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245 Search results for ‘Refugees’

Syria's Refugees: Ahmad never had a hobby before

Joining our Child Friendly Space in Lebanon gave Ahmad an opportunity to learn new skills and games, make new friends and start excelling academically. Ahmad’s childhood was saved by the love of art, a couple of games, and a caring environment.
Early Child Education and provided young refugees aged six to

Staggering number of unaccompanied South Sudanese child refugees in Uganda

The number South Sudanese child refugees traveling alone to seek sanctuary in neighbouring Uganda has risen to alarming levels, World Vision has warned.
The number South Sudanese child refugees traveling alone to seek sanctuary in … recently separated child refugees by … refugees from South Sudan every … refugees from South

Life in a South Sudanese camp as an unaccompanied Internally Displaced Person

Ayman* waved his parents goodbye as the small boat left the shore and started floating down the river. Sitting on a wooden bench with his two younger brothers and younger sister, he wondered if he’d ever return.

World Vision UK backs Global Day of Prayer to End Famine

World Vision UK is backing a global prayer day aimed at mobilising millions of Christians to act to prevent the mass starvation of children and their communities in Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen and Nigeria.
and responding to the needs of Nigerian refugees who have fled violence to Chad and Niger.

World Vision joins NGOs in support of 0.7% UK foreign aid commitments

The UK’s leading NGOs are calling on all major political parties to honour the nation’s legal promise to spend 0.7% of gross national income on aid, and extend the UKs leadership in promoting stability, fairness and prosperity around the world.
Foreign aid helps feed South Sudanese refugees who have fled conflict The UK’s leading

Brussels Conference: World Vision welcomes progress, but urges protection for Syrian children

International children’s charity World Vision has today urged for concrete action to protect Syria’s children following a major international conference with world leaders in Brussels.
as is the continued commitment to support refugees and to education to prevent a lost

A $4 meal for a taste of home

For Mayssa, a Syrian mother displaced by conflict, the $4 dollars she rations for each meal is enough to give her three children a little taste of home. What would you be able to make with $4?
in its seventh year. Over a million Syrian refugees currently reside in neighbouring Lebanon. … work in Lebanon has been providing Syrian refugees with

Brussels Conference: World Vision warns children are fighting the war in Syria

International children’s charity World Vision has today warned that the recruitment of children into militia is rising in war-torn Syria.

Caring for children in conflict: Child's play

All children love to play, whether at home or away. Children in the Lake Chad Basin are no different.

Drought and conflict in South Sudan fuelling the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis

International Children’s charity World Vision UK, is today warning of the soaring refugee crisis as drought and conflict in South Sudan force people to flee to neighbouring Uganda.
four refugees every minute.  More than half a million … South Sudanese refugees in Uganda. This latest development now means

East Africa Crisis Update

Tens of thousands of children could starve to death as famine, food and water shortages affect 22 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Somalia.
refugees and host communities received safe drinking

Survivor of rape in conflict praises Angelina Jolie and UK government

Angela Atim of Watye ki Gen meets Angelina Jolie at UK government to support survivors of sexual violence in conflict.
envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees

11 things you can do right now to help end violence against children

World Vision’s campaign ‘It takes a world to end violence against children’ was named because no one individual, group or organisation can solve this problem alone.

Partnering with Microsoft & Facebook to bridge education gap and teach Syrian child refugees using digital technology

International children’s charity World Vision is partnering with Microsoft, Google, Cisco Facebook; and other tech companies to host the #EdTech summit (01-02 March) which aims to inspire Syrian refugee children to harness the power of technology.

Identity Crisis in the Lake Chad Basin

With no home, family or jobs refugees in the Sayam Refugee and Displaced People’s Camp in the Lake Chad Basin struggle with their sense of identity. World Vision spoke to three refugees to hear what the crisis has taken from them and how they are trying to cope. Nelly’s family found shelter in one of Armenia’s remote communities, which also happens to be supported by our child sponsors in the UK – Stepanavan, located in the northern part of the country. In Stepanavan, the mayor helped to find the family a small house to live in, and our office provided the family with a cow, as well as the necessary bedding for the new house, and helped to register them in the local schools. Today Nelly and her four siblings are all sponsored children.
family or jobs refugees in the Sayam Refugee and Displaced People’s … of identity. World Vision spoke to three refugees to hear what the crisis has taken from them

A view from the other side : refugees in the West

As the Pope dedicates today to remembering the many children and families fleeing conflict and seeking safety around the world, our Senior Child Rights Policy Advisor Erica Hall writes about her own experiences opening her home and her heart to refugees, and why there is always room for one more.
watching the evolution of the rhetoric on refugees with great … refugees from a range of countries have come in and … Communications Officer Aida Sunje walks with refugees travelling on foot through Serbia during

World Vision backs Pope’s message ahead of World Day of Migrants and Refugees

International children’s charity World Vision UK has echoed the Pope’s call for world leaders to accept more child refugees fleeing conflicts and persecution across the world.
call for world leaders to accept more child refugees fleeing conflicts and persecution across the … is World Day of Migrants and Refugees and Pope Francis

Light up Syria’s dark days with a message of hope

Aleppo’s destruction has left Syrian children facing some of their darkest days yet. We also know that Aleppo is only one of many besieged cities in Syria and another 400,000 people may be living in similar, if not worse situations.

Fleeing Aleppo: one family’s story of leaving the war-torn city

The fighting in Aleppo has intensified, but the evacuations of families from Eastern Aleppo has been suspended. Before the suspension, 8,000 families escaped on buses. Many left without any belongings or food. The UN believes at least 2,700 children were among the evacuees. Some left without their parents.

World Vision laments world leaders’ failure to enact UN resolution on Aleppo

International children’s charity, World Vision has lamented the failure by world leaders to agree on a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have paved way for a seven-day truce in Syria's war-torn city of Aleppo.
the surrounding countryside to places where refugees are fleeing to. We are providing