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104 Search results for ‘Nepal’


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 

2017 news

Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 

World Vision works with app developers so that you can play a part in the fight against poverty

We are partnering with game development studio David and Goliath Games to pioneer a new approach to mobile gaming that empowers gamers to help fight poverty simply by having fun.
Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 

Mental health, at home and abroad

As humanitarian emergencies continue to unfold around the world, children are increasingly exposed to violence and other experiences that leave them in desperate need of psychological first aid.

Hurricane Matthew - World Vision prepares for impact

While powerful Hurricane Matthew bore down on the island of Haiti, World Vision was preparing to help those whose lives may be affected.
Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 

Celebrity Supporters

We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.
she travelled with us to Nepal to see our work following the devastating … trip to Nepal

Truck with 3D image of child refugees brings stark reality of crisis to London

A truck bearing a 3D image of asylum-seeking children, will this morning (Monday 19 September 2016), drive across London to highlight the strife and challenges that child refugees are facing around the world.
Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 

Going for gold: Sports and sponsorship changing lives in Bangladesh

Giving girls access to sport is a great way of building confidence and a sense of empowerment. With the help of a World Vision football project, 14-year-old sponsored child Kolpona has hit the ground running, winning trophies and medals and dreaming of becoming a world-class footballer. Despite living in a poor community in central Bangladesh, Kolpona is optimistic about her future and sees new opportunities emerging…
mates were given the opportunity to go to Nepal to play in the

Breaking the rules | Improving nutrition and encouraging girls into sport in Nepal

Sumina’s mother was adamant: football was not for girls who should be doing household chores. But once she changed her mind, the benefits of the game and the World Vision-recommended diet were clear for her daughter and many other girls in the community...
help support the most vulnerable children in Nepal and help to give them safety and


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18. 

From earth-shaking to high-flying | Helping Nepal's children to stand up and move on

When disaster hits, children are always among the most vulnerable, and not only in the initial crisis. In the days, weeks and months following an emergency, children can be disproportionately hit by after effects such as hunger, disease, emotional trauma and exploitation - particularly if they've lost their home or caregivers...
Back in control Durgab is 15 and lives in Nepal. … Communities in Nepal were left in shock after a magnitude 7.8

Working with DFID to stop child marriage in Nepal

At the Girl Summit in 2014, leaders and organisations from around the world came together and pledged to end child marriage. Today in South-eastern Nepal, World Vision and the UK government are working together to make this goal come true.
Nepal. Hem recalls that she was not as … put an end to child marriage. The project in Nepal is funded by the UK


Me Not Australia   16.  Next Generation Nepal   17.  One Sky Foundation   18.