to Ethiopia. He … who are facing the same threats as Ethiopia did 30 years ago. Learn more about our